Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-07-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Wednesday 2011-07-06 - Post #839

Buongiorno, darlings! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s Pink Tutu Milan day! This week, I'm writing to you from the heart of Italy, the beautiful, bustling, fashion-forward city of Milan! I’ve been in Milan for the past week and haven’t quite caught up on my sleep after my adventures in this city of dreams, so buckle up buttercups, because this one is going to be a whirlwind tour through my very pink and very tutu filled week!

Firstly, let’s talk about travel! This week I came to Milan by train – the romantic option! A sprawling train station full of chatter and anticipation – the perfect place to get some people-watching done. I took in the bustling energy of the travellers, all heading off to different destinations. It really gives you that feeling that the whole world is alive and moving. Then, there was the journey itself! Through lush green countryside with rolling hills and sun-drenched fields – a welcome change from the concrete jungles I often find myself in. And you just can’t beat a cuppa and a scone from the on-board trolley! It felt like travelling in a time capsule!

My favourite thing about getting to Milan is actually the journey in! A new city, new experiences, and an almost nostalgic journey - that's my idea of the perfect travel experience.

But right, let’s talk about why I am in Milan – to see a ballet, of course! And not just any ballet - I've been saving up to see "Giselle" by the prestigious Teatro alla Scala in Milan. I managed to snag a front row seat and boy, did it not disappoint! The performance was absolutely breathtaking! The sheer talent, the precision, and the beauty of the dance made my heart flutter. The sets and costumes were truly enchanting, and the music sent shivers down my spine. Every twist and twirl, every graceful leap - it was pure artistry, it was pure passion, it was pure ballet magic!

But let’s be honest, you can’t just come to Milan for one reason. The fashion capital of the world demands a proper exploration, especially from a pink tutu wearing, fashion-loving girly girl like me. And I am not going to lie, Milan is one shopping paradise! I got to walk through the city's iconic Via Monte Napoleone. Let’s just say the shops in this street are like a visual feast for the eyes! Rows upon rows of designer names - Valentino, Prada, Chanel, you name it! And what really struck me were the shop window displays! Like, I’m not talking ordinary displays - they were art installations! They’d really used the space to showcase their items, transforming ordinary storefronts into works of art.

It's all so glamorous here! You can't go around Milan without catching a glimpse of style on the streets too. It was inspiring to see the unique style of the Milanese - flawless tailoring, chic accessories, and even some fashion trends I haven’t even seen yet! And the outfits were more colorful than I had imagined – I am not saying everyone was wearing pink tutus, but it wouldn't have surprised me! (It really wouldn't). The style on the street gave me so much inspiration - It's really exciting to see different approaches to fashion and creativity – truly inspiring! I definitely picked up some fashion tips! For instance, that perfect shade of red! Milan really knows how to do fashion, so let’s just say the pink tutu’s were not feeling lonely in this fashion capital of the world!

After a day of fashion shopping, my tummy was rumbling for some real Italian cuisine. This week’s Milan exploration really included delicious meals! The pizzas were thin, crispy, and loaded with flavorful toppings! I'd never tasted pizza like this before! And let's not forget the pasta, oh my, fresh and creamy, the ultimate indulgence! Even the coffee tasted better – they truly do things differently here! I definitely had the opportunity to get to know Italian flavours - and let's just say my taste buds have been doing a happy dance all week long!

Speaking of a happy dance, we can’t talk about Milan without mentioning its beautiful architecture! You've just got to walk around this historic city to appreciate it! The majestic Duomo, with its stunning marble facade, stood out like a dream. Every cobblestone street had its own charming story, every ancient building was like a page from history. There's just this magical quality to this place that’s impossible to describe! And even if you weren’t feeling particularly elegant or feminine that day, walking past some of the majestic buildings will bring a certain magic into the air. A graceful step, a refined movement, the elegant and chic nature of this beautiful Italian city will rub off on you – I promise you!

Then there are the tram rides! There's nothing quite like sitting in a classic Milanese tram, watching the city slide by outside the window. The vintage trams are not only functional, but they have so much charm, don’t you think? The clinking, the rattling, it adds a unique sound to this bustling city. It makes me think that, even with the constant updates and modernizations, there’s still something to be said for tradition – something about holding onto those pieces of the past that makes this city unique. And those rides have made it so much easier for me to get to know this city on a deeper level.

However, one thing I didn't know is that the trams don’t always run late into the night. A bit of a shame because there’s so much more to explore! Thankfully, my week here didn’t include a lot of nighttime journeys as it was the start of the July heatwave. I did try to take a walk around the park on Friday evening – my new go-to place for some fresh air in the evenings! There was nothing like an evening stroll in the warm air with an ice-cold gelato in hand to help me chill out! A little taste of paradise if you ask me!

So, there you have it! My whirlwind tour of Milan. As you all know, the ballet scene, the shops, and even the tramlines have been treated to a splash of pink and a whole lotta tutu during my week in Milan. And the great thing about Milan is you can never have enough - whether it’s the perfect piece of pasta, another exquisite ballet performance, or even the perfect pink dress – you just have to go back for more. So thank you, beautiful Milan for another wonderful week – it will not be my last visit for sure!

Until next week darlings, and remember to wear pink and tutus every chance you get, it makes life a little bit brighter and a whole lot more fun!

Emma x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-07-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia