Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-08-12 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Wednesday 2015-08-12 - #1053

Buongiorno, darlings! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s Pink Tutu Milan time, and let me tell you, Milan has been a whirlwind of tulle, tiaras and triumph this week! My blog this week is going to be a doozy, because let me just say, it's been an absolute blast!

For the uninitiated, let me introduce myself – I'm Emma, a ballerina, writer, and self-proclaimed pink tutu enthusiast from the picturesque county of Derbyshire. It's in my blood – a love for all things ballet, glitter, and, of course, my favourite hue. You could even say my mission is to get everyone in the world wearing a pink tutu. Okay, that might be a tad ambitious, but a girl can dream!

You may know that I travel all around the world, exploring its many wonderful ballets, ballet companies, and theatrical performances – always sporting my signature pink tulle! Funding this glorious adventure? You guessed it, my dance performances, from glittering gala nights to joyous street events. The joy and applause, the cheers and the mesmerised gazes… those are my reward.

Milan: A City of Style and Substance

As you know, this week I'm in Milan, a city that quite literally bursts at the seams with beauty, art, fashion, and food. This week alone has seen me waltzing around Milan's gorgeous historic centre, exploring the Teatro alla Scala (the grandest theatre I have ever seen!) and strolling the bustling streets. You know, just a normal Wednesday for this pink-tutu clad ballerina!

The reason for this trip is, well, let’s just say, "opportunity knocking!" The legendary La Scala Ballet Company is performing a new, highly anticipated work by one of the greatest choreographers, so naturally, I had to see it. The chance to see these incredibly talented dancers on this breathtaking stage was too good to resist. I'll confess, seeing the show and then being able to spend the rest of the evening wandering the city, a hot cup of Italian coffee in hand, is absolute magic!

The Pink Tutu Experience: A Symphony of Glamour

And oh my, has this trip been pinklicious! I mean, just think about it: Milan, a haven for fashionistas, the heart of style and the birthplace of all things chic, and here I am, twirling around in my pink tulle! Pure magic!

I must confess, this time in Milan has been especially fun, because of the people! La Scala was a delight to watch, the orchestra stunning, and the entire building steeped in history! But it's the joy in my pink tutu that brings a sparkle to everyone's eyes! I get smiles and photos, "ooh's" and "aah's" everywhere I go! I truly believe that a touch of pink tutu magic can make anyone’s day just that little bit brighter!

Let’s talk shopping! Milan is a treasure trove for any fashion-lover. The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, with its exquisite arches, marble floors, and beautiful shops, is just heaven for my shopaholic soul. The vintage shops – my absolute favourite - have an abundance of amazing gems, each whispering tales of stylish past lives. From the perfect clutch to a whimsical antique hat, my little suitcase is practically brimming with new additions for my pink-tutu wardrobe.

Eating like a Princess

Speaking of being a princess, let's talk about food. No trip to Italy is complete without experiencing its heavenly cuisine. And believe me, I have been living it up! This week has been a gastronomic symphony. The local markets, with their bursting stalls and delicious aromas, are my happy place. Fresh fruit, cheeses, meats, bread - it’s enough to make your head spin. My favourite is definitely the local gelato. The creamy, sweet delight melts in your mouth, leaving a burst of refreshing flavour. And don’t even get me started on the Italian pasta - from spaghetti to gnocchi, from creamy carbonara to the boldest red sauce - oh my!

Taming the Tram and Navigating the City

Milan is also incredibly accessible. Its transport network is pretty amazing, with a beautifully organised system of trams, buses, and trains. You can’t get lost. The best part? The tram rides offer breathtaking views of Milan's cityscape! Imagine, me in my pink tutu, watching the world whizz by from the comfort of a bright red tram, feeling every breeze through my tulle, the sun warm on my face... Honestly, it’s just glorious!

The Magic of La Scala

Oh my! Where to even begin with La Scala? It is an absolute palace of performing arts. Built with opulent materials, ornate detailing, a majestic facade, it’s the pinnacle of European theater architecture. Stepping into the hallowed halls of this magnificent theatre is like stepping back in time. To feel the echoes of generations past, the ghosts of the world’s greatest performers. I've been a regular visitor since my very first time here - a Pink Tutu Milan highlight back in 2012. You could say, I’m in awe every time I visit.

The actual performances… well, that's a story for another blog post! To be amongst so many brilliant artists, seeing so much beauty and talent on stage... truly, it's inspiring!

Looking Forward, Tutu Ready!

As the week ends, I’m ready to embrace a new adventure! The Pink Tutu journey continues, always onwards to discover new wonders, experience amazing events and create wonderful memories, all in my favourite hue, pink, and, of course, my beloved tulle. And yes, I did manage to sneak a couple more pink tutus into my suitcase while I was in Milan... because, how can you ever have too much pink tulle, right?

As ever, I love connecting with you, dear readers, and sharing my pink-tutu experiences. Please comment and tell me what you thought!

Next week I'm on my way to… drumroll…. Berlin! Stay tuned to Pink Tutu Milan next Monday, and I’ll tell you all about it. Until then, keep on twirling, darlings!

Love and tutus, Emma

Don’t forget to check out my website,, where I share even more Pink Tutu tales from my travels around the world. I’ve been posting my ballet adventures there once a week on Mondays, ever since my first post back in 2009.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-08-12 ballet blog from Milano Italia