Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-06-04 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #991 - Wednesday, 2014-06-04: Where Dreams Dance and Pink Reigns Supreme

Buongiorno, my dearest ballet-loving darlings!

It's Wednesday, which means another day, another fabulous post for my Pink Tutu Milan blog! I'm perched in my favourite cafe overlooking the Piazza della Scala, my cuppa warming my hands and my notebook open, ready to unleash a tidal wave of pink-tinted prose upon the internet.

As I sit here, a symphony of buzzing life surrounds me. From the melodious clanging of the tram tracks outside to the excited chatter of tourists exploring the Duomo, Milan's energy is electrifying. The sun is shining, the air is filled with the delicious scent of espresso, and there's a pink tutu-wearing ballerina ready to paint the city with joy.

Let me start by sharing a little secret... the journey to Milan has been filled with adventures that wouldn't look out of place in a storybook. You see, my travels are funded by my performances - think a ballet-tastic "Pink Tutu Tour"! My most recent gig was in Derbyshire, back in my homeland, performing "Swan Lake" in a breathtaking setting overlooking the Peak District. It was a glorious blur of tutus and thunderous applause! I truly feel blessed to be living my dream, swirling through life on pointe with a twinkle in my eye and a pink tutu upon my little derrière.

But back to Milan... it's truly a city for all seasons. I arrived yesterday, the journey from Derbyshire a scenic blur of emerald fields, bustling railway stations, and a few "Oh-my-goodness" moments with fellow train passengers who seemed a little taken aback by my oh-so-pretty pink tutu! But hey, that's just the pink-tutu life, right? Spreading the joy, one ruffled skirt at a time.

Speaking of "taken aback," let me tell you a little secret... I just bought the most beautiful pair of pink opera gloves, and they have little pink ballet shoes embroidered on them! They are positively adorable, and I'm thinking of wearing them to the Teatro alla Scala tonight. Imagine me, the epitome of elegance and grace in my pink tulle confection, twirling through the theatre...pure fairytale!

Speaking of fairytale dreams, it wouldn't be a Milan blog post without talking about La Scala. The majestic architecture, the grand chandeliers, the history in every nook and cranny... It's the embodiment of a grand, romantic Italian dream. Tomorrow night, I'm attending a performance of "Romeo and Juliet". I simply cannot wait. I envision it already... Juliet's final curtain call, the thunderous applause, and then… my very own pink-tutu rendition of a waltz on stage! Okay, okay... perhaps I'll leave the waltzing for the professional ballerinas!

Of course, no trip to Milan would be complete without exploring its fashion scene. I have my eye on a magnificent fuchsia dress with a tulle skirt… yes, I know, another tulle skirt! And of course, I will be on the lookout for a few more pink accessories. The temptation is irresistible, but I'm trying to keep my spending under control. We don't want this Pink Tutu Blogger going broke before her next performance, do we?

Before I forget, did you know it's Milan Fashion Week this week? How exciting! I’m already plotting my perfect outfit – perhaps a blush pink jumpsuit with a feathery pink tulle scarf and, of course, my trusty pink tutu!

As the day rolls into evening, the air here becomes thick with the promise of magic and romance. There's a warmth to the city that I just cannot resist. Tonight, I plan to wander through the streets, indulging in the city's delights - a scoop of gelato, a glass of sparkling Lambrusco, and of course, plenty of people watching, soaking up the Italian vibe.

This week, I'm aiming to spread the pink tutu love even further, with a few impromptu street performances, maybe a ballet class with some local dancers... and, of course, a visit to the Duomo, Milan's magnificent masterpiece! I just have a feeling my pink tutu is going to attract some admiring glances there.

Remember, my darling readers, the key to happiness is simple - let your inner pink tutu shine! Don't be afraid to express yourself, embrace the colour pink, and most importantly, dance your heart out!

Until next week, my lovelies. Remember, you are beautiful, you are special, and you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Just like a pink tutu, you can twirl through life with joy and grace!

And remember, if you want to know what's happening in Pink Tutu Milan, you can follow my daily updates on my website:

Sending you lots of love and pirouettes!

Yours eternally,

Emma The Pink Tutu Blogger

P.S. If you’ve been following my blog, you know I love nothing more than to hear from my readers. Leave me a comment below! Tell me about your dreams, your adventures, and your love of pink tutus!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-06-04 ballet blog from Milano Italia