Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-10-30 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: A whirl of pink and tulle! #960

Ciao bella! It’s Wednesday, and as you know, that means another post from your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina! Today I'm waltzing right into your screens from Milan, a city that makes my fashionista heart sing! And honestly, you guys, I’m living my dream! This week's blog post will be a bit different though… Instead of a performance diary, I'm sharing my top picks for a weekend of pure Milanese magic! So grab your coffee, slip on your comfiest ballerina slippers, and prepare to be transported to a world of pink tulle, vibrant energy, and dazzling lights!

Now, before I dive into the glittering depths of Milan's beauty, I just have to let you all in on a little secret... my darling Derbyshire has been buzzing about my blog! Honestly, it feels so good to see those familiar faces – and I swear I spotted a fellow tutu-wearer on my way to the station this morning! Pinch me! Who knew a pink tutu and a love for ballet could bring so much joy?

I actually left the ol' Derbyshire this week aboard a wonderfully romantic train. You know I can’t resist the opportunity to slip into a flowy maxi dress (today's pick? a pink paisley, of course!) and enjoy the view from the train window. It’s the most whimsical way to travel – a world of fleeting views and endless possibilities. And if I’m feeling extra whimsical, I might just slip on my favourite tutu (it’s a pale blush with a hint of lavender) for added sparkle. It's not exactly the most practical choice for a public transport ride, but I promise, it does wonders for your mood.

Now back to Milan! Let me share a little piece of my personal travel plan for the week, complete with all my insider tips for a truly fabulous experience, and most importantly, some opportunities for a pink-tutu-filled adventure, too!

A Whirlwind Weekend:

Thursday: A Tango of Fashion & Food

We all know that Thursday means just one thing: shopping day! (That's why my suitcase is a rather sizable beast, but you get used to packing heavy after a few seasons on the road!). I decided to start my shopping spree at Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a stunning architectural marvel filled with luxurious boutiques, designer names, and – get this! – an actual opera house right inside! It’s like walking into a masterpiece, and trust me, even if you're not into haute couture, this place will take your breath away.

To avoid the midday sun, I popped into my favourite Italian restaurant – a hidden gem near Piazza San Babila. I’ll admit, I opted for the pink-tinged prosecco, and the pasta was… let’s just say, perfection. I ended my day in the lovely Teatro alla Scala, Italy’s most celebrated opera house. Just stepping into the hall was magical – a flood of gilded grandeur. Tonight’s performance? Don Carlos. I felt myself swaying to the soaring music, feeling completely transported. Honestly, sometimes I think I live for those moments when art takes over and all you can do is marvel!

Friday: From Street Style to Shoe Heaven

Friday was for exploring! I wandered down Corso Buenos Aires, soaking in the energy of the city – a delicious mix of old and new, art and architecture, all intertwined. A stroll along Navigli, with its canal-side cafes, boutiques, and lively atmosphere, was the perfect way to round off my afternoon.

It’s no secret, I love a good street style show, and Milan doesn’t disappoint. You could get lost in the throng of cool cats, stylish Italians, and (fingers crossed) perhaps even a ballerina or two, who know! Honestly, if there was one thing I could share about the fashion scene here, it’s this: don’t be afraid to stand out. Be bold, be brave, be you, in all your tutu-tastic glory. (Of course, it helps to be wearing a pink one. You’ll be the pinkest spot in the crowd!

Saturday: A Pink Ballerina's Paradise

I’m obsessed with shoes, you guys! So when a friend suggested we head over to the Bata Museum, I nearly leapt out of my skin. I was obsessed – a museum showcasing all the wonderful shoe styles from every era, plus there was even a special display of ballet slippers! From the simple elegance of pointe shoes to the intricate artistry of costume-wear, this place was like a dream for a tutu-loving girl! And trust me, it was pure pink bliss, every last pair of pumps.

No visit to Milan would be complete without a performance, so I was thrilled to get tickets for the ballet at the Teatro alla Scala. This week was Romeo and Juliet – such a masterpiece of dance! I swear I held my breath for the entire performance. This is a theatre with a unique blend of passion and elegance – it truly sets the scene for an unforgettable evening!

Sunday: A Stroll Through Time

On my final day, I went on a hunt for vintage treasures – Milan is simply the best city for picking up a designer bargain! There are streets lined with antique shops and vintage stores, each one offering a world of hidden treasures. The streets themselves seemed to whisper stories, taking me back in time. Afterward, I spent the afternoon soaking in the beauty of Milan’s Duomo, a truly breathtaking cathedral with incredible stained glass windows and a stunning gothic facade. It was an unforgettable way to bid farewell to this fabulous city.

Don’t forget, I always want to hear from you! Send your own tips for Milan and your favourite tutu styles for me to try. My Instagram @pinktutuemma is always open for your comments, too!

Remember, girls, a pink tutu can take you anywhere!

Your Pink Tutu friend,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-10-30 ballet blog from Milano Italia