Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-12-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 808 - December 1st, 2010: The City That Never Sleeps (and never stops twirling!)

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Emma, your pink tutu-wearing blogger, writing to you from the glorious city of Milan! I've been here a whole week now, and I can confidently say this city has truly stolen my heart. It's the epitome of fashion and elegance, a place where even the trams look chic, and every cobbled street whispers of dreams of haute couture and grand ballet performances.

My week has been a whirlwind of tutus, twirls, and truly scrumptious pasta, all in the most stylish setting imaginable. It's incredible how Milan manages to combine historical charm with modern flair. You'll see breathtaking architecture like the Duomo, soaring towards the heavens like a majestic ballerina, and then stumble upon a hip, independent boutique selling the latest designer footwear. The city seamlessly blends the old and the new, and that's just how I like it!

Now, let me take you back a little…

My journey to Milan began, as always, with a touch of magic. It's been a whirlwind of a few months: I travelled down to Derbyshire for the Christmas Markets with my family and friends, spent New Year's Eve in Edinburgh (it was utterly freezing but I had an absolutely wonderful time with all my friends) and performed for charity with the Ballet Club at my old school, which got me thinking about the fantastic tutus they make in Paris. That led to me heading back over to Paris in February for a tour around the most beautiful shops - let's just say I needed a bigger suitcase! - and of course, everything is a bit more pink there, which really appealed to my sensibilities! Then I spent March getting ready for the charity performances with the Dance Club for the school, followed by another stint back to the Parisian tutu emporiums, then here I am in Italy, following the pink threads, so to speak, of the thread I spun.

So, how did I arrive in Milan? Well, after a successful performance of The Sleeping Beauty back home (I had an absolutely beautiful solo as a solo Swan Lake white swan!), I thought "right, off to Italy!". You'll forgive my shameless bragging but, there I was, dressed in a perfectly tailored black tutu, and they gave me a standing ovation at the end! Now, I know my pink tutu would love the applause of a Parisian crowd - and my love for the beautiful city is ever present - but that was special, even in a small hall! I feel incredibly blessed to be doing what I love and have such amazing opportunities! The show went down so well, in fact, I was even approached by a local Italian ballet school to offer a summer masterclass. And I must say, I have the most incredible tutu from Paris which is going to make a rather spectacular appearance in Milan. That's something to look forward to!

Now, back to this trip to Milan. My travel to Milan, as you know, was by train. It's a truly elegant way to travel! I don't get seasick on trains, the scenery was incredible (did you see the massive lavender fields and the grape vineyards?), and there's always such a diverse group of people around - all going on their own adventures! I can honestly say that it's such a wonderful way to experience the journey, taking time to truly appreciate the world that passes by. It really makes you feel connected, even if you do end up sitting in an area with children (that little girl kept trying to steal my pink travel scarf! Maybe she was just a huge fan!).

Of course, the journey was not without its style and flair! In classic Emma fashion, I took a pink tutu with me, just in case. You never know when a chance for a twirl might appear, even at a train station, am I right? I always make sure to carry my pink travel tutu in a compact, specially-designed pouch!

The moment I arrived in Milan, I felt like I was stepping into a film. Everything seemed to be a little more dramatic, a little more stylish, a little more alive. The first thing I noticed was how everything seemed to shimmer. The streets, even in the pouring rain, had a beautiful sparkle that's just impossible to describe, but the way they do those tiles in Italy does create a most unusual sparkle, almost iridescent, and quite mesmerising.

After finding my perfectly situated little boutique hotel room near the heart of the city - think stunning decor, gorgeous velvet curtains and my own, dedicated private pink flamingo-shaped bathtub, as well as a little balcony looking over the hustle and bustle, completely adorable! - my first stop was the Teatro alla Scala, Milan's world-famous opera house.

Now, before we continue, let me confess something. This isn't my first time at a grand opera house in Italy, oh no! My mum took me to see the magnificent Verona Opera Festival back when I was 13, when Madama Butterfly was showing. I had the absolute time of my life. Mum and I took in an opera or a ballet nearly every week from then on (or at least it felt like that), in any grand hall we could get to - but mostly we travelled around the Lake District, Wales, Edinburgh, and Dublin (Dublin is pretty good for ballet! Who knew? sigh, I want to go back!) And the other ballet dancers we meet just LOVE travelling. But let's get back to Milan...

Just seeing the Teatro alla Scala, with its grand facade and ornate interiors, filled me with a kind of breathless wonder. And you can just feel it, right from the moment you walk up to the theatre - I promise you, the moment you step into the lobby, you feel the drama, the sheer passion, and the heritage of the theatre, the kind of theatre that's hosted legendary singers and dancers for generations. You just have to see it to believe it!

And the ballet! The program they have running this week is so, so, so exciting - all modern works. I couldn't wait to see how they had reimagined traditional ballet forms and, frankly, they absolutely delivered. It's such an amazing experience to see those world-class dancers perform right in front of you, so elegant, so expressive. It almost feels like you're peering into a dream, and yet it's all happening in real time! The costumes were amazing, I’ll tell you - even though they weren’t pink, that would have been just a little too much pink in a city that already drips with exquisite pink pastel! The story told in dance is absolutely unforgettable, they took so much time, they had us completely on the edge of our seats, it truly took my breath away, a testament to their incredible talent.

