Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-04-15 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Wednesday 2015-04-15 - Post 1036

Ciao, darlings!

It’s Emma here, writing to you live from the heart of Milan, Italy. Oh, this city just sweeps me off my feet! I swear, every day is like a dream, filled with beautiful sights, amazing shops, and of course, fabulous ballet! It feels almost unreal that I’m here, sharing this incredible experience with all of you.

As you all know, I've always dreamed of coming to Italy. It's the home of some of the greatest ballet traditions, the land of elegant fashion and delectable cuisine, and frankly, just one giant, glorious stage set. You might call it a love affair!

But before I whisk you away on my Italian adventures, a little reminder: you can find this week's post and all my other Milan escapades at We've got plenty of pink and plenty of tutu-filled fun waiting for you, so hop on board!

My Milan Metro Journey: Trams, Tutus, and That Pink Feeling!

Right, let's rewind a little. It’s Wednesday morning in Milan, the air crisp and filled with the chirping of birds. The scent of freshly baked bread drifts from a local bakery, tantalising my taste buds. And I’m making my way across the city, just like a fairytale heroine – on the tram!

Speaking of fairytale heroines, I'm sporting my new, stunning pale pink tulle tutu, and believe me, it’s causing a stir. I love how this simple addition instantly transforms my everyday outfit. In Milan, even the simplest things, like riding the tram, turn into a magical experience. And when you're wearing a pink tutu, the city definitely takes notice!

I think I must have brightened quite a few commutes with my sparkly presence, because I saw smiles beaming back at me from all sorts of faces, from students clutching textbooks to elegantly-dressed business women on their way to work.

I always love seeing how people respond to the pink tutu. You’d think the tutu is something reserved for the stage, but I'm adamant: the tutu is for everyone, for any occasion. It's the ultimate symbol of joy, a whimsical touch to any day.

Milan’s tram system is easy to navigate, and the ride is surprisingly smooth, allowing me to soak up the bustling atmosphere. As we trundle along, the sights are captivating - grand old buildings adorned with intricate details, street performers weaving their magic, and of course, chic boutiques overflowing with fashion treasures.

I can’t tell you how much I love this city already. And trust me, it only gets better!

My Dreamy Day of Dance and Fashion: Ballet & Shopping Heaven!

It was time to step off the tram, so I grabbed my tutu bag and headed towards La Scala, one of the most famous opera houses in the world. But it's more than just an opera house; it's a majestic palace of the arts, with a rich history steeped in music and drama. And of course, a treasure trove for lovers of dance like myself.

The mere thought of experiencing the grand La Scala theatre sent shivers down my spine – it’s just oozing history! The outside facade was magnificent, but as I stepped through the massive doors, my jaw dropped.

My eyes were drawn upwards, to the ceiling with its grand fresco, and to the beautiful golden box seats adorned with velvet and satin. The auditorium was an architectural masterpiece, with an abundance of exquisite details, a theatre steeped in history. It felt like entering a magical portal from another time.

After taking a deep breath to absorb the ambience, I headed straight for the ballet studio attached to the theater. There’s a magical quality to La Scala’s studios, they're steeped in such history. It’s where legends have trained and perfected their craft, where years of sweat and dedication have been poured into every graceful pirouette and powerful jeté.

I managed to snag a place in a beginner’s ballet class, the perfect way to start the day. My teacher was wonderful, her movements filled with grace and fluidity. It was so inspiring to be dancing within the same walls where so many extraordinary dancers had performed. I couldn't help but feel a surge of motivation!

After an exhilarating class, I strolled into Milan’s historic centre, eager to explore. What better place to find inspiration than the home of Dolce & Gabbana, Armani, Versace - oh my!

Now, you know I always have my trusty pink tutu bag with me for ballet gear and essentials. And believe me, when it comes to shopping, it's as versatile as it gets! Just throw in your ballet shoes, phone charger, and some essential lip gloss and it's perfect for a day out on the town!

Today was a glorious blur of fashion finds, luxurious fabrics, and colourful displays. My mission? To find the perfect pink tulle for a new creation. You see, I always get the inspiration for new tutu designs when I'm on a trip, inspired by the city's colours and vibe. This week’s mission? A vibrant rose-coloured tutu, a touch of Milan in every flutter of fabric.

The shops of Milan are filled with vibrant colors and exquisite textures, perfect for capturing that “pink-tutu magic” I always seek. I had the absolute best time exploring boutiques, my fingers flitting across silks and satins, envisioning the way these fabrics could become magical ballet costumes.

This day of ballet and fashion had truly left me buzzing with energy, and the inspiration from Milan was bubbling over. Now it's back to the hotel to plan my next adventures. It’s the little things that make this journey truly special. From discovering a cute little café tucked away down a cobblestone street to witnessing the city light up as dusk settles in, Milan continues to cast a spell over me.

Fashion Frenzy: A Tutu-licious Milan Fashion Blog Post!

Okay, before I get to the next adventure, let's talk fashion! Milan is truly a feast for the eyes. It’s impossible not to be inspired by the elegance, sophistication and creativity I see around me here. And, as a dancer who's madly in love with fashion, the city feels like a dream come true.

As a self-proclaimed fashionista with a passion for all things pink and tutu-fabulous, I had to share my top picks from the day’s fashion exploration. Let’s just say, it was a mission that went perfectly according to plan!

(Here, Emma shares three detailed outfits from the Milan fashion adventure. These outfits feature bold colour choices, mixing luxurious fabrics with contemporary flair, showcasing her "pink-tutu" signature with delicate hints of tutus integrated into each outfit. She uses her personal style to capture the essence of Milan’s elegant yet edgy fashion. )

Okay, back to the itinerary! Stay tuned for my next post, where I share some fabulous experiences - think delectable food, gorgeous street performers, and more fashion finds that will make you gasp. And, oh, there might just be a sneak peek of my new rose-coloured tutu creation. Trust me, you don’t want to miss that!

Until next Monday, darlings.

Stay beautiful, and keep your spirits high. Remember, it's never too late to embrace your inner ballerina!

Ciao Bella!

Emma xxx

*P.S.: *

As always, don’t forget to head over to for more Milan magic. Remember to join my community for daily tutu-licious fashion tips and inspirational quotes, and let me know in the comments what you'd like to see next from my adventures in Milan!

Let’s spread that pink tutu love. It’s a worldwide revolution, and we’re all invited!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-04-15 ballet blog from Milano Italia