Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-04-13 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1088: A Pink Paradise in the Fashion Capital!

Ciao, darlings!

It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means... it's time for a new Pink Tutu Milan post! This week, I'm in the vibrant city of Milan, the fashion capital of the world, and let me tell you, my pink tutu is in its element! I’m having a whale of a time exploring its bustling streets, elegant cafes, and chic boutiques, and I can’t wait to share all my adventures with you.

This week has been a whirl of beautiful ballet, fab shopping sprees, and delectable treats. It's everything I love about being a Pink Tutu ballerina, all rolled into one fabulous Milanese experience!

Let’s go back a little… last week I was in lovely Derbyshire, feeling all that lovely English spring air, watching the blossom open on the trees, and going to a local ballet class, which was absolutely wonderful, especially in the gorgeous Derbyshire sunshine, which was actually pretty scorching this year.

The thing is, with being a touring ballerina, it is hard to be in one place for too long. But I love travelling around, and this week I had the chance to be in Milan, and let me tell you, darling, I grabbed it with both hands. I'm so excited to be exploring this fashion mecca and getting to see a ballet performance at the Teatro alla Scala, which, well, you know, just has to be done. It’s basically one of the most important theatres for classical ballet in the world!

Arrival in the Fashion Capital

Now, if you follow this blog, you know that one of my absolute favourite things is getting about on public transport. Whether it's the tube in London, the trams of Milan, or even just a leisurely stroll through the city, I love feeling the pulse of the place and the energy of its people.

It was just a few hours journey to get to Milan on the train. As usual, I had chosen a window seat so that I could marvel at the scenery. I couldn't help but smile, because everyone on the train seemed to be dressed impeccably, from the Milanese businessmen in their stylish suits to the chic women with perfectly coordinated outfits, all the while holding delicious looking coffee. It’s almost as though the stylish fashion of Milan bleeds out from the designers and onto the streets. So elegant.

You'd think, being in a foreign city, that there would be moments of panic - well there definitely were a few moments of thinking, 'Where am I?,' and 'Am I going in the right direction?' because I love exploring new areas of cities, and let's face it, Milan is huge. So big! I couldn’t resist hopping on a tram a few times - it was absolutely fascinating, and as I’m sure you’ll be interested to know, it only cost me 2 Euros. A bargain!

Speaking of Milan, how beautiful are all the buildings? The architecture is just amazing, I must say. This city truly knows how to work its style! All those intricate carvings, grand domes, and elegant facades are a dream come true. They remind me of some of the exquisite designs you see on ballet costumes – a graceful blend of elegance and intricate detail.

My Tutu in Milan: Pink is in!

Once I arrived in the city centre, I took a quick walk down some of Milan’s iconic streets to stretch my legs after my journey. And, of course, my trusty pink tutu was right there with me!

You might think that a tutu wouldn’t be the most appropriate garment for strolling the streets of Milan, what with it’s fabulous and sophisticated reputation. But it worked for me. Every single person I saw stared at my tulle as I sauntered down the Via Monte Napoleone. Of course, they had to - it was the brightest pink that I’d ever worn, and it was made from hundreds and hundreds of delicate layers of silk - and a whole lot of ruffles. They loved it, darling. There was only one guy who scowled - a bloke in a suit - he definitely looked disapproving. But you can’t please everyone, darling, right? It wasn’t that his frown made me stop smiling. I think everyone who saw my pink tulle knew that they should just smile at it!

There’s something very magical about a tutu, no matter where you are. It transforms you. It adds a touch of whimsical beauty to the world and is a way of bringing some of that ballet magic to the streets.

Speaking of the magic of Milan, I couldn’t resist stopping by a street corner for a spontaneous gelato - vanilla, hazelnut and chocolate…it's just as heavenly as it sounds! This time my little pink tutu got some very happy stares, from the young kids who seemed very interested, especially by the pink ruffles! Maybe one day, they will even have the courage to wear a tutu! I always try to encourage children to wear tutus. It can be a very empowering and magical experience!