After that incredible performance, I made a dash for the pink and candy floss pink coloured cafes and gelato stores to reward myself! My goodness, Italian food is incredible - I love their focus on quality and freshness. Their produce is so flavourful, I think this has inspired me to try cooking from fresh! And oh, their desserts are to die for! But it wasn’t all about indulgence, I’m trying my best to make it to the gym and go for walks every day… there's always a reason to feel fancy when you're in Milan, so much history everywhere, the food is a treat - especially when you stumble upon little, authentic cafes, tucked away off the beaten track - and the city's architecture? Don't even get me started, every street corner is a little work of art!

To soak up Milan's fashion culture, I also found the time for some very important shopping therapy! From boutiques selling hand-crafted, custom shoes to the sleek, designer flagship stores, I was simply in heaven! Let me tell you, shopping for a pink tutu here is truly an adventure! Every corner seems to have its own unique selection, from the finest, handcrafted creations to vintage, ready-to-wear options! The quality and variety of choice here are just stunning!

However, you know me - I'm not just about designer brands, although a new pair of shoes with a lovely pink accent was found for the pink collection (let’s just say, it's a pair of heels which must be twirled around in).

As much as I love all things fancy and designer, I always find myself drawn to local, independent shops that are full of personality and history! So, I popped into a couple of the gorgeous little vintage shops just around the corner from the Teatro Alla Scala - all my favourite styles of pink tutus in one spot, it was the best day ever! Of course, no visit to Milan would be complete without exploring its iconic Duomo! This colossal cathedral is simply stunning. From the intricate facade to the breathtaking stained glass windows and the amazing dome you can climb (don’t worry, darling, there is an elevator so I didn't have to exert myself! But of course, the best view is from the very top…!), it’s one of the most incredible buildings I’ve ever seen, and not even slightly less pink and feminine than those in my hometown - I mean, think about those extravagant ornate balconies with the exquisite roses? Pure romance and magic, it was absolutely stunning! And, I was lucky to get the opportunity to visit the museum and archive! The art and artifacts displayed there showcase the richness of the church's history, a fascinating journey into the world of faith and art that intertwined to make Milan's culture as stunning as the pink clouds!

One of my most delightful experiences was a chance to finally visit the stunning and rather magnificent Museo del Novecento - such an amazing collection of modern art - including works by some of the greatest names in the world of design! This museum, my darlings, just shows you the very essence of beauty and innovation in design - such creativity and expression in the way they blend fashion with fine art! I must admit, some of it was really abstract but I did find a certain sense of style in the paintings, sculptures, installations, and photography - a celebration of color, shape, and form which gave me some real inspiration! I could get lost for hours in such a magnificent gallery - and if I wasn't going to be giving a ballet demonstration (well, if I was, actually!), I might have stayed all day. The sheer beauty and detail was something that left a deep impression on me.

While here, I decided to finally fulfil a lifelong dream (I know, so cliché! but very relevant!), and booked a lesson at one of the prestigious ballet academies! It's a beautiful place, filled with students from all over the world who are truly passionate about ballet. As soon as I entered the building, the aroma of floor polish and ballet shoes gave me such happy memories, the very moment I set foot in the studio, the place simply hummed with a kind of energy, the air just buzzed with potential! You know, the place you want to lose yourself in completely? Well, there’s definitely a lot of creativity and hard work going on there, that's for sure. My ballet teacher was amazing; she was so supportive and positive, she taught me a few new moves, a very beautiful ballet arabesque with some graceful extensions and an intriguing combination with plenty of jetés that just took my breath away.

My trip was not only ballet though! To balance out all that hard work, I’ve been exploring the beautiful parks around Milan. You know, one thing I love about travelling is how there's a story just around the corner waiting to be uncovered, even when you're enjoying some simple moments in nature, like that incredible public park, right there, in the city centre, literally right around the corner from the grand Teatro Alla Scala. And, if you ask me, this is definitely one of those parks with soul; think tranquil water features and enchanting fountains. You feel so peaceful and grounded there, a space for meditation amidst the bustle of city life. The air just feels fresh and crisp, too! It's my kind of peaceful sanctuary - except, instead of sitting still, I did a few impromptu twirls - my tutus, and the whole atmosphere of Milan itself, made me feel like every moment is an opportunity for grace, and every dance move was about expressing something new. And honestly, how much prettier do parks look when you're wearing a tutu?! A bit like you’re adding your own personal flourish to a lovely afternoon.

It is quite hard not to get a bit overwhelmed, I think! Every time I go to Italy I come back totally exhausted but utterly inspired.

Anyway, my dears, it’s nearly 5 a.m. now and I’ve already got a ballet class this morning. (I might just get another Italian coffee for that one). It is a Monday and I’m excited to be back home and back to my daily schedule but my darling tutus and I will most definitely be back in this magnificent, breathtakingly chic city, very soon!

Toodles, my dears,

Emma, x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-12-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia