Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2012-01-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Wednesday 2012-01-25 (Post #868)

Ciao bella!

It’s Emma here, writing to you from the beautiful city of Milan! I’ve just finished a stunning performance with the Teatro alla Scala Ballet, and I’m positively buzzing with excitement. I think we’ll need a whole separate blog post just for that performance! For now, though, I wanted to share a little bit about my fabulous Wednesday here in Italy.

It’s a bit chilly today – well, chilly by my usual Derbyshire standards! The sun is shining, and I’m sitting here, enjoying the gentle bustle of the city with a warm cappuccino and a delicious almond croissant. Life doesn't get much better than this!

Oh, and if you’re wondering, yes, I’m still wearing my pink tutu. Let’s face it, it’s a universal language, and it's absolutely perfect for navigating the elegant streets of Milan! Today I'm wearing my vintage tulle creation, layered over a cream satin skirt and paired with a blush pink cashmere sweater. I felt positively radiant when I boarded the tram to head into the city centre!

Now, let me tell you about my morning…

It all began with the most perfect sunrise. As soon as the first rays of dawn kissed the terracotta rooftops, I hopped out of bed, donned my tutu, and went for a brisk walk through the beautiful Piazza del Duomo. Milan in the morning is so enchanting. The streets are quiet, except for the clatter of a few passing scooters and the sound of my own ballet shoes tapping lightly against the cobblestones. You’ve got to love the unique symphony of city life!

It was a day for exploring the smaller, more hidden gems of Milan, so I decided to venture off the beaten path. Today, my little Pink Tutu mission was to discover the best ballet shoe shops in the city. And guess what? I did!

My first stop was a little boutique called La Scarpa Ballerina, nestled away on a quiet side street in the Brera district. The shop itself was a vision in pink and cream! It felt so much like stepping back in time with antique mirrors and delicate ballet posters adorning the walls. I even spotted a pair of genuine pointe shoes from the late 19th century.

Naturally, I couldn’t leave without indulging in a little bit of shoe shopping. I came home with the most divine pair of soft, buttery-soft pink ballet slippers – the kind you can just sink your toes into!

But the real star of the day was the "Giardini di Piazzale Loreto." I knew this beautiful, serene park from a local's recommendation. It was an oasis of calm amidst the bustling city. I couldn't resist settling onto a bench, tucking my ballet slippers into my bag, and watching the locals. A troupe of teenagers practiced some graceful contemporary moves, and a group of young children skipped and chased pigeons.

It was just the most perfect setting to practice my barre routine. It was a little warm under my cashmere sweater by this point, and I couldn't resist taking my sweater off and swirling my pink tulle tutu while practicing the moves.

If there was any other day I could have had a coffee at the Piazza della Scala, this was it. The magnificent opera house stood as a silent, yet ever-present, reminder of Milan's cultural heritage.

Later that evening, after I’d had a leisurely lunch at a local trattoria and done some window-shopping on Via Montenapoleone – they really have the most extraordinary selection of ballet-inspired fashion, I have to say! – it was time for the ballet.

The show was utterly mesmerizing. From the delicate, light movements of the corps de ballet to the bold, powerful leaps of the principal dancer, every moment was a feast for the senses. I just wanted to get up there on stage and join them!

As I sat there, watching the dancers twirl and pirouette across the stage, a thought occurred to me: the real magic of ballet isn't just about the steps, or even the costumes. It’s about the passion, the emotion, and the incredible human connection. It’s about that moment when everything fades away, and you’re transported to another world.

This is a message that needs to be shared with everyone! Everyone deserves a bit of the magic of ballet, especially my Derbyshire family. It’s why I’m on my Pink Tutu Mission. So tell you what, I’ve got a fun challenge for all you lovely readers: Let’s spread some pink tutu love! Next time you go to the shops, grab a bright pink tulle skirt or some adorable ballet flats and show off your inner ballerina. Who knows, you might even start a pink tutu revolution!

Oh, before I forget, I’m going to share a few photos on Instagram of my amazing day in Milan! Check them out @PinkTutuTravel.

And just for a little extra fun, here's my list of 5 top tips for travelling in Milan like a Pink Tutu-clad ballerine:

  1. Embrace the Tram! Forget about taxis or navigating crowded underground stations. The tram is the way to go, trust me! You can sit by the window, admiring the view, while imagining you’re floating along a Parisian boulevard.

  2. Grab a Cappuccino! This is Italy, it would be rude not to! A cappuccino and a sweet treat are the perfect way to start your day in style.

  3. Don’t Forget Your Pink Tutu! The streets of Milan are your stage. Wear it proudly, with confidence, and watch the world become your ballet studio.

  4. Hit the Theatre! It’s called La Scala, people! No, really, go and take a tour! There is a reason it is one of the most prestigious and magnificent theatres in the world.

  5. Keep an Eye on your Ballet Shoes! With so much exciting ballet inspiration all around you, it's natural to feel the need to slip into your dancing shoes. So be sure to bring them, but try not to accidentally perform a grand jeté across Piazza del Duomo, unless there’s a stage for it nearby!

And finally, dear readers, I have to leave you with this. Every day is an opportunity to dance. Life is full of wonderful moments waiting to be seized, just like that magical pirouette where you seem to float effortlessly for a moment, completely in tune with the music and your body.

So grab a pair of pink tutus, spin with confidence, and never let anyone tell you can't!

Ci vediamo!

Emma x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2012-01-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia