Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-08-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1052: A Whirlwind Wednesday in the Fashion Capital!

Ciao, darling! It’s Emma here, back from the heart of Milan with a Pink Tutu update that’s fit to burst with colour, sunshine and, of course, tutus! As the sun beat down on the streets, turning them into shimmering asphalt rivers, I was lost in a fairytale of cobblestone squares and magnificent architecture. But enough about the scenery, let’s dive straight into my Milan adventure, shall we?

From Derbyshire to Milan: A Journey by Train and Tram

Wednesday, 5th August 2015, and I'm starting the day feeling ridiculously excited – because, as you know, darling, it's Pink Tutu Wednesday! My week in Milan has begun like a beautifully orchestrated waltz, starting with a seamless train journey from Derby (which, by the way, looked charmingly sleepy at dawn, all pastel houses and birdsong!).

After an efficient, sleek high-speed journey across the English Channel, the French countryside flashed by in a kaleidoscope of green and gold, and then, presto, there it was: Milan. The city that always manages to steal my heart with its graceful Italian charm.

After the usual, rather fun airport navigation – dodging tourists and baggage carousels – I boarded a vibrant yellow tram that carried me straight into the heart of the city. What a sight! Milan has such a timeless quality; every street corner seems to be telling a story, every café promising an enchanting escape from the midday heat.

A Chic Pink Tutu for a Stylish City

And how could I forget the pièce de résistance? The reason I've ventured to Milan? You guessed it! Today's Pink Tutu ensemble is something truly special, my darling. Imagine a delicate swirl of blush pink tulle, perfectly sculpted, like a delicate whisper of femininity. I chose to pair it with a vintage, ruby red blouse with lace details, and for my footwear? Well, I’m still playing with that idea! I have this pair of sparkly platform shoes that are almost begging for an outing…

But speaking of “outings”, my agenda for today was bursting with plans. This trip was all about immersing myself in the vibrant ballet scene here in Milan. And after my train journey, I had just enough time for a light lunch of mozzarella, tomato and fresh basil at a tiny café tucked away on a quiet cobblestone alley. The perfect Italian fare, perfectly prepared.

From Class to Stage: A Day of Dance in Milan

As soon as my lunch was finished, I rushed to my ballet class – I always love finding new studios on my travels, it’s a chance to embrace a different style and energy! It was an intense but rewarding class – and, to my surprise, they had pink leotards and tights! (Of course!) We worked on our turns and arabesques, and I managed to squeeze in a bit of pirouette practice, even though I wasn't in my tutus for that part, naturally.

The highlight of the day was attending an evening performance of Giselle at the Teatro alla Scala. This majestic theater – truly one of the grandest I’ve ever visited! The ornate details, the opulent gold detailing – even the plush velvet seats felt like a luxurious escape into another time.

The dancers were astonishing, each movement so precise and eloquent. Giselle's heartbreaking story, of betrayal and love, came to life on stage, and I found myself utterly captivated. I almost forgot I was holding my own tutu at the end, because the applause for the dancers just went on forever, I swear! The entire theater was vibrating with a shared passion for ballet, and the energy was intoxicating!

A Little Indulgence in the Fashion Paradise

Later that night, we had a small group of ballet friends over, just to share some stories and insights. The food, naturally, was all things Italian and delicious - handmade ravioli and tiramisu made by our lovely hostess, accompanied by Italian wine (but of course!), that had a little touch of fizz to make it all a little more festive. And yes, I was wearing my pink tutu; it’s always fun to spread the message wherever I go, darling!

Of course, no visit to Milan is complete without a little fashion indulgence, and this was the highlight for me - and the tutu was just an extension of this gorgeous city. A leisurely stroll down Via Monte Napoleone (this street, I tell you, is just overflowing with gorgeous shops!), stopping in a boutique called “La Tutu,” a veritable wonderland of shimmering tutus in all colours and styles. Imagine rows and rows of beautiful fabrics, cascading frills, and perfectly draped tutus, all ready to be twirled and admired! The owner was lovely, telling me her own stories about ballet, her love for tutus, and even how she started collecting tutus - some from real ballet dancers and choreographers, others from productions from years ago. The most charming touch? Every day she brings in a few new, beautiful, and of course, PINK tutus! We, of course, discussed pink tutus, which led to the usual discussion about life, the universe and everything – and why we need to put a pink tutu on every single person we meet!

Back in the Hotel with a Tutu of Dreams

By evening, with my feet pleasantly aching and my head filled with ballet dreams, I retreated to my charming hotel room, tucked away in a tranquil courtyard. I’m not ashamed to say I was absolutely exhausted, but also on cloud nine after a day of dance and tutus. I can’t wait for tomorrow. There are so many hidden gems of Milan I still want to discover - from art galleries to street performances. You see, in Milan, every corner holds the promise of something beautiful.

But for tonight, I will allow myself a touch of relaxation and indulgence – with a good book, a glass of Italian wine and a beautiful, blushing, pink tutu. After all, darling, it’s Pink Tutu Wednesday! See you again soon with more tales from Milan – and more tutus!

Remember, my dears, let’s aim to bring a little magic into every day! And a Pink Tutu is the perfect way to start! Let me know how you plan to wear yours this week - I’d love to hear about your twirly adventures. And stay tuned for next week's blog post for even more pink tutu inspiration!

Emma’s Notes:

I wanted to touch upon a few things in this post that I love about Milan – it’s such a rich blend of art, architecture and culture. And let's face it – the food here is amazing.

Also, you may wonder where I’m getting all this travel money to follow my Tutu dreams? I’ve been performing a lot in Derbyshire and beyond (I've got some upcoming performances in London in September!), and these earnings give me the wonderful opportunity to visit these beautiful cities – I wouldn't have it any other way!

For those of you who would like to follow along with my tutu adventures – please follow my blog ( You can find me on Instagram too (@pinktutuema). And do email me your questions, I love hearing from my followers!

This has been my #PinkTutuMilan blog, until next week!


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-08-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia