Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2012-10-24 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #907 - Wednesday 2012-10-24

Buongiorno bella!

Welcome back to my weekly Pink Tutu Milan diary, straight from the cobbled streets of this fashion capital! Today, I’m practically bursting with excitement. Not just because I've found a phenomenal vintage hat shop and bagged a fabulous new, blush-pink, feathered fascinator, but because it’s Wednesday, which means… BALLET!

And not just any ballet, mind you! Today’s show at Teatro alla Scala is "La Bayadère," with a gorgeous costume design by the legendary Karl Lagerfeld. You can imagine the buzz in the city right now, everyone talking about it.

But before I get ahead of myself, let me tell you how this magical journey unfolded.

The Day Began in Pink

As usual, I started the morning in my favourite pink silk pyjamas, complete with a matching tutu, of course! It’s important to begin the day with a touch of feminine energy, don’t you think?

Then it was breakfast: a delicate croissant, a tiny pot of cherry jam, and a large pot of fragrant Earl Grey tea. Yes, it's a sophisticated life for this pink-tutu-wearing blogger, but it's the little details that count!

After dressing (a pretty, coral silk top paired with my lucky denim skirt, naturally) I headed out to explore Milan’s beauty. The autumnal sunshine filtered through the leaves of the majestic chestnut trees in Piazza della Scala, their gold and auburn colours almost as stunning as the colours of my new fascinator. I couldn’t wait to wear it to the theatre!

Milan's Tram Charm

My favourite mode of transport in Milan is the tram. Something about its rumbling progress and gentle clinking as it negotiates the tracks just suits the city’s air of quiet grace. It's the perfect vehicle to people-watch, soaking in the city's vibes, from the well-dressed businessmen to the stylishly trendy ladies (I just love how Italians have this effortless fashion sense).

A Little Vintage Shopping Therapy

One stop I had to make before ballet practice was to this new little shop I discovered. Tucked away on a charming backstreet, it's called 'La Belle Époque,' and inside, it's pure magic! Imagine rows and rows of beautifully displayed hats and veils from the 1920s and 30s. A dream for any vintage lover like me! I found my little feathered fascinator nestled amongst vintage boas and fascinators of every shade and style. It was fate!

Finding Inspiration at a Ballet Class

Next, I popped into the beautiful studio at the Teatro alla Scala. A true sanctuary of grace and artistry. There, surrounded by the echoes of delicate steps and hushed voices, I warmed up and worked on some basic steps before getting lost in the elegance of the graceful arabesques and pliés. Oh, the sheer joy of being a ballerina! It always leaves me feeling inspired and energised, ready to take on the world!

Preparing for the Premiere

The excitement was definitely building. I spent a good hour getting ready in my hotel room. It’s always fun getting dolled up, putting on a show for myself, even when it's not actually a performance! A touch of red lipstick and a delicate silver necklace were all I needed to complete my look for the evening. Then, I slipped into my new fascinator, carefully adjusting its plume to frame my face. Oh, how it suited my bright pink tulle skirt! It felt perfectly chic and whimsical – a perfect blend of feminine charm and Italian sophistication!

The Beauty of Teatro alla Scala

Walking into Teatro alla Scala is like stepping back in time. Its opulent interior is a breathtaking feast for the senses. The gilded balconies, the ornate velvet seating, and the towering painted ceiling – all imbued with a history of timeless elegance and passion for the arts. It's a fitting stage for a spectacle as grand as "La Bayadère."

La Bayadère – A Dance of Romance and Passion

I settled into my seat, ready for the spectacle to unfold. From the first soft notes of the overture, I was transported. The story, set in ancient India, was a beautiful blend of romance, tragedy, and dramatic storytelling, expressed through the graceful, powerful language of ballet. The dancers were utterly magnificent – the delicate pirouettes, the graceful extensions, the passionate leaps. Their bodies spoke of emotions that words could only strive to capture.

And then there was the choreography! So exquisite, so dramatic! It mirrored the emotions of the story, and with Lagerfeld’s stunning costumes, it created a vibrant spectacle of colour and movement that held my breath captive.

Dinner with a Side of Italian Charm

After the ballet, I wandered the illuminated streets of Milan, soaking up the charm of the city under the starlit sky. I decided to grab a quick bite at a small trattoria nestled in the heart of a picturesque backstreet. There I savoured a delicious pasta dish, watching the locals chatting animatedly over steaming plates of food.

Later, I ended my day back in my hotel room, reflecting on another magical evening. As I drifted off to sleep, the graceful movements of the dancers danced in my mind. It's not just about the dance, it's about the experience, the connection to something larger than myself, the celebration of beauty and art that leaves you feeling lifted, renewed.

Monday’s Blog: A Fashion Adventure in Milan

But I must go now. It’s getting late. A big day tomorrow! You see, I’m headed on a shopping adventure in the heart of Milan's fashion district. You won't believe what I’ve planned!

Join me on Monday, when I'll be sharing all the pink tutu delights, style inspiration, and perhaps even some behind-the-scenes fashion secrets!

Until then, stay fabulous, keep dreaming pink, and don't forget:

Live life in a pink tutu!

Your favourite Derbyshire blogger,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2012-10-24 ballet blog from Milano Italia