Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-02-04 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #1026

Ciao, darling! It's Emma here, back from another whirlwind adventure in the fabulous fashion capital of Milan! My last blog post left you with the promise of a romantic encounter – can you guess who it was? Well, I’ll spill the beans… it was none other than Romeo, a dashing Italian gentleman I met on the tram. He was utterly charmed by my pink tutu and, after an enchanting chat, promised to join me at the Scala for this week’s ballet performance! I am practically bouncing with excitement – who would have thought my tutu could land me a date in Milan? 😉

But before we delve into that, let me whisk you through this week's pink-tinted adventures!

Day 1: From Derbyshire to Milan, all aboard the Eurostar!

This week started in Derbyshire, with a cup of strong tea and a hearty Derbyshire oatcake. I spent the morning sorting through my fabulous pink tutus, carefully selecting the perfect one for my Milan adventure. After all, choosing the right tutu for the occasion is as important as choosing the right outfit! This time, I went for a light pink tulle tutu, with layers and layers of beautiful netting and a dazzling pearl embellishment that sparkles in the light. It's the one I call 'Bellissima' and I think you'll agree it fits right in with the Milan vibe!

Then it was time to embark on my journey to Italy! My travels usually involve a train ride, and this time was no different. I love the quiet comfort of train travel. It gives me time to enjoy a good book and, of course, a good glass of wine!

*As always, my journey was a delight – my tutu is quite the conversation starter and fellow passengers seemed enthralled by my pink-tinted vision. * I even taught a little boy how to twirl! He found my sparkly tutu irresistible – who could resist a little twinkle in their day, right? 😉

Day 2: Arriving in Milan – Fashion, Fashion Everywhere!

I stepped onto Milan’s vibrant streets with a grin as big as the Duomo! The energy here is electric, and my senses were overwhelmed with sights and sounds! The air is alive with the rhythm of stylish Milanese people and buzzing traffic.

First things first – I checked into my charming little hotel, nestled in the heart of the city. The room was adorned with pink accents, just my style! It made me feel instantly at home and ready to take on Milan’s world-renowned fashion scene.

As an absolute shopaholic, I was in my element! My itinerary for the day was a simple one: explore Milan’s most fashionable districts. Via Montenapoleone is a paradise of high-end designers. Each shop window was a masterpiece, displaying stunning collections that left me speechless!

But Milan isn’t all about luxury boutiques; it’s also about independent designers and quirky, one-off shops bursting with charm. I discovered a little boutique tucked away in the backstreets, filled with the most adorable hand-made tutus, made from beautiful, bright fabrics! I even managed to resist buying another one (barely!), but I'll be back!

Day 3: A Little Something For Everyone

Today's agenda was all about embracing the vibrant arts scene that Milan is famous for. I started the day with a visit to the Museo Poldi Pezzoli, a private art collection with a mix of Italian and European paintings, sculptures, and furniture from the Renaissance to the 18th century.

You know how much I love museums – it's all about taking in the beauty and finding inspiration in every corner! The opulent interiors, the magnificent paintings, the stories behind each piece – they transport me to another world. And then, of course, I added a touch of pink to the day with my dazzling pink tutu, a perfect complement to the masterpieces I admired!

Later in the day, I treated myself to an authentic Milanese experience by taking a culinary class at a local cookery school! You wouldn't believe how delicious real Italian cooking can be! It wasn't just a class, it was an explosion of flavour and a celebration of fresh, local ingredients! The highlight, for me, was learning to make a traditional Milanese pasta dish - tortelli. I think I might be ready to open a little restaurant!

After my pasta-making adventure, it was time to take a walk through the bustling streets. My heart leapt with joy when I came across a delightful street theatre performance – a charming juggler balancing brightly coloured balls, spinning them high in the air, his pink and green trousers mirroring my own pink tutu. He caught my eye and sent a wink in my direction - maybe a new fan? 😊

Day 4: La Scala: A Symphony of Art and Grace

Today's highlight was the heart of my Milan trip, an event that made my little dancer's heart leap – a ballet performance at the prestigious La Scala Theatre! Romeo met me at the entrance, his charm as sparkling as his blue eyes. He'd bought me the most beautiful bouquet of pink roses!

As we stepped into the theatre, a wave of awe washed over me. La Scala is simply breathtaking. The gilded ceilings, the velvet seating, the intricate carvings – it was as though time had stood still.

We were treated to a dazzling performance of Swan Lake. Each pirouette, each graceful leap, each elegant arabesque was a feast for my eyes. The ballerinas danced with such precision, elegance, and passion – it was a true testament to the art of ballet. And then, as the final notes of the Tchaikovsky masterpiece resonated through the theatre, the audience erupted into applause. Romeo, ever the romantic, whispered in my ear, “It was like watching a beautiful dream.” And I couldn’t agree more!

After the show, Romeo took me to a lovely trattoria for a traditional Milanese dinner, a delightful end to an extraordinary evening. We talked until the wee hours of the morning, discussing ballet, music, and our shared love for Italy.

Day 5: Ballet Class with a View

Who could resist the allure of a ballet class in Milan? No way, not me! I found a charming studio tucked away in a quiet side street. The instructor, a passionate Italian woman named Isabella, greeted me with warmth and enthusiasm, reminding me that I’d come all the way from Derbyshire to get my ballet fix, so I must feel the sunshine!

As we warmed up, Isabella's vibrant energy filled the room, making the class more exciting. The rhythmic movements, the graceful poses, and the passion for dance – it was exhilarating! We danced on a rooftop overlooking the rooftops of Milan – such a stunning view, as vibrant and breathtaking as a scene from a romantic movie!

After class, Isabella presented me with a small, hand-painted ceramic ballet figurine - a pink tutu ballerina with sparkling shoes, so sweet, just like her. A lovely token of our ballet adventure, I will treasure it forever!

Final Thoughts on Milan

And now, I'm sitting here at the little cafe around the corner, sipping a cappuccino and letting the Italian sunshine bathe me as I write. It’s funny how much of this city, even when you are tired and trying to write a blog post, feels like you are dreaming.

*My pink tutu took me on an extraordinary adventure. It’s incredible to think how much a simple outfit can open doors and connect people, to spark a smile and bring a little joy to someone's day. I truly believe that every woman has a little ballerina within – all she needs is the confidence to embrace her own style! *

My suitcase is overflowing with shopping treasures - and new memories! Milan, with your cobblestone streets, romantic cafes, and dazzling fashion, you’ve captured a piece of my heart! Until next time!

I hope you enjoyed my latest blog, I'll be posting next week from London, another one of my favorite places on Earth. Remember to check in for more exciting adventures, because a pink tutu makes everything better!

Ciao, darling!

Love, Emma x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-02-04 ballet blog from Milano Italia