Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-07-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #997: Bonjour from Milan!

Ciao, darling! It’s your girl, Emma, here, back from a whirl through the gorgeous, bustling streets of Milan! This is the Italian capital of fashion, food, and of course, culture, and I'm utterly besotted. This week’s blog post is straight from my heart - bursting with colourful excitement! Buckle up, lovelies, we’re about to embark on a pink-tutu-fuelled adventure.

From Derbyshire to Dolce Vita:

Remember those grey skies of Derbyshire? Well, they’re a distant memory now, because Milan’s sunshine is just… glorious! The energy here is vibrant and fast-paced, the perfect antidote to my usually calm routine. Speaking of routines, I must confess that this Italian escapade has thrown me a little bit! Between taking in the awe-inspiring architecture, shopping for my next dazzling ensemble, and trying delicious pastries that would make a pastry chef weep with joy (the pain au chocolat are out of this world!), I've barely had a chance to put my dancing shoes on! But no fear, darlings, there’s been a ballet show in there somewhere!

Catching Up with La Scala:

Oh, how I love Italy, with its deep-rooted passion for the performing arts. It’s practically in the DNA here! On this Wednesday, July 16th, I managed to squeeze in a visit to the iconic Teatro alla Scala - you know, the very one where Tosca was first performed! This incredible opera house is a magnificent symbol of artistic tradition and innovation. The sheer opulence left me breathless – all the gilded decorations, the plush red velvet seats, and that glorious chandelier. I can just picture the ballerinas in their perfectly executed poses as I dreamt of gracing that very stage one day!

Streetwise and Fabulous:

Before we go any further, I need to confess: the streets of Milan are practically made for twirling. Every time I hop on the tram, the little pink tutu under my dress practically explodes with a mind of its own. There’s something about those cobblestone pavements that makes you feel a little bit like you’re in a grand movie musical – every single time! Speaking of cobblestone pavements, have you seen the fashion around here? Oh, my, darling! From sleek tailoring to extravagant prints, the people of Milan know how to strut their stuff! I’m thinking about channeling some of that chic street-style for my upcoming performance - a hint of Milanese sophistication meets ballerina chic - that’s going to be quite the look!

Fashion Frenzy in Milan:

Where the fashion houses are as big as the cathedral, you just know I've had to indulge in a bit of shopping therapy, don't you? It would be rude not to, right? Milan’s fashion is as vibrant as the city itself – each boutique I enter is a riot of colour, textures, and patterns. From vintage shops tucked away in hidden corners to the sprawling department stores, I'm absolutely lost in the magic of it all! I even spotted the most incredible pink dress the other day - a perfect match for my signature tutu. The colour was like a raspberry sunset - totally stealing my heart.

On The Trail of Pink (And A New Dream!):

Let’s be real: this trip isn't just about fashion, even if it sometimes feels like it. It's also about pushing boundaries, about discovering my passion in all its glorious, sometimes slightly bonkers forms. The world of fashion has really captured my heart, but there’s also another spark. You see, my darling, the other day I was walking through the bustling streets of Milan, pink tutu swinging proudly, when a couple of street dancers just stopped and stared. There was an air of admiration mixed with surprise, as if they'd seen something truly unexpected. The moment triggered something within me. I realised that what I do is not just about being on a stage; it’s about bringing joy and a touch of unexpected whimsy to everyone I encounter. From then on, my mission was clear – my new dream? To take pink tutus to the streets! Just picture this – ballet dancers in the midst of city life! Now that's a revolution I can get behind.

Pink Tutu Milan is Here to Stay:

I have a confession – it's becoming more difficult to leave this incredible city, darling. Every time I get back on the train, my head’s filled with stories and images, I'm overwhelmed by the beauty and the energy. But my adventure here is just beginning, because I'm going to be back, don’t you worry about that. In the meantime, keep a lookout for the latest post on every Monday – it’ll be full of adventures from Milan, and let me know about your pink-tutu plans too! I’d love to see all of you wearing your own dose of pink and sparkle – the world is our stage, darling, so let's dance!

Ciao Bella!


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-07-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia