Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-12-28 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1125: Sparkle, Glitter & Prosecco in the City of Fashion

Buongiorno from Milano, my darlings! This week, my Pink Tutu journey has taken me to the dazzling capital of fashion and style. It's December 28th, and I'm feeling truly blessed to be experiencing this magical city – the smell of panettone, the twinkle of Christmas lights, and the incredible energy of a city that never sleeps (even in winter!).

Before I dive into the decadent details, I want to give a massive shout out to the incredible theatregoers and dance lovers of Derbyshire who made my festive performance at the Derby Playhouse such a phenomenal success! The roaring applause, the sparkling smiles, and the pure joy in the air truly lifted me to new heights – all while wearing a glorious pink tutu, of course! Thanks to you all, I've got the funds to make my Pink Tutu dreams come true in this gorgeous city!

Milano – A Fairy Tale in Pink

So, onto Milano! This city is like a dreamscape, a swirl of historic architecture, designer boutiques, and buzzing piazzas. It's hard not to get swept up in the glamour, but let me tell you, a pink tutu still cuts a dashing figure amongst the sleek Italian suits and high fashion. I've already made quite the impression on the trams with my tutu, pink hair bobbing playfully and my cheeky grin beaming – a few cheeky winks and I’ve even converted a couple of stoic Italian gentlemen to the "Pink Tutu Revolution"!

The highlight of my Milanese adventure, of course, was the exquisite ballet performance at Teatro alla Scala. The building itself is an architectural masterpiece – pure opulence, carved marble and sparkling chandeliers, a real spectacle in itself! The performance, Swan Lake, was a dream come true – beautiful costumes, graceful movements, and a sweeping story that swept me away. There's nothing quite like feeling the energy of a live ballet performance – it truly elevates the soul! Afterwards, I had a delightful conversation with a gentleman in the audience, sharing our shared passion for the art of ballet. He was mesmerized by my tutu, declaring, "You make the pink colour pop!” – he was clearly on board with the #PinkTutuRevolution.

The Joy of Fashion, Prosecco, & the Pinkest Pastries

Beyond the theatre, I've been exploring the city's incredible fashion scene. From the high-end designer shops of Via Montenapoleone to the quirky vintage finds in Brera, it's a shopper's paradise! Of course, my personal fashion journey involved searching out the most extraordinary pink pieces – delicate silk scarves, quirky jewellery, and a vibrant fuchsia beret for that added touch of Italian flair. The colours here are just intoxicating!

One thing I've noticed, though, is that finding pink tutu inspiration isn't always straightforward! Italian fashion leans heavily towards elegant neutrals – think black, grey, and the occasional burst of crimson. But hey, that's where my creative vision comes in! I found myself channeling that classic Parisian street style – the simple lines, the beautiful fabrics, and then adding that bold, unexpected pop of pink tutu colour with a perfectly placed feather boa!

Speaking of pop, I discovered the most extraordinary little pastry shop in the heart of the Navigli. Imagine a shop filled with exquisite hand-painted pastries in the most magnificent pink shades! From rose macarons with their delicate petