Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-07-02 ballet blog from Milano Italia

#PinkTutuMilan Post 995: A Whirlwind of Italian Glamour

Ciao bella!

It's Wednesday, the 2nd of July, 2014, and I'm in Milan, the fashion capital of the world, and I'm positively bubbling over with excitement! My darling pink tutu and I have just had the most fantastic day, filled with Italian charm, the whisper of silk, and a ballet show that took my breath away.

This week, my travel fund has been plumped up thanks to a fabulous performance with the Derby City Ballet. We had a roaring success with "Giselle", which always seems to be a hit with the crowds. But that's enough about Derbyshire for now. Right now, my head is swimming with all the fabulous sights and sounds of Milan.

The city is simply buzzing. People here dress with an unparalleled sense of style, and the shops… oh, the shops! I spent the morning weaving through the streets, my heart skipping a beat with every new window I encountered. There's so much fabulous pink on offer here - and don't even get me started on the shoes. Oh my! I'm planning to head to Corso Vittorio Emanuele II later today, which I hear is teeming with amazing boutiques and shoe shops.

Speaking of shops, I simply had to pick up some gifts for my little cousin. You see, my dear Rose has been bitten by the ballet bug. She's been begging me for a pink tutu for ages, and while I'd love to indulge her right away, I thought a cute little present from Milan would be a special treat. There’s a place in the Navigli area that has a whole section dedicated to ballerinas - just for them. So exciting.

This afternoon, we're heading to Teatro alla Scala for a special ballet performance. I managed to snag a last-minute ticket thanks to the most charming ticket vendor. He practically bowed and scraped when I explained I was a "ballerina" from "Inghilterra."

He also recommended a wonderful little cafe on Via Mercanti, just a few streets away from Teatro alla Scala, and what a gem it was. It’s a little bistro, the air fragrant with the scent of freshly baked bread and the rumble of laughter, where I devoured a divine piece of panettone with a warm cup of espresso. Absolutely heaven!

It's this kind of authentic, enchanting energy that I love about Italy. Everywhere you look there's something captivating, whether it's a beautiful building, a cobbled street, or the dazzling array of colours bursting from market stalls. Even the tram rides are an adventure - every turn seems to reveal another picturesque vista. The locals on the trams are just as delightful. They're friendly and chatty, with big smiles that seem to be as permanent as the sunshine.

Did I mention the gelato? It's like the clouds have melted into a creamy, fruity treat. You can practically taste the sun and happiness in every single bite. This morning I sampled pistachio, of course. My favourite. But I couldn't resist trying a spoonful of strawberry and vanilla, too. My little tutu-loving heart was in heaven!

And speaking of my darling tutu, she's been basking in all the Milanese sunshine, enjoying the fresh air. The cobbled streets and elegant walkways make her feel extra special. There's something about the Italian energy that makes you want to twirl a little extra, you know?

I’ll be heading back to the Teatro alla Scala tonight, and let me tell you, I’m absolutely buzzing. Every single time I experience ballet in a new city, it feels different. This city is teeming with artistic energy and, to be quite honest, I can't wait to see how the ballet dancers of Milan interpret "Swan Lake" this evening. I’ve heard it is incredibly vibrant, like a dance interpretation of the whole of Italy. I cannot wait.

Until next week, ciao ciao from Milan. Don't forget to visit my website,, for more pink-tastic adventures. Happy dancing, darlings!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-07-02 ballet blog from Milano Italia