After all, everyone can be a ballerina! We just need to believe in the power of twirling!

Shopping Sprees & Ballet Bliss

Milan is just perfect for a bit of shopping. I adore the chic boutiques that line the streets, the luxurious department stores, and all the fabulous displays. Every time I come here, I always spend at least two hours just soaking up all the glamorous designs and the beautiful, opulent décor. It's always a treat to step into a shop and get a dose of the latest fashion trends - that and admire all the beautifully presented accessories, and just dream about what kind of look I’ll create when I’m back home! I found myself buying quite a lot of luxurious items – a silk scarf in my favourite pink colour, an ivory blouse with delicate lace detailing and a lovely pair of silver ballet pumps which just fit the pink tulle like a glove. A perfect Italian look!

Milan is a haven for fashion lovers. As an absolute devotee to fashion, I just had to soak up some of the city's chic style and shop till I dropped, just to try and pick up some pieces which reflect the sophisticated spirit of Milan.

And just for good measure, on the first day of my travels in Milan, I also had to catch a stunning ballet performance. It was at Teatro alla Scala, darling. One of the best theatres in the world for the ballet - It really was a breathtaking show. It was "La Bayadère," a beautifully crafted tale of love, tragedy, and of course, breathtaking artistry and choreography! I felt such excitement and admiration for the talented ballerinas and their sheer skill and talent. I got a wonderful mix of passion and artistry as the performers’ movement was just mesmerising, but what also impressed me was the fact that there was so much going on: The whole performance, from the elaborate costumes and intricate sets, to the gorgeous music and powerful acting, created a completely captivating experience. I found myself utterly spellbound throughout the performance. And guess what, my tutu went with me too! Of course!

And you just know how important my tutu was on that evening - the first performance that I saw in this amazing theatre. The other people at the theatre, they were dressed so well, the women wearing those fantastic designer gowns, but the atmosphere that the tulle brought - oh it just gave that touch of magic that only I can give to such a performance, which had everything already - a lot going for it - a touch of ballerina.

And it was a wonderful evening for everyone - all the other women loved my pink tulle and it brightened up the theatre. I mean, my tutus - that is one of the biggest reasons why I am who I am, darling. I mean, I may just be one girl in a big, pink tutu, but you have to admit that tutus make a great way of saying, “Look, we are here! We’re the future of the fashion world, the dancers and ballerinas of the world are the biggest thing going.” I am a statement!

And guess what I wore under the tutu, in this wonderful ballet haven? My favourite pink and white floral print midi skirt! Oh how wonderful to be back on the fashion stage once again!

Milan: A City of Fashion & Passion

I hope I’ve done justice to all the fab things that I've seen in Milan in the last few days. I have been blessed to be in the place I call the 'Fashion and ballet haven' of Italy, and the trip to this elegant and iconic city just wouldn’t have been complete without exploring some of the other cultural jewels that it offers. I even went on a little guided tour to find out more about this incredible city and the sights of the city that made this fashion capital - what an interesting walk through its many stories - so beautiful and so important.

So now I've experienced Milan’s famous shopping scene and have witnessed a fantastic performance. Oh, how I am delighted and utterly content! So many new adventures. I’ll be back in Milan next week, with even more to see and share. Until next time, darling, always be prepared to be inspired and be ready to find beauty in the most unexpected places, so put on that gorgeous frock, or if you’ve got one - a tutu. We are all ballerinas, so don’t forget to find your inner grace.

**Love and Twirls,


PS I've got to show off this new outfit I've put together, with my new, ivory lace blouse. Look how well it complements my pink tutu, the pink ribbon that ties the blouse together and the pearl earrings and shoes I chose! Oh, my goodness, look how perfectly coordinated this outfit is with my pale pink lipstick.

And a little reminder, don’t forget to check out my website, for my new Monday blog posts - where else can you read more about a ballerina on a quest to get everyone to wear a pink tutu?

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-04-13 ballet blog from Milano Italia