Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-08-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #1105 - Ciao Bella!

Buongiorno from Milano, darlings! It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu wearing, ballet-loving adventurer, ready to share my latest escapade from the fashion capital of the world!

It's Wednesday, the 10th of August 2016, and my week is in full swing! I landed in Milano yesterday afternoon, feeling utterly enchanted by the bustling streets and the delicious scent of freshly baked pastries wafting from every corner. Today, however, my agenda was all about embracing the cultural delights of this fabulous city, and of course, finding some spectacular tutus, naturally!

But first, let me paint a picture for you! I'm currently sat at my little desk in my hotel room, a tiny Parisian-style gem hidden away in the heart of Milan. Sunlight is streaming through the windows, bouncing off my new, oh-so-pink, floral-printed linen dress - a recent acquisition from a boutique I stumbled upon while taking a delightful tram ride. I feel absolutely fabulous!

Yesterday, upon arriving, I felt like a fairytale character stepping into a glamorous world. I practically swooned when the sleek silver tram, adorned with its ornate details, carried me through the city. Milan truly has this magic about it. Every corner whispers history and artistic inspiration. It feels like a perfect marriage of chic and charm.

After settling into my hotel, I took a wander down to Piazza Duomo. This was the perfect first taste of Milano - a breathtaking vista of architecture, adorned with beautiful flowers spilling from every window box and courtyard.

And then I saw them. Not just any ordinary pigeons, mind you. But pigeons adorned with little tutus! It was absolutely surreal!

Just picture this: a fluffy, grey feathered creature strutting around with its fluffy bum adorned with a vibrant pink tulle creation. My inner child shrieked with glee. I spent a good five minutes snapping pictures (which I'll post on my Instagram later!), mesmerized by this random ballet performance, well, at least by the pigeons anyway.

From there, it was a quick skip to the Teatro alla Scala, a sight that simply took my breath away. This historical masterpiece is truly a testament to the art of Italian architecture and a powerful reminder of the beauty that resonates through its history. I can't wait to experience a ballet performance here - my very own "Pink Tutu" dream come true.

Later in the afternoon, I stumbled upon a charming little cafe nestled in the heart of a side street. They had the most beautiful cakes, and I found myself devouring a pink and white vanilla and pistachio layered cake, perfect for my pink palette! It was the sweetest indulgence - almost as sweet as the little old lady I chatted with, who gave me the best tip about a hidden gem: a ballet studio just around the corner!

This charming studio is run by a delightful couple who are both passionate about the art of dance. It has a distinctly romantic and ethereal feel - the soft glow of warm lamplight illuminates a room lined with mirrors that seem to reflect an entire world of movement. As soon as I entered, the gentle melody of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake drifted through the air. It was absolutely heavenly!

Of course, I couldn't leave without joining in. Donning my own little pink tutu (a foldable gem that lives in my travel bag - perfect for spontaneous moments like this!), I stepped into the barre. The feel of the polished wood beneath my feet, the weight of the soft fabric swirling around my legs - it was bliss. The couple offered to teach me some steps, their movements flowing with the effortless grace of seasoned dancers. My steps might not have been perfect, but it was a magical moment! It was a beautiful reminder of the universality of ballet - a language that speaks beyond borders.

By evening, my ballet dreams were swirling in my head, but I was also eager to experience the nightlife of Milan. The bustling energy of Navigli, with its charming canals, little cafes, and restaurants, perfectly matched my mood. I strolled through the heart of the canal, enjoying the aroma of freshly baked bread and roasted vegetables that wafted from the bustling street vendors. The music in the air, the laughter and chatter around me - I couldn't have asked for a better ending to my first day in Milan.

Tonight, I am headed for a ballet show - it's going to be spectacular! After last night's experience, I can't wait to witness the raw emotion and breathtaking movement of the dancers onstage. Maybe even a bit of impromptu dancing in the street?

And that, my dear readers, brings me to my favourite part - sharing the details of my Milan adventures with you! I want to hear all about your travels, your dreams, and of course, your favourite pink tutu moments. Share them with me! Tweet them with #PinkTutuMilan - let's paint the world pink one tutu at a time!

Until next week, darlings, when I'll share more stories about this wonderful city. And remember: wear a tutu, be fabulous, and dream big!

Ciao bella! Emma x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-08-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia