Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-01-30 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #921: A Whirlwind of Italian Fashion and Dance

Buongiorno, darlings!

It's Wednesday, the 30th of January, and Emma's here, ready to spill the tea - or should I say, the limoncello? - on my whirlwind adventures in Milan, Italy. Let me tell you, this city is just as vibrant and dynamic as a spinning ballerina, but with even more fabulous shoes!

I've landed in the heart of Italian fashion, a dream come true for any pink tutu aficionado! This week has been a whirl of cobbled streets, incredible architecture, and breathtaking performances. Oh, and let's not forget the shopping! It's enough to make your head spin.

A Glimpse into a Fashion Dream

Milan has been on my radar for years. It's the capital of fashion, with a legacy of timeless style that resonates worldwide. As a girl who lives in tutus, there's something intrinsically captivating about a city that exudes sophistication, artistry, and, dare I say it, a certain whimsical charm!

From the moment I arrived, I felt transported to a wonderland of creativity and design. Just wandering through the city is an inspiration in itself. The shops! My, oh my, the shops! Every boutique boasts stunning displays, overflowing with beautiful dresses, luxurious fabrics, and sleek accessories. My camera hasn't stopped clicking!

It's been impossible not to soak in the vibrant hues, luxurious textures, and the artistic flourishes of Milanese design. From the intricately designed doors of grand cathedrals to the modern lines of contemporary architecture, the city feels like a giant, stunning canvas for artistic expression. Even the street performers – with their dramatic poses, flowing fabrics, and dazzling makeup - feel like part of a larger theatrical production.

An Italian Waltz at La Scala

This week's big highlight? Witnessing the magic of ballet at Teatro alla Scala. La Scala, or "The Scale," is a historical masterpiece, known throughout the world for its grandeur and awe-inspiring acoustics. It is one of the most important opera houses in the world! Standing under its massive, ornate archway, I felt like a small, trembling petal in the middle of a giant, blooming rose.

This week, it was "La Bayadère," a timeless romantic story set against the backdrop of ancient India. The dancers were incredible, their movements so expressive and their leaps so impossibly graceful. And the costumes, my darlings, the costumes! They were like dreamscapes of colour and shimmering jewels, a feast for the eyes. The audience was mesmerised, and I'm not exaggerating. When the curtain fell, the silence was deafening, and then it burst into a thunderous applause. I think my heart skipped a beat.

After the performance, we wandered through the city under the twinkling night lights, savouring the atmosphere of post-show euphoria. I even managed to find a tiny, tucked-away Italian bakery that was still open – the aroma of fresh, warm pastries was intoxicating. My friends all tried to tempt me with these delectable delights but I was feeling slightly self-indulgent and so stuck to a simple coffee and indulged in the beauty of the night.

Taking Flight at Ballet School

One of my favourite things to do when I travel is to find a ballet studio and drop in for a class. Here in Milan, I discovered "Il Giardino delle Fate," a quaint, hidden-away studio with a charming and welcoming energy. It's like a little secret oasis amidst the hustle and bustle of city life. The instructors are warm and passionate, and the students, a delightful mix of all ages. There’s nothing like seeing a little one learning pirouettes while a grand dame practices grand jetés.

The class I attended was full of energy and passion, with everyone working hard but always with a smile. I learned some lovely new movements – the Italians seem to have a real flair for dancing. I must confess I feel a little shy at the start of these classes. A fellow student even told me how amazing I was to be dancing at La Scala - which I found quite funny considering it was me taking the beginner class, the most simple ballet techniques! They say, of course, that 'Rome wasn’t built in a day, but maybe a tutus should have been worn, right?'

Trams and Tea with my Travel Buddies

In a city with such incredible history, I find myself easily transported to another time - to a different era of lace gloves and silk gowns. It's easy to see the echoes of bygone days in every street corner, in the magnificent buildings and even the friendly chatter on the trams.

Milan's tram system is not only efficient but also incredibly stylish. Think gleaming red and green carriages, all intricately designed with ornate metal detailing, like an antique jewelry box, but with wheels! They glide silently through the streets, whisking you from one grand attraction to another with a sense of timeless grace. I just love riding on them!

You see, I find it magical - even whimsical. If I was ever to feel like the whole world is moving a little too fast, and things too often just don't have a magical feel about them - a hop on a tram or a journey on the train feels like I’m getting transported to my own private fairytale. Of course, in the heart of fashion-conscious Milan, it’s impossible to forget the people who fill the tram with their stylish flair. I especially loved watching Milanese women getting off trams at stations - every outfit felt like a work of art and they moved with effortless grace. I felt I had so much to learn from their sense of style! It’s so much fun. The sheer fashion consciousness of Milan just blows me away - everyone looks so stylish - there are so many inspirational outfits for every occasion.

Every morning, I wake up with the exciting anticipation of finding my new favourite outfits while I wander past shop windows filled with all the colour and charm the city has to offer.

A Pink Tutu Revolution in the City of Fashion

As you know, my dear readers, I believe in the power of pink tutus. They are symbols of joy, confidence, and above all, creativity! My mission in life, I tell my friends, is to get the world wearing pink tutus, one twirl at a time. My mission is pretty ambitious, you might say.

So what better place to try and encourage people to unleash their inner tutu queen than here in Milan? I've spotted a few people wearing tutus on the streets. One of the most memorable experiences happened while enjoying my evening espresso. Two ballet dancers, dressed in pink, passed by and gave me the biggest smile as they waltzed through the cobbled street - and it reminded me of my passion and my vision for this pink tutu revolution! We had a short chat, laughing about how excited I felt to see fellow dancers out in Milan and so proudly dressed in pink. This really lifted my heart and made me feel that maybe, just maybe, I wasn't quite mad!

You can only imagine how thrilled I was when, walking past the Palazzo Reale (an exquisite 18th-century building filled with priceless art and sculpture) on Sunday, a young woman caught my eye! She had on the most wonderful full-length tutu, a brilliant coral pink, paired with a tailored white jacket and a classic handbag. It looked fantastic! You can just imagine me, a fellow ballerina, a bit excited at the sight and giving a tiny twirl in the street and offering a cheeky wave! She was absolutely radiating confidence, like a pink tutu superstar! It was a perfect illustration of how fashion and art, movement, and self-expression can merge into one beautiful experience.

This week, I am on a quest for a delicious local dessert, "panettone," a rich, fluffy Italian fruitcake traditionally enjoyed during the festive season - but as I say, a girl should celebrate every day. Milan is buzzing with so much joy - its charm is impossible not to embrace! I must tell you that it's such a wonderful treat to have an abundance of bakeries that make my life a little more sweet!

Of course, all of these delightful experiences are possible because of the love and support I receive from the world of ballet. It is an absolute honour and privilege to be able to travel, meet new people and immerse myself in a world I'm so passionate about! Every dance performance, whether it’s a street performance or a professional stage show, brings me joy and I feel so thankful that people can join me on this wonderful adventure.

And there you have it, darlings! Another fantastic week in the wonderful city of Milan, full of colour, whimsical charm, and beautiful ballet, all from this girl who wants to bring a pink tutu to every corner of the globe.

Keep dancing and stay twirling, my lovelies!

Yours always,

Emma xox


* Monday weekly ballet blog*

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-01-30 ballet blog from Milano Italia