Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-07-17 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Ciao from the Fashion Capital! (Post #945)

Hello my darling dance devotees,

It’s Emma, your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, beaming at you all the way from Milan, Italy! Yep, you heard right, this little Derbyshire lass has traded her familiar rolling green hills for the glamour and bustle of the Italian fashion capital.

As I sit in my charming little hotel room (a beautiful little vintage place with an antique gramophone that I haven’t dared touch - can you imagine the dust? shudders!), my mind is buzzing with the incredible adventures I've had already in Milan. And oh, the colours! The glorious Italian sunshine bathing the terracotta rooftops, the dazzling turquoise trams winding through the streets, and the chic Italian ladies in their perfectly put-together outfits… it’s all enough to make my heart sing!

My Fashionista Pilgrimage to Milan

Now, let me confess, this wasn't my first visit to Milan. You see, my love for fashion is almost as deep as my devotion to ballet, and this fabulous city is a pilgrimage point for any fashionista worth their salt. This trip, however, felt different, it felt more... me.

You see, dear reader, I've had this grand ambition swirling in my mind ever since my first solo performance at the Derbyshire Theatre. To become not just a ballerina, but a travelling one, showcasing my art, spreading joy with every twirl, and sharing my infectious love for pink tutus, oh, and all things sparkly and delightful, with the world!

And wouldn't you know it, fate, in her beautiful ballet shoes, has taken me on this glorious adventure. A recent ballet competition in Vienna, where I was awarded a highly coveted first place, opened a door I never thought possible – a chance to perform with the esteemed Teatro alla Scala in Milan! Swoon!

So, my darlings, after a triumphant performance at the competition and the most gorgeous farewell to Vienna dinner party you could imagine (with pink cocktails, of course), I hopped on a high-speed train and landed here in Milan!

My Italian Ballerina Journey: So Far...

The first day was a whirl of sightseeing! I skipped along the elegant Via Montenapoleone, marveling at the dazzling shopfronts, trying to choose my favourite (impossible! But Gucci’s pink satin pumps were pretty high up on the list). I gazed in wonder at the magnificent Duomo, so high and imposing, but oh so elegant with its spires pointing skyward like a ballerina on pointe.

The Duomo’s central staircase, you know, where everyone sits and takes photos with the iconic Duomo as the backdrop… well, I simply had to add a little Emma flair.

So, dressed in my favourite blush-pink tulle tutu and white ballet shoes, I took a pirouette on the grand staircase, gracefully balancing on pointe for a moment before striking a classic ballet pose.

Of course, I captured the whole thing with my vintage Polaroid camera for a lovely keepsake, and the surprised yet delighted reactions of the passers-by were priceless!

Later that afternoon, I popped into one of those lovely little cafe bars – one with an abundance of gorgeous pink rosebuds scattered about. Imagine my joy when I saw on the menu – "Tulips and Tiramisu!" Oh, fate does smile upon a ballerina with good taste!

A Ballerina's Dream in Milan

That evening, I enjoyed an exceptional, candlelit ballet performance at Teatro alla Scala. It was magical, ethereal, with dancers so graceful and elegant that it left me yearning to dance again myself! They say that Milan is where ballet goes to dance, and truly, the stage came alive with so much talent. It was simply sublime!

The following day, I indulged in some serious fashion browsing. The boutiques on Via della Spiga were just dreamy, full of intricate textures and gorgeous cuts in every shade of pink you could imagine. My handbag is a little heavier than when I arrived (but my heart is overflowing!).

However, a ballerina always needs her ballet class, and Milan didn't disappoint! I found a fantastic studio tucked away in a quiet side street and treated myself to a drop-in ballet class. I’ll be honest; it wasn't easy – the Italian dancers had this effortless grace I’m still working on. However, I’ll keep practicing! There's something magical about the way they dance - like they’re spinning tales with their feet, their arms painted with emotion.

Speaking of tales, I stumbled upon the most fascinating thing at the end of the class. Right by the studio entrance, hidden amongst the busy streets, is a tiny little library. This, my darlings, is not your average library. It’s dedicated to ballet – a collection of books on choreography, dance history, and of course, the lives of ballerinas from all over the world!

I've lost count of how many hours I spent there. It’s pure magic for any ballerina. I discovered books about ballerinas I'd never even heard of and spent hours delving into the lives and creative minds behind some of the world's most famous choreographers.

Living the Sweet Life

Later that week, I spent a blissful afternoon wandering around the Navigli district. This neighbourhood was truly charming, with cobblestone streets lined with colourful flower boxes overflowing with fragrant blossoms.

Here, on the edge of a charming canal, I spotted an outdoor market filled with colourful fruit stalls. Now, this wasn't just any market – the locals had turned it into a sort of open-air concert stage with impromptu performances! It was joyous, chaotic, and exquisitely colourful, with vendors serenading each other as they prepared delicious snacks.

There, amongst the bustle, I saw it, nestled in a wicker basket: a giant, glorious pink strawberry! Now, who could resist? Not me! I decided, "Emma, you are here, you are having a great time, eat that gorgeous strawberry, and don’t you dare feel guilty about it!”

The fruit was as delightful as it looked. It had a soft, almost creamy texture and the sweetest, most satisfying flavour – an absolute treat for this dancing sugar-loving princess.

My Tutu Mission for Milan

The best part about being in Milan? There's a sense of unapologetic flair, a dare-to-be-different energy in the air. Here, everyone embraces their style. And you know what that means, my lovelies?

It’s the perfect place to spread the pink tutu love!

During my Milan escapade, I’ve embraced every opportunity to bring a touch of tutus into my adventures. I've even challenged myself to a little experiment – to find a pink tutu-wearing moment in every city I visit!

You'll see me in my tutus on those Milanese trams, twirling on street corners, taking pictures with street musicians (a charming trio dressed as medieval troubadours with beautiful harps!) I even managed to sneak a little ballet twirl into the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II – the dazzling shopping arcade where the city’s trendiest gather!

(Just try to tell a pink-tutu-wearing ballerina what to do… good luck with that!)

It was at that moment, swirling gracefully around in a sea of shoppers, that I thought, “You know what, maybe my mission is not to get everyone to wear a pink tutu, but to inspire everyone to wear their own version of it. Their own passion, their own colour, their own flair.

From Milan, with Love and a Tutu

The days in Milan, they were filled with art, fashion, joy, and a whole lot of pirouettes. The city is buzzing, vibrant, a feast for the senses, but with a real gentleness, and I felt that immediately – the Milanese seem to embrace life and beauty with an incredible enthusiasm, a bit like that delicious strawberry, really.

This week, it's back to England for me, a return to my familiar, but so very dear, rolling hills of Derbyshire, but you'll find me here on, each and every Monday, to share all my dance adventures, to inspire you, to help you find your own colour and sparkle!

Until next Monday, my loves, let’s keep dancing!

Lots of twirls,

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-07-17 ballet blog from Milano Italia