Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-08-03 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1104: La Dolce Vita in Pink!

Buongiorno, darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the glamorous streets of Milan! This week, I've traded my Derbyshire hills for the stylish cobbled avenues of this fashion capital, and I can already tell you – Milan is living up to the hype!

Let's rewind for a sec… As you know, my life is a whirlwind of pink tutus, ballet classes, and a constant craving for beautiful things. And it’s all fueled by my biggest dream – to inspire everyone, from tiny tots to seasoned professionals, to embrace the power of a pink tutu! (Honestly, it’s so empowering – trust me!)

Now, funding this tutu-ific lifestyle takes a bit of creative juggling, but luckily, I have my magic weapon: ballet! I’ve been dancing since I was a little tot, and my performances – think, a graceful blur of pink tulle and pirouettes – allow me to travel the world, one graceful step at a time.

This week, I found myself landing in Milan, ready to explore this city that’s as renowned for its fashion as it is for its love of all things artistic. Honestly, I was bubbling with excitement like a bottle of prosecco about to burst!

Tutu Time in Milan

Milan – it’s basically a dream for a tutu-obsessed girl like me. The city’s a catwalk of style, and everywhere you look, there’s something fabulous happening. From the high-end boutiques of Via Montenapoleone, where my inner shopaholic lets loose, to the historic Teatro alla Scala – where ballet legends have danced – Milan is a feast for the senses.

I’ve been spending my days twirling through Milan, absorbing its vibrant energy like a sponge. And of course, it wouldn’t be a trip to Milan without experiencing the city’s incredible street style. It’s bold, creative, and effortlessly stylish, a mix of classic Italian chic and edgy modern trends. I’m particularly loving the way they pair bold prints with simple, clean lines – and you bet I’m incorporating it into my own style!

And then there’s the food, darlings! Oh, the food! You’ve never experienced real pizza until you’ve tried it in Italy! The crust is thin and crispy, the cheese melts in your mouth, and the sauce is just… well, let's just say my taste buds are doing a happy dance. The gelaterias are no slouch either. Their gelato, creamy, sweet, and bursting with flavour, is definitely worthy of a twirl in a pink tutu!

Dancing My Way Through Milan

One of the highlights of my Milan trip was a ballet performance at Teatro alla Scala. Now, it’s no ordinary theater. It’s like stepping into another era. The opulent interior, the rich red velvet seats, the perfect acoustics – they all add up to create a breathtaking experience. The ballet was a story about the triumphs and tribulations of love, performed with incredible grace and precision. Honestly, I felt my heart skip a beat a few times. The final curtain brought a roar of applause and the sound of dancers taking a bow. And I, of course, joined in, swept up in the beauty of it all!

A Fashionista’s Paradise

And who could forget Milan's legendary shopping scene?! Let's be honest, darling, a visit to Milan is practically a mandatory pilgrimage for any fashion-loving soul. There’s simply nothing quite like it. The boutiques are brimming with exquisite designs, bold colors, and textures that tantalise the senses. I’m pretty sure I spent most of Wednesday trying on gorgeous garments, trying to decide which of them would become permanent fixtures in my wardrobe (with some helpful assistance from my trusty pink tutu, of course). It’s truly a treat to immerse oneself in this world of creativity, where designers dream up stunning creations to adorn the world’s most stylish people!

Adventures on the Tram

I’m absolutely in love with the tram system in Milan! It’s a convenient and affordable way to get around, offering a fascinating glimpse into the city’s rhythm and vibe. I spent a whole afternoon hopping on and off the tram, admiring the city's architecture from a unique perspective. Seriously, I could have spent a whole week just taking the tram, soaking up the view, and meeting the locals, sharing tips and tales about fashion, ballet, and the best places to grab a panini!

Fashion on the Move

Speaking of Milan's style, I just can't get enough of the local fashion scene! It's inspiring, bold, and utterly captivating. You can see it everywhere, from the impeccably dressed men and women gliding through the city's streets, to the unique designs in the shop windows, and the chic atmosphere that pervades the entire place. It’s like Milan has a permanent ‘fashion runway’ feeling about it, and you know what? I’m not complaining!

My Fashion Favourites

  • I've found this fab store tucked away in a little alley that specialises in unique vintage pieces – my tutu and I were having a ball! The sales assistant even complemented my choice of pink.
  • Speaking of accessories, I came across this designer who creates handcrafted leather handbags that are not only stylish but super practical, too. Just perfect for holding all my essentials, from a spare pair of ballet shoes to a chic book I’m reading, to – of course – my trusty pink tutu.
  • I’ve been swooning over this charming, little cafe with vintage furniture. And best of all, they have a collection of teacups from different eras. So fancy! You know how I adore all things pretty!

My Pink Tutu Mission

Every day, I try to live by a little mantra: Embrace the power of pink! So, throughout my adventures, I try to wear my tutu wherever possible. It's all about breaking the mold and spreading some pink love! It has started some interesting conversations on the streets of Milan. I’ve seen some puzzled looks, sure, but mostly I’ve witnessed people smile and chuckle! And even better, several women have come up to me, confessing they love tutus and have always dreamed of wearing one! One even asked for a ballet class recommendation in Milan, because she always thought it was something she would like to try!

And honestly, that's what it's all about, spreading the love and joy of tutus!

From Derbyshire to Milan

Being in Milan, so far away from my Derbyshire roots, feels amazing! It’s a complete change of scenery – from the rolling hills and charming village life of England, to the bustling, glamorous streets of Italy! The journey to Milan was definitely an adventure in itself – first by train, then by tram, passing through stunning countryside and buzzing city centers.

But no matter where I am, one thing remains constant - my passion for pink and tutus. It's part of my core, and it guides my every move. I know that no matter how far I travel, my pink tutu will be there by my side. It's my fashion armour, my signature style, and a constant reminder that dreams – just like dancing in a pink tutu - are within reach!

Next Week

Keep your eyes peeled, because I’ll be back next Monday with another exciting instalment from my Milan adventures. Who knows what wonders I'll find?

And of course, dear readers, if you have any questions or want to share your own fashion or ballet stories, I would love to hear them.

Stay tuned!

Lots of love, Emma

Pink Tutu, Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-08-03 ballet blog from Milano Italia