Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-12-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1018 - Wednesday, 10th December 2014

Buongiorno, darling dears! Emma here, reporting live from the fabulous city of Milan. It's a bit nippy this morning but I'm wrapped up in my trusty pink faux fur coat, just perfect for a day of exploring the city and taking in some glorious culture!

Milan, you see, is just as much about the fabulous fashion as the beautiful ballet. And when I say beautiful ballet, well, I simply mean every single show I've seen in this city so far! I haven't seen a single clanger, and, trust me, I've seen quite a few shows already, and am still catching as many as I can, especially after my successful performances yesterday afternoon and evening! It's no easy feat, juggling dance gigs and exploring a new city but it's all about keeping those dreams alive and maintaining that delicate balance between artistry and adventure, eh? grin

Anyway, I was out on the town yesterday, catching up with my dear friend, Giulia. She’s a ballet student at the Teatro alla Scala here in Milan, and is quite frankly one of the most talented dancers I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching. She has the most elegant way of moving and the most captivating smile. Anyway, enough of my gushing – let’s get back to the fabulousness, shall we?

Giulia is a local Milanese girl who knows this city inside and out, and took me on a little adventure to the Piazza della Scala, a bustling square right in the heart of Milan's chic fashion district. The Teatro alla Scala is housed there, one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world. There's an ethereal elegance to the entire area that made my ballerina heart skip a beat. A little detour later to find that gorgeous vintage tutu shop (pink, naturally, and with a delightful array of tutus that would make a swan queen proud) and Giulia led me down to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II – oh my word! The glass dome ceiling! The opulent mosaic floors! All I could think was "a perfect backdrop for a grand twirl!"

I couldn't help but imagine the graceful figures of dancers gliding through that magnificent space, a little balletic fantasy brought to life! This Galleria is a wonderland of fashion houses, cafes and the most amazing gelato stalls (all washed down with an incredibly strong coffee - so Italian!) We spent hours just strolling around, mesmerised by the opulent interiors and the buzzing energy of Milan’s style heart. Then onto a delicious traditional Milanese lunch of osso buco and creamy polenta at a lovely trattoria just down the street. Heaven on a plate, that's what it was!

You know what else is heavenly? Tram travel! And trust me, you have got to get on board (no pun intended) when in Milan! It's a real slice of authentic Italian life – colourful trams clattering through the city's arteries, each carriage adorned with posters for fashion shows, the scent of leather mingling with the air. I can’t get enough of this experience, it makes the whole travel adventure just that much more enjoyable! Yesterday, we got the Tram #1 from Piazza della Scala to the Castello Sforzesco – a 15th century castle that’s now home to several museums. Such a romantic place, I'm going to have to come back another day and do a bit of sketching – I can’t resist adding this magnificent building to my growing art collection of iconic city landmarks.

From castles to cats! I also managed to squeeze in a visit to the Museo di Palazzo Reale which was showing a fantastic exhibit on cats in art - a purr-fect mix of playful, historical, and artistic exploration, and just up my street, wouldn't you say?! It's just so interesting to see how the iconic cat figure has inspired artists through history, how it is so widely depicted, be it in renaissance art, Victorian literature, even Japanese art - and now here in Milan, it's even in museums! As for myself, well, I can’t resist the pull of these adorable felines - there’s just something so elegant, yet mischievously playful about them, and a reminder of the joy that simple things can bring to life, like the twinkle in a child’s eyes when they see a stray cat by a cafe table in a square, or the comforting purr of a feline companion when you’re tucked up on a winter’s night, sipping your hot chocolate!

That night, it was back to the Teatro alla Scala for another ballet performance, and boy, was it spectacular! The story, a beautiful rendition of Romeo and Juliet, had me entranced, and the dancers performed with such emotion and precision – just simply breathtaking! The whole evening felt like a fairy tale and I almost forgot the bitterness of the tragedy until I saw the tears of the ballerina who played Juliet at the end, and for a brief moment I too found my heart melting with pity at the love they so heartbreakingly couldn’t have!

This beautiful, historical and artistic city is absolutely brimming with ballet studios too! I managed to find one run by a lovely former prima ballerina who even had her own tutu and costume collection. A tiny little corner of the city where creativity and passion come to life, where tutus twirl to their hearts’ content, with a little bit of magic thrown in! And let’s not forget, as I’m in Milan, it is a city famous for fashion, and nothing, absolutely nothing, comes close to the stunning gowns, and even the magnificent costumes for dancers - so vibrant, glamorous, and full of colour and sparkle, especially the colour pink!

After yesterday, I’ve already planned the next few weeks - visiting a couple more of the ballet studios, catching some more performances (and the opera, maybe?!), spending a day or two with the lovely Giulia exploring Milan's hidden artistic gems – she knows all the best vintage stores, those quirky, off-the-beaten-track shops that have these amazing hand-made tutus! Oh, and of course, the food – how can I resist those delicious pizzas and delectable cannolis? I must, of course, find a new pink tutu in a new colour – or perhaps, just a brand new, super glitzy and sparkly ballet shoes for a performance or two - this city simply oozes glamour and creativity, a potent cocktail that would make even the staunchest of ballets-are-just-for-girls detractors say, “I simply must see that!”

Today, after breakfast and a very important post on my blog,, I’m off to catch the train to Venice! And I'm thinking I might have found just the right dress for the occasion…pink of course! Oh, the life of a Pink Tutu blogger is truly fantastic!

Stay tuned for more updates next week, darlings, and remember, the world's a prettier place in a pink tutu!

Lots of love, Emma

P.S If you’re ever in Milan, and would love to explore a little bit more of the ballet side of this fantastic city, be sure to reach out – I'd love to show you some of the wonderful gems we've found, maybe even a performance, or a trip to a tutu boutique together, eh? The city of Milan will always be filled with lovely, vibrant surprises and a splash of the Pink Tutu magic that never goes out of style!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-12-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia