Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-03-26 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #981

Ciao Bella!

The sun is shining, the air is crisp and my little pink tutu is bouncing with excitement - I'm back in Milan!

This time around, I'm on a mission. A mission that involves beautiful fabrics, perfectly executed pirouettes, and a sprinkle of that Italian magic. This week's Pink Tutu adventures involve diving headfirst into the world of fashion and dance and trying to figure out how to blend those two passions into something utterly delightful.

You see, my darlings, Milan is the heart of fashion, the catwalk of dreams, the place where whispers of silk turn into couture and creativity meets artistry. And right smack dab in the middle of it all, I stand ready to sprinkle my own brand of pink tutu magic.

But before I take you on a whirlwind tour of Milanese boutiques and studios, let's rewind back to Derby where the journey began.

The Derbyshire Rose in Bloom

Monday mornings have become something of a routine - a flurry of last minute packing, a breakfast of berries and yoghurt, and a final glance in the mirror at my reflection - all dressed in my signature pink tutu, of course! I think there's a certain romance to being able to hop onto the train in Derby, knowing that I'll be arriving in a city teeming with artistic life.

This week's performance at The Flowerpot Theatre in Matlock was a real joy. We put on a show of “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" that felt fresh and playful. I loved being a slightly mischievous White Rabbit. But the highlight of the evening was seeing the little girls in the audience - eyes wide with wonder and excitement. Their faces were alight with ballet dreams and you could just feel the pure joy in the air. Those moments are why I do what I do!

Every time I leave Derbyshire, it fills me with an extra bounce in my step. The county always leaves me feeling energized, ready to embrace new challenges.

This time, it's Milan calling - a city with an electric energy that's impossible to resist!

The City of Fashion & Grace

I arrived in Milan on Wednesday - the 26th of March, with an extra skip in my step. The sun was shining, the air was buzzing, and there was this vibrant, almost tangible energy swirling around.

This week's quest? Discovering what lies at the heart of Milan's dance scene. I know that ballet, with its elegance and grace, holds a special place in Italian culture. So, imagine my excitement at learning that there’s a whole plethora of ballet classes, performances and events, each waiting to be discovered!

And yes, Milan, like London, is all about transport. A sprawling city brimming with so much to see. Luckily, there's this beautiful network of tram and trains crisscrossing the city. One of the first things I did, after finding a cosy apartment near the Teatro alla Scala, was to head to Piazza del Duomo, right in the heart of the city, for an afternoon stroll. It’s truly an impressive square!

I always find that these little adventures by myself make a new place feel much more my own, so I spent some time admiring the majestic cathedral, soaking up the vibrant atmosphere and taking in the colourful energy.

You see, one of my greatest joys in life is being able to share the world with my lovely readers. I want you all to come along for the ride and share in the little things that make a journey unforgettable.

Milan is full of unexpected wonders - hidden alleyways overflowing with blooms, the aroma of fresh-baked bread wafting out from charming bakeries, the sight of a beautifully decorated vintage clothing shop tucked away in a quiet corner - there’s this enchanting charm that lingers in the air.

Ballet Dreams and Pink Tutus in Milan

But the true star of the show here in Milan, of course, is the world of dance. This city is not just a place for strutting down runways - it's where dance thrives, breathes, and flourishes!

The Magic of The Teatro Alla Scala

As soon as I set foot in Milan, I made a beeline for the Teatro alla Scala, Milan's iconic opera house. Just standing there, marveling at the neoclassical architecture, taking in the grandeur of this grand theater, I felt my senses awaken. You can actually feel the history seep into your very being, whispering of great performances and passionate voices.

One of the things I’ve come to appreciate about my travel blog is the connection it fosters with you all. So often, I get emails and messages from readers who tell me about their travel dreams or how my posts inspired them to plan their own little Pink Tutu adventures! This week, one of my followers even told me how my last blog post about Vienna spurred her on to take a dance workshop there! So you can imagine my joy when, as I walked into the theater, a lady with the biggest, most vibrant pink tutu stopped me and excitedly shared her ballet story with me!

And guess what, in a few weeks, I'll get to witness some of that history firsthand. I've snagged tickets for a performance at the Teatro alla Scala! I am going to watch the Milan ballet company, Teatro alla Scala Ballet and I’m practically bouncing with anticipation! I’ll make sure to fill you all in on every fabulous detail next week!

Dancing in the City

Of course, Milan isn't just about big opera houses. This city is pulsating with life, and ballet is found everywhere - from cozy studios hidden on cobbled streets, to parks filled with impromptu dancing sessions, even right down to street performers showing off their pirouette skills in the heart of the city!

One of the most charming discoveries I’ve made here was a charming little dance school called Scuola di Danza Le Stelle, tucked away near the Duomo. The studio, bathed in a warm glow, seemed to be emanating a wave of creative energy. I spent a delightful morning watching classes in progress - the fluidity of the movements, the concentration, and the sheer joy on each student's face, it was inspiring. The instructors, a lively pair, had me reminiscing about my ballet days and I felt a renewed energy bubbling within me. I’m tempted to try a class myself… we’ll see how those pink tutu skills hold up in the Italian sun!

A Feast for the Senses

No Milan adventure is complete without a delightful foray into the world of fashion. This city is a treasure trove of vibrant colours, sumptuous fabrics, and unique styles - a treat for all the senses! It’s an irresistible cocktail of art and style.

I have already stumbled upon some truly enchanting boutiques. One called La Boutique du Tutu has caught my eye. (Not kidding! It was meant to be! ). It’s brimming with pink, black, and even a few emerald-green tutus.

One thing I have noticed about Milan - the city is overflowing with these stunning vintage stores where you can unearth genuine sartorial treasures, the kind that can transform your wardrobe in a heartbeat! I’m determined to unearth a new piece for my Pink Tutu collection!

Sharing the Love

As always, the best part of exploring the world is knowing I'm sharing this incredible journey with you! It’s not just about sharing stunning photos or witty stories, but also about that special connection we build when we journey together.

My wish for this week, my darlings, is for you to discover that little bit of magic that lies within you. It can be anything - whether it’s putting on your own pink tutu for a morning dance routine, learning a new skill, embracing your own creativity, or just taking a step into the unknown!

For me, that’s what makes traveling truly magical - it's about being brave, exploring, discovering, and ultimately finding those small moments that fill our lives with joy.

So, go out there, my lovelies, and embrace those little Pink Tutu dreams. I'll see you next week when I return from my adventures at the Teatro alla Scala and give you a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the enchanting world of Milan ballet.

Until then, keep that Pink Tutu spirit alive!

Love, Emma

Pink Tutu Blog – Milan


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-03-26 ballet blog from Milano Italia