Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2012-06-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Ciao Bella! Post 889 - Wednesday 2012-06-20

Ciao, darlings! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind weekend in Milano! My pink tutu is positively dusted with glitter from the weekend's escapades. Let me tell you, Italy is a treasure trove for a tutu-loving fashionista like myself, and Milan is a shining jewel in that crown.

It all began with a leap of faith, literally! My weekend started with a magnificent performance at the Teatro alla Scala. The stage shimmered under the grand chandelier, and the performance of Swan Lake was breathtaking. The prima ballerina, Elena, moved with such grace and power, I nearly lost my own dancing shoes. It was a privilege to witness her talent. I had a moment where I closed my eyes and thought "This is my dream," to dance in front of such an audience in a magnificent venue. Maybe someday!

Afterwards, it was a quick nip across the piazza for some gelato. This was a must-do. Imagine a perfectly smooth vanilla gelato melting in your mouth, kissed by a touch of heavenly pistachio and all topped with a swirl of heavenly hazelnut. Ah! It’s moments like these I realize I'm utterly, truly, head over heels in love with this glorious country.

Milan, of course, is a city where fashion reigns supreme, so naturally, my weekend wasn't complete without a spot of shopping. Excuse me, but doesn't every tutu-wearing fashionista need a new pair of shoes? My trusty old "ballet" plimsolls have seen better days (and I really am loving my new ones...more on that later!). But let's be honest, the Italian love for elegance is truly infectious. It's almost impossible not to feel fabulous strolling down Milan's stylish streets with a brand new, perfect pair of shoes!

For the second day in Milano, we took the tram to the Brera district (the tram ride itself was a treat – ooh, la la, the view was a sight to behold! All those beautiful buildings!) And just as soon as I felt the cobblestones beneath my ballet shoes, my artistic soul felt inspired. The Brera art district with its charming courtyards, ancient buildings, and incredible galleries. It was just like stepping into a storybook. I had my notebook with me and took the opportunity to write in it. My favorite bit was the Museo Poldi Pezzoli. It's full of intricate details, a real kaleidoscope of beauty. If I could steal a piece or two, I would have been ecstatic (But alas, you have to behave, even when in a pink tutu, dear readers, even if that doesn't feel possible).

And now for the main event, the heart and soul of my journey, and, you know, what I came to Milan for: Ballet in the heart of the city! The Milano Ballet Theatre put on a truly exceptional show on Saturday evening. This time, a modern interpretation of Romeo and Juliet. Now, I’ve seen countless versions of this classic story, and always loved it. But this one took my breath away! The choreography was mesmerizing – with movements as light and delicate as a feather and bold and powerful as a wave. They weren't just dancers, they were artists.

*And just a tiny tidbit of information: * my lovely pink tutu found a new friend on Saturday! A local ballet dancer named Clara who also wears tutus for performance. She was incredibly enthusiastic when I asked her to wear pink, too! We even went to a café, and talked for hours. We have so much in common, it was quite incredible. I think I'll go see Clara at one of her classes when I'm back in Milano.

Back in my Derbyshire hotel room – a bit less glamourous than Milan’s palaces! I'm already dreaming about my next adventure, writing about it in my little notebook. It's this sort of magic that keeps me twirling – the new experiences, the inspiration, the sheer joy of sharing these stories with you.

But before you go, my loves, I have to tell you about the absolute best part of the trip: I met a little girl named Elena in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II (an enchanting shopping arcade! Just incredible.) Elena was dressed in a delightful yellow tutu and told me about how much she loves ballet! And you know me... It wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Milan trip without some pink tutu proselyting, so I whispered to Elena's mother about how amazing a pink tutu would be, and before I knew it, Elena was sporting a brand new sparkly pink tutu just like mine! See, my loves, it’s contagious! My mission, if you will, is getting more people to join the pink tutu tribe.

Oh, before I forget! * My little, well, *very big, secret is... * I'm on the lookout for my next exciting trip. So far, my tutu-filled travel schedule includes a trip to the vibrant city of Seville and then... drumroll please… * Paris!** (Ooh la la… how wonderful it's going to be!)

In the meantime, my darlings, don't forget to twirl!

*Until next time, *

Your dearest,

Emma x x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2012-06-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia