Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-01-23 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: A Whirlwind of Pink & Passion, Post #920

Ciao Bella! It's your favourite tutu-clad adventurer back in Milano, where the streets are a catwalk and every corner whispers secrets of fashion, art, and, of course, ballet. This week's #PinkTutuMilan post is buzzing with excitement as I finally conquer my long-held wish of attending La Scala! 🩰

For those who don't know, La Scala is practically a temple to opera and ballet - a grand, imposing theatre steeped in history and tradition, where stars are born and legends are made. Being a Derbyshire girl at heart, La Scala feels a little bit like a royal palace. But for all its pomp and grandeur, I quickly fell in love with its captivating energy. From the moment I stepped into the grand foyer, it was like stepping into a fairytale.

Of course, the star of the show had to be the Pink Tutu, an absolute dream of a confection that practically begged to twirl under the golden chandelier of the opera house. I paired it with a sleek, black midi skirt (it's all about balancing the pink-power with some understated chic) and a statement necklace - my lucky silver ballerina charm - that glimmered with every pirouette I made.

But, first, a bit about getting here...

Milano is like a giant dollhouse, with hidden alleys, bustling piazzas, and trams that zip and zag through the heart of the city. After a delightful, caffeine-fueled breakfast of cappuccino and cornetto (a crispy Italian pastry, so much nicer than a croissant!), I hopped on a charming tram to the city centre. The trams here are so much fun - they're vintage-style with beautiful timber seating and a satisfyingly old-fashioned rattle-and-clank soundtrack.

Once in the centre, I couldn't resist a little shopping spree, because, darling, what's a visit to Milan without indulging in the fashion scene? My heart skipped a beat when I stumbled upon a small boutique bursting with exquisite lace, sequins, and feathers. My eyes instantly landed on the most magnificent bolero jacket adorned with sparkling sequins - the perfect outfit to top off my ballet-inspired look for the evening. You know, one needs to channel a little bit of glamour when attending a legendary opera house like La Scala!

After my shopping frenzy (let's just say I had a bit too much fun with my credit card), it was time to settle into a charming cafe to work on my next Pink Tutu blog post and let the buzz of Milan seep into my bones. I ordered a steaming cup of cioccolato caldo - rich, thick, and decadently chocolatey - perfect for a writer's afternoon.

Finally, evening arrived, and the time had come to head to La Scala for the show. I have to admit, I was nervous - seeing as it's been on my "must-visit" list for ages, but I had a feeling that it was going to be magical.

And, it most definitely was...

As the first notes of the symphony rose into the air, I could feel my excitement bubbling up. La Scala is intimate and grand at the same time - it's as if the entire theatre comes alive with the energy of the performance. The costumes, the artistry, the skill - it was a visual feast for the senses.

I even managed to snag a picture with one of the ballerinas after the show! (See below!). And, the ballet, La Bayadere, was a tale of love and loss set to stunning music and choreography. I was utterly mesmerized by the story, and I spent the entire show holding my breath as the dancers spun tales of devotion, intrigue, and tragedy with their bodies.

As the curtain fell, I found myself wrapped in a glow of exhilaration. I truly felt as if I had witnessed something extraordinary. Walking back to my hotel, I couldn't help but feel grateful to be experiencing all these wonders in Milan. It’s the type of place that truly inspires.

Of course, I couldn’t resist sneaking a photo for my blog under the dazzling lights of the city, the Pink Tutu a bright flash against the darkness. And with a little sparkle still in my eyes, I dreamt of more exciting ballet adventures to come.

Speaking of ballet adventures… Remember how I mentioned a little surprise at the beginning of the post? I am beyond excited to tell you that I have been invited to perform at a local dance festival this coming week! 🎉🎉 It’s a ballet street show right in the heart of Milan, where I'll be showcasing my choreographed routine – a dazzling mix of contemporary and classical ballet infused with a sprinkle of pink, of course. I am so incredibly excited about it!

I'll definitely be sharing all the juicy details in next week's post. But for now, until next Monday, my fellow tutu lovers!

XOXO Emma The Pink Tutu Blogger

PS: Don’t forget to follow my blog, Pink Tutu! New posts go live every Monday at I can’t wait to hear from you all about your latest dance adventures. Also, if you'd like to join the #PinkTutu movement, just follow me on Instagram, @pinktutublogger, and tell us why you love wearing a tutu. Don’t forget to tag me so I can see!

*I'll be adding more to the #PinkTutuMilan series - and sharing more travel stories so be sure to check back every Monday for new posts! And who knows? Perhaps the Pink Tutu will be coming to a city near you very soon... *

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-01-23 ballet blog from Milano Italia