Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-03-12 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post #979: A Dance of Pink & Passion in Milan!

Ciao, darlings! It’s Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to Milan, a city that truly embraced my love for pink tutus with open arms (and possibly even a little ciao bella thrown in!). This week's post is overflowing with fashion, ballet, and a dash of Italian sunshine, all brought to you fresh from the glamorous streets of Milano.

This week’s travel is, of course, funded by the lovely people who love to see me twirl on stage. I had a brilliant show at The Buxton Opera House on Friday, all those pirouettes and jeté really whipped the audience into a frenzy. My heart soared at the end of each performance as I felt that warm embrace of approval from the audience. The thrill of being onstage and giving 100% is just what keeps my ballet fires burning bright, and the income allows me to spread my love for ballet and pink tutus all over the globe. I can’t wait for my next show next month in Derby – I’ve heard that it will be absolutely packed out with fans from my local area, I’ve already promised to do an encore, especially for my Grandma and she will be there with a whole row of my cousins – what a laugh! I do love a good tutu and some audience love.

This week in Milano is all about embracing that ‘pink tutu spirit’ – an uplifting wave of girly, fabulous energy. The Milanese have such an incredible appreciation for fashion, theatre, and culture, making this the perfect setting to unleash the Pink Tutu Milaness! This city's energy, the vibrancy of its streets, the passionate conversation, the breathtaking beauty of the buildings - I've been captivated from the minute I set foot in this amazing Italian city.

A Fashion Feast for the Eyes

I'm completely addicted to Italian fashion and its intricate details. Walking through Milan feels like stepping into a catwalk! It's no wonder this city is a hub for international designers and fashionistas. It's all about sharp lines, flowing silhouettes, and of course, the signature Italian flair. From high-end boutiques to hidden gems, I've been hunting for the perfect Pink Tutu accessory. You wouldn't believe the delightful pink bow I snagged at a charming little shop tucked away in a narrow alleyway, tucked away in amongst the Duomo’s busy back streets! Its such a vibrant hot pink, it just sings the pink tutu anthem. I’ve found it’s best to haggle for prices in shops, the Italians don’t like it when you simply say, “I’ll take it, I’ve seen it in Vogue”. You’ve got to get that charming barter on, use a mixture of ‘signor, no, no, no…. that price…’ with ‘bellissimo’ – it does seem to work! Of course, my lovely pink tutu was also my trusty travel companion. Its lightweight fabric makes it perfect for the journey by plane, it doesn’t even wrinkle. Plus, it looks amazing on the train, which always draws so many inquisitive looks from the locals. My travels through Italy, which took me to Como, have had quite an impact on my own personal wardrobe and my own ‘Pink Tutu style’.

Ballet Beauty

The first stop was a delightful little ballet studio right in the heart of the city. The smell of leather ballet shoes and a whisper of that soft, rhythmic sound of clapping had me enchanted! There are so many different studios tucked away in hidden corners of this fabulous city, it felt so magical just being in the presence of other dance enthusiasts! They’re very warm and welcoming, a bit of a change from the frosty, stern face I'm used to in my classes back in Derbyshire.

One thing I did notice in Milano is that ballet and the arts are celebrated so openly. There are posters and banners advertising shows and performances everywhere – which is an amazing reminder to just keep the creative spark alive, because, when I’m back in Blighty I just seem to blend into the crowd of people who seem to have been stuck in the routine for a bit too long.

A Grand Ballet Feast at La Scala!

No trip to Milan is complete without a visit to Teatro alla Scala, or as it is lovingly known, "La Scala." La Scala is an opera house renowned for its history, prestige and breathtaking acoustics. Its very own 'Pink Tutu’ energy is a glorious blend of tradition, elegance, and a celebration of art. You can sense it as you step inside - there's magic in the air! My excitement levels were off the charts.

The whole building is truly opulent with beautiful art works and grand, golden archways leading to luxurious spaces and ornate theatres. It is truly jaw-dropping, you’d be forgiven for thinking you were in an episode of Downton Abbey.

The main auditorium has been refurbished recently to preserve the original architecture while ensuring that all guests enjoy the utmost in modern comfort and enjoyment. Imagine it - the lights dim and a single spotlight pierces the darkness as the music rises to an enchanting crescendo… The ballet was truly a treat – an elaborate display of grace, agility, and precision. You know I have to check out every ballet company and school while on my travels and I will have to keep you all updated if any of these stars have exciting up and coming performances – and be sure to grab your tutu, or at least put on something pink, when you see these upcoming shows – ballet’s best when the entire audience is immersed!

An Unexpected ‘Pink Tutu' Connection!

One day I had the most unusual chance meeting! I was out exploring a charming street in the center of Milano when a young Italian boy, about ten, looked at me and grinned. "Do you want to see a performance, signora?", he asked me in broken English.

I’m usually quite careful about talking to strangers. But this child's kind face and sparkling eyes just drew me in. He showed me to a stage set up on the pavement in a small square where local artists gathered. It was so intimate and it was absolutely delightful! This child – he told me his name was Stefano – was performing magic tricks!

The magic show, though short, was hilarious. Stefano even did a very convincing pink tutu disappearing act. I gave Stefano an extra-large smile, a heartfelt grazie mille, and an enthusiastic round of applause for his fantastic show. Stefano beamed at me and shouted something in Italian – I am sure it was “signora, do you love magic, you are most certainly most delightful!”.

There was a magical atmosphere here, where locals would come and sit down to see the magic show, and afterwards gather together in little groups talking about Stefano. The scene made me realise that Milan's heart isn't just about high fashion; it also pulses with the joy of everyday performance and the appreciation for simple yet heartwarming talents. I am very proud to be a part of it, I really am.

Tastes of Milano

Speaking of everyday moments, one thing that struck me was the absolute deliciousness of food. I went to a beautiful little cafe in the shadow of the Duomo which had a vibrant terrace area. I spent quite a bit of time looking for the perfect outfit, after all, when you are sitting out in a vibrant city like Milano it has to be on point. So, a flowing blush-toned blouse, matching midi skirt (think the colours of an amazing rosebud in bloom) and an elegant white bag which would just ‘fit in’ perfectly with the background scenery and bring some of my own style to it – not a classic ‘tourist look’ then! Then I had this delightful lunch – oh my! It was a little plate of delicious fresh cheese ravioli with a rich red tomato sauce. A lot of people will agree that there is nothing quite like Italian food - simple, fresh, flavorful, and utterly satisfying! There is a strong passion for good food, which feels so tangible – I even sampled a local specialty of this ‘panna cotta’. I know you may all think that sounds quite ordinary, but trust me, this really was the best panna cotta I have ever tried, in a delightful peachy-coloured ceramic pot which matched the creamy dreamy panna cotta that was swirling around in it, an exquisite creamy-peachy taste which truly is a taste of the sublime!

Of course, I found time to indulge in the delightful experience of drinking some real Italian espresso - the best in the world! (In my opinion of course! 😉). Sitting outside the cafes, watching the world go by, sipping a hot coffee was utterly divine, I must admit, and was a perfect way to soak up the sun and absorb the charming street scene, and then plan where I wanted to head off to next.

Pink Tutu Moments

And then there were those tiny, seemingly insignificant moments that made me say, "Pink Tutu Moments". You know, those unexpected touches that add a spark of joy to a journey?

One particular afternoon, I took a trip to this magical park - Parco Sempione - it was very green and lovely and felt very serene, a haven from the hustle and bustle. This little corner of Milano just has something magical, it really does bring some inner peace and a moment of reflection. I saw this older lady on a bench, wrapped up in a beautiful pale pink scarf which matched her floral patterned dress. Her long white hair floated in the breeze and as I watched she gave a gentle little wave and a very slight smile as I walked by. For a fleeting moment I felt as if we had somehow connected with a shared moment of grace and tranquility.

Then, there were those little delights that make travel so wonderful. Imagine me, wearing a light blue and white patterned sundress that flows as I walk along and feeling utterly fabulous. I saw the little pink kiosk – ‘kiosco’ – which I’m so glad to know means “kiosk” – what a fantastic Italian word, so expressive! and they were selling flowers – red roses in little cellophane parcels. I bought a little bunch of the brightest red roses I could find. And, they just fitted into my little pink tutu, perfectly. Such a pink tutu moment, you just can't script that sort of perfect alignment in life – except, well, you kind of can, it’s just knowing what will give a ‘pink tutu’ touch to the moment and, my advice is, take a chance, always be ready.

And you can bet, those roses stayed in my tutu all week - they were the perfect little touch to bring some of my girly elegance to every cafe, street corner, and, yes, even those enchanting museums. I may have just stumbled into a magic spell, I’ve found those bright red roses just help bring the inner magic out – which I believe has something to do with red roses meaning passionate love - and it just fits so well with this blog.

A Final Thought from Milano

Milan has left its imprint on my heart – there is truly magic in its very air. It’s a city bursting with creative energy, and I love the passion in this incredible city. You can’t help but be drawn in and immersed into this swirling vortex of culture, colour, and a sense of being absolutely delighted by life’s unexpected turns, that’s Milan in a nutshell.

Now, as my flight is ready for my next trip to Derby and a busy month of shows in London and Brighton – I’ll keep you all updated about those next week - it’s time for a new adventure, and I'm eager to share the Pink Tutu story from my new destination.

Until next week, my darlings, keep the pink tutu spirit alive, and I'll see you on next Monday with another tale to tell.

Stay fabulous, Emma.

* P.S* If you'd love to hear about your own favorite 'Pink Tutu Moment,' be sure to share them in the comments! I’d love to hear them – and then add your ideas to my growing collection! If there’s one thing this blog and these posts are all about, it’s about taking those fleeting little joys and creating your very own magic!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-03-12 ballet blog from Milano Italia