Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-08-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Wednesday 2014-08-06 - Post 1000!

Ciao bella! Can you believe it? We’re at post number 1000 on the Pink Tutu blog! This is truly a milestone for me. It feels like just yesterday I was twirling around my living room in my favourite pink tutu in Derbyshire, dreaming of taking ballet and fashion to the world!

Milan, oh Milan! You never cease to amaze me. It’s Wednesday morning and I’ve already conquered the metro – that’s right, I said conquered. I felt like I had to write it like that because for the first time, the journey went completely flawlessly without any mishaps! Not a single delayed train, a packed carriage or any unexpected strikes. In fact, it was an absolutely dream commute!

I know, you’re probably thinking: “What a fuss, Emma. It’s just a tram ride.” But let me tell you, it's an accomplishment. It is a celebration of this beautiful city, of its style and the effortless grace that it embodies! Plus, what other city on this planet has trams as glamorous as these ones? I’m talking vintage designs, gleaming windows, spacious seating, and sparkling lighting. And just think of the potential! If you can make the everyday look and feel like a ballet, you’re truly winning at life.

That said, Milan was ready to welcome me back with a big hug today. Just after stepping off the tram, I felt a lovely wave of positivity washing over me. And do you know what? I just knew in my heart of hearts that today would be fantastic. I even caught a glimpse of my favourite pair of shoes – the ruby-red stilettos from my new boutique - just peeking out from behind the window of my hotel! It was a clear sign of good things to come. It’s a little silly I know, but a bit of superstition never hurt anyone, right? 😉

Speaking of red stilettos, have you seen the fabulous shoes they’ve got in the shop windows this month? I can't resist. Every single day, there’s a whole new world of incredible colours, shapes and sparkly details waiting to be admired in Milan. I think I might even need a new pair of ballet flats to match this week's outfits, don’t you think? Maybe I’ll head out to via Montenapoleone after the theatre performance today to see what I can find!

Ah yes, today’s show – we're attending La Scala, of course. The grandest ballet performance in Italy! It’s so lovely to be back at my happy place, breathing in the sweet scent of proscenium arch, watching those exquisite dancers soar across the stage. I love seeing how the whole energy of the room shifts when the curtain rises. Everyone seems to breathe differently, holding their breath with excitement, and then as the music starts, a gasp escapes the crowd before it breaks into excited clapping and whoops.

You know how I feel about costumes? The most fantastic spectacle on earth! It's simply divine! It is almost like an art installation – but one that moves, swirls, glides, and performs to music. The detail, the craft, the creativity – it is utterly stunning. I simply cannot resist watching those dancers twirl and leap. They’re truly works of art! And with each performance, they offer us all a chance to enter into another world.

Speaking of spectacles, you can find them at every turn here in Milan! Yesterday, while meandering around, I stumbled upon a street performance - the most elegant little girl, in her early teens, twirling, pirouette-ing, and dancing across the street, the sun shimmering through the leaves of a nearby tree, like she was on a magical, swirling, cloud. I just couldn’t resist taking a snap of it! This city, you guys, is absolutely bursting with artistic vibes, from the traditional, classical performances at La Scala, to the unexpected ballet artistry you encounter as you meander around this city!

Milan is really coming into its own this summer, full of colour, excitement, and life. And while I love to share all of these fantastic experiences with you, it wouldn’t be a proper Milan trip without stopping by my absolute favourite boutique for some delicious pasta and a nice glass of chilled wine. Grazie to Casa Apicio, my heart always feels warm and full when I leave there. What makes it special? The ambiance, the smells of fresh parsley and oregano, the laughter of other customers, and the friendly smile from the owner – not to mention the perfect, homemade pasta, of course.

Okay, it’s getting late, but I've got one more exciting thing I need to share with you! My afternoon tea at the grand Four Seasons was… wait for it… the most luxurious and decadent affair imaginable. Imagine this: a stunning table setting in hues of pink, white, and silver; a silver teapot filled with steaming-hot black tea; a tiered cake stand overflowing with delicate, flower-shaped sandwiches; fluffy cakes and macarons with glistening sprinkles of edible gold, and finally, a pot of strawberry jam and clotted cream. Oh, I'm swoon! Absolutely heavenly – you have to do yourself a favour and experience a high-tea, Milan style!

This week has been nothing short of dreamy. So what’s next? You know, that pink tutu outfit that I've been dreaming of getting for months, a shopping trip to via della Spiga, some lovely afternoon walks with the canine companions from the local shelter, maybe another Italian opera? Who knows! Milan is filled with so much inspiration. And if there’s one thing I've learned over the past 1000 blog posts, it’s that every single day here is filled with beauty, and unforgettable adventures.

That’s all for this week, my loves!

Ciao Bella,

Emma x

(PS: Don’t forget to check in next week, where we’ll be exploring the secret gems of Milan… )

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-08-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia