Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-12-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 1122, Wednesday 2016-12-07

Buongiorno bella!

It’s a glorious Wednesday here in Milan! The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and the cobblestones are sparkling under my…you guessed it!… pink tutu! It's always so exhilarating to wake up in a new city, knowing that the day is filled with the possibilities of grand piazzas, delectable gelatos, and, of course, amazing ballet.

As I always say, the journey is just as important as the destination, and today’s journey began with a ride on the tram, the elegant clattering echoing down Milan’s bustling streets. I love the feeling of a tram - the rhythm of the rails, the way the light plays on the windows as you wind your way through the city. And who needs a seat anyway when you can just stand, watch the world go by and enjoy the view from the comfort of your very own, beautiful pink tutu!

Speaking of which… today's tutu is a stunner, darling! A light-as-air confection of tulle and silk in the palest shade of rose, with a hint of silver thread sparkling through it. It was a spontaneous purchase yesterday at this little boutique on a side street – a true gem! It is one of my favourite ways to start a trip, finding an extraordinary tutu tucked away in some unexpected corner.

So, with my perfect pink tutu swaying as I walked, I headed towards the Teatro alla Scala. This iconic theatre is practically a religious site for any ballet aficionado, and today was even more special because I had managed to get tickets to see a performance of Swan Lake! The ballet will always have a special place in my heart - from its lyrical choreography to the iconic white tutus and its evocative music, it is pure enchantment. I was so excited I was practically twirling in the street just thinking about it!

And let me tell you, the show did not disappoint! The dancers were absolutely phenomenal, gliding across the stage like graceful swans and powerful predators. I felt every ounce of Tchaikovsky's emotions – the longing, the anguish, and, of course, the triumph – it was a truly unforgettable experience!

Following my dance at the Scala, I had to get myself something delicious to eat, of course. I'd heard so much about Milan’s pastry shops, and this one close to the Teatro alla Scala with these gorgeous pistachio-coloured cannoli, filled with sweet, creamy ricotta - heaven! I settled down on a nearby bench, watching the world go by, indulging in my delightful treat. Milan is just so captivating – the elegant buildings, the chic shops, and the fascinating people. It’s like walking through a painting!

Of course, no visit to Milan would be complete without some shopping. I love digging around in the vintage boutiques and discovering hidden treasures amongst the racks of gorgeous gowns, fabulous hats and of course… vintage pink tutus! It’s a fascination, darling! It’s just wonderful to find pieces from another era, things with stories to tell, whispering of glamorous parties and ballet dancers from the past. And I think a dash of vintage definitely adds something special to any outfit – it just makes it look more magical!

Today, though, I have to confess I’m feeling more of a shopping craving for ballet wear. You wouldn't believe the amount of pink tutus I saw in my browsing today. So many shops are bursting with beautiful tutus, leotards, pointe shoes and so many things in that special colour! I actually found an amazing shop full of balletwear with this little corner dedicated just to pink! I practically swooned, darling! It was so pink that even my own blush felt like it could disappear beside it!

After indulging in shopping at the very stylish “The Tutu” store with all the beautiful and delicate shades of pink imaginable, I decided to relax and enjoy my day at a small café. I just sat and people-watched for a while – so fascinating! Milan seems to attract such stylish and fascinating people, the epitome of elegant Italian chic. I found myself captivated by the world of fashion around me – the gorgeous shoes, the flowing scarves, and, of course, the gorgeous outfits. I am such a fan of the Italian style – it's so understated yet effortlessly elegant. And, dare I say, rather pink too.

I have to say that the people are what really make Milan so special. Everyone is so friendly and warm, always willing to offer advice and chat with you – and I mean even with your pink tutu on! In fact, I've received quite a few compliments today from stylishly dressed Milanese ladies who are in awe of my choice of attire. One told me that she "loves the colour" – and then her words slipped out into what sounded like Italian, but I understood her completely. She even added that my tutu was so chic, and looked as though it could have been a Valentino creation – such praise! My heart felt like it was floating! The ladies of Milan do really appreciate fashion, and it's heartwarming to be welcomed so generously into their stylish world.

This city truly does captivate – I could spend hours simply watching the street performers dance to the rhythms of classical music played by street musicians – the beautiful music mingling with the clatter of the tram and the buzz of life in Milan. In my pink tutu I feel perfectly in tune with the beat of the city and ready to embrace the day!

And just as the sun dipped low in the sky, painting the city with the magical glow of sunset, I caught a tram back to my hotel, leaving a little bit of pink tulle behind in the city streets. I was ready for bed after a very long day. It was almost time for an early night as tomorrow promises even more adventures, ballet and shops to explore!

One thing is for sure, being in this amazing city with its vibrant fashion, cultural scene and captivating spirit makes it really hard not to let a bit of magic into your life – and your wardrobe! Just a tiny piece of pink might be just what you need…

I have to admit there's a lot going through my mind about where to explore tomorrow. I just feel that Milan and my pink tutu have just a lot more in store! And remember, if you haven't already done so, come join us over on our website I post weekly about my adventures on Monday, and in just two short days you'll hear more of the extraordinary journey of the Pink Tutu.

Until then, darling, be a bit of pink tulle in a world that needs you! See you in Milan next week…

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-12-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia