Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-04-22 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Wednesday 2015-04-22 - Post #1037

Buongiorno, darling tutu wearers!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another installment of my Pink Tutu Milan adventures! This week, I'm whisked away to the heart of Italy, a city brimming with culture, fashion, and of course, the most delectable gelato this side of the Alps.

As you know, I'm a firm believer in finding beauty in the unexpected, and my favourite way to explore a city is by hopping on a tram. There's just something so magical about weaving through the streets, watching life unfold around you. The clinking of the tram bells, the hurried steps of commuters, the sun filtering through the trees - it all adds to the unique tapestry of Milanese life.

This week, my mission is simple: soak up the sunshine, admire the architecture, and of course, find the most beautiful pink tutu in the city!

Fashion Fix: Milan, We Have a Dress Problem!

My journey started, as it always does, with a bit of shopping therapy. Milan is a sartorial paradise, a haven for fashionistas, and I, of course, had to get myself a new outfit. Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon a vintage shop overflowing with beautiful lace dresses, shimmering silks, and, most importantly, an array of perfectly pink hues!

The shop owner, a charming lady with a twinkle in her eye and a smile that could light up a room, helped me choose a blush pink lace dress, the perfect mix of elegant and whimsical. It flowed beautifully and the intricate details, like the delicate floral lace, made me feel like a princess from a storybook. Oh, the joys of fashion!

A Ballet Extravaganza: An Evening at La Scala

My pink tutu journey led me to the heart of Milan, the Teatro alla Scala, one of the most iconic opera houses in the world. And yes, I wore my new pink lace dress, the perfect outfit to complement the grandeur of the theatre.

This evening, the renowned ballerina, Natalia Osipova, was performing Giselle. And let me tell you, the performance was simply breathtaking! From the delicate movements to the powerful expressions, Osipova truly embodies the grace and ethereal beauty of the ballet. The exquisite costumes and intricate sets transported me to another world, a world of love, sorrow, and redemption.

The feeling in the air was electric. The audience was captivated, enraptured by the story unfolding before their very eyes. As I watched Osipova dance, I felt an undeniable connection to the world of ballet, a feeling that transcends time and language. It's moments like these that truly remind me why I do what I do, why I wear my pink tutu with pride, and why I'm so passionate about sharing this love for ballet with the world.

Street Performances and Cultural Discoveries

As much as I love seeing ballet in its traditional setting, there's something truly magical about witnessing it in unexpected places. While strolling through the vibrant city centre, I stumbled upon a group of dancers performing in a small courtyard. They were dancing in a style that reminded me of ballet street, with a mix of classical technique and contemporary movements. It was inspiring to see these young artists sharing their passion with the world.

This was a side of Milan I hadn't expected to find. The city, I soon realised, was brimming with artistry, from the elegant ballet at La Scala to the raw passion of street performances.

Train Travels and Tutu Thoughts

My time in Milan was all too short, but it was filled with enchanting memories, and I know I'll be back soon. After a farewell coffee at a charming cafe with pastel-hued walls, I made my way to the train station. As the train rolled out of Milan, I sat gazing at the scenery, reflecting on my experiences.

Milan has reminded me once again that beauty exists in the everyday. From the grand Teatro alla Scala to the small, tucked-away courtyards, it's a city where art and beauty are woven into the fabric of life.

And, of course, it’s been impossible to resist donning my pink tutu and spinning my way around the streets! So many kind and curious onlookers have smiled and complimented my ensemble, I just can’t wait to spread the joy of wearing a pink tutu in every corner of the world.

Until next time, darling tutu wearers!

Yours in pink and pirouettes,


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-04-22 ballet blog from Milano Italia