Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-05-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1041: A Whirlwind Wednesday in the Fashion Capital

Ciao, darlings! It's Emma here, back from the fabulous city of Milan, with a pink-tinted sparkle in my eyes and a brand new tutu-ful adventure to tell you all about. It's been a whirlwind week of ballet, fashion, and fabulousness, and I just can't wait to share it with you all!

As you know, every Monday you can find me posting here on, sharing my adventures and inspiring you all to embrace the joy of the pink tutu, wherever your journey may take you. And today's journey took me straight to the heart of Italy, where fashion and dance meet in a symphony of style.

My travel to Milan started as it always does: a ballet performance in Derby, my home town. The audience, always wonderful, chanted, "Pink tutu, Pink tutu," as I took my bows and it gave me the confidence to head off for another amazing trip! After all, the fuel for my tutu-ful travels is my ballet performances, and the joy they bring.

As I boarded the train, I couldn't help but marvel at the transformation taking place before my eyes. I'd traded the familiar Derbyshire landscape for a cityscape that felt as glamorous and bold as a perfectly-timed pirouette. And oh, how I love a journey by train, a chance to people-watch, to be lost in a world of whispers and gentle melodies, and to think about the magic I'll be experiencing in Milan.

Reaching the bustling station in Milan felt like entering a ballet set - the rhythmic rush of the people around me, the dramatic cityscape framed by glass and steel, it all felt so theatrical! And speaking of theatricality, I quickly made my way to my favourite hotel - the grand Palazzo Vecchio - a perfect blend of Italian elegance and old-world charm. Its spacious rooms, with their ornate décor, instantly transport me to a bygone era, where life was a slow, luxurious waltz.

Now, the highlight of any trip, and my top priority in Milan, is, of course, the ballet! The La Scala theatre was waiting for me - a majestic venue, all ornate detailing and sweeping grandeur. The atmosphere inside was electric; the hushed anticipation palpable.

On Wednesday, I attended the most exquisite performance by the "Amici della Scala" company, showcasing the brilliance and artistry of young dancers. Every graceful movement was a poem, every step a sonnet, every leap a soaring aria. From the moment the music started to swell, the vibrant energy of the dancers captivated the audience. It was an intoxicating spectacle of skill and expression, reminding me once again why ballet is my true passion.

A Pink Tutu, Milanese Style

After the ballet, the energy still buzzing within me, I hit the streets, ready to immerse myself in Milan’s fashion scene. Now, this city truly lives up to its reputation as the global fashion capital. The air practically vibrates with an electrifying blend of elegance and edginess, making it the perfect backdrop for my pink tutu.

My quest was clear - to find the ultimate pink tutu to commemorate this adventure. And, my darlings, I was not disappointed! I wandered through the charming streets, filled with artisan boutiques and high-end department stores, like a little ballerina on a mission. The fabrics, the textures, the designs, it was all a feast for my fashion-loving eyes!

I landed at a gorgeous little shop called “Tulle and Taffeta,” nestled among the city’s quieter streets. Stepping inside felt like stepping into a magical world. The walls were lined with glittering gowns, delicate lace, and ribbons galore - it was a fabric lover’s dream! And, of course, they had a stunning collection of tutus!

The owner, a beautiful woman named Sophia, greeted me with warmth and a twinkle in her eye. I told her of my pink tutu obsession, my mission to spread its joy around the world. She instantly understood, and after a brief conversation, we were whisked away to her personal design studio!

Sophia's designs were incredible. I saw tutu after tutu, each a unique masterpiece, but none truly captivated my heart until she unveiled a tutu so ethereal, so pink, so… perfect. It was a breathtaking ballet of ruffles, layers, and tulle. It wasn't just a tutu; it was a celebration of pure feminine grace and elegance, made for the most glamorous dance moments in life.

This, my darlings, was THE one. The tutu destined to bring a touch of Milanese magic to my collection. Sophia wrapped it in a silk scarf and a smile that lit up the room, “This is the tutu for your Milan adventure!” she declared. I left her studio buzzing with joy, my arms aching from carrying the most fabulous prize.

From Catwalks to Coffee Shops

My Milan journey, of course, wasn’t solely dedicated to ballet and tutus, no matter how captivating. I felt compelled to explore beyond the theatrical lights and dazzling stores, to discover the real beating heart of this vibrant city.

That afternoon, I found myself walking along Corso Buenos Aires - the heart of Milan's fashion district. Imagine an avenue lined with shops selling every conceivable garment, accessory, and beauty product! This street is a tutti-frutti mix of the avant-garde, the trendy, and the timeless, each offering its own unique appeal to fashion lovers everywhere.

Milan isn't just about couture, it’s about everyday style too. It's about chic, sleek women effortlessly balancing their work lives with glamorous nights out, all with that certain je ne sais quoi, which can be as simple as a perfectly-placed scarf, a vibrant red lipstick, or a chic pair of heels. It's an inspiration, an unspoken language of elegance woven into every street corner and corner café.

My exploration took me from high-end boutiques to quirky little cafes tucked away on cobblestone alleys. I indulged in an afternoon coffee at a cozy café, a fragrant espresso and a croissant served on a delicate china plate - a true Milanese experience, full of charm and quiet beauty.

As the evening shadows began to stretch across the city, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over me, as if Milan had whispered its secrets into my soul, reminding me to savor life's simple pleasures. And to that end, I decided to visit the Teatro Piccolo, another captivating venue known for its diverse, engaging, and often offbeat performances. This theatre, nestled amidst the grandeur of the Teatro Alla Scala, provides a stark contrast to its famous neighbor, with its intimate, almost secretive atmosphere.

Here, on stage, I saw a captivating performance that felt both powerful and intimate - a contemporary dance piece exploring the raw emotion and beauty of human connection. It was the kind of show that leaves you with lingering questions and echoes in your mind long after the curtain falls.

The Magic of a Pink Tutu

As I write this from my hotel room, a gentle rain pattering outside my window, the vibrant energy of my Milan adventure still shimmers inside me.

The city has woven its magic into my soul - a potent cocktail of style, culture, and warmth that lingers long after the journey ends. I feel an unyielding desire to express myself, to unleash my inner creativity, and yes, to embrace the magic of the pink tutu.

As I gaze out at the moonlit city, its streets illuminated by soft, golden lights, I feel an irresistible urge to take a walk, my pink tutu swirling in the gentle night air. This is the city that embodies fashion, the city where dance is life, and the city where pink tutu, more than anything else, fits right in!

My adventure in Milan, with every twirl, every glance, every cafe au lait, has deepened my conviction to embrace the world with pink tutu positivity. My darling, I truly believe that a pink tutu can spark joy anywhere - in the theatre, on a cobbled street, in a charming café, or even on the most bustling city boulevard.

And you know what, that's exactly what I plan to do! To dance through life with a pink tutu, to celebrate the simple pleasures, and to spread that joy, one twirl at a time.

So, as the Milan sunsets over another unforgettable adventure, I can only hope that I’ve inspired you to dare to wear your pink tutu, to step out of your comfort zone, to discover the magic waiting to be embraced in every corner of the world. Remember, darlings, a little bit of pink tutu magic goes a long way.

Until next Monday, when I’ll share another adventure from my travels, let the music fill your heart and let your pink tutu shine!

Lots of love and twirls,

Emma x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-05-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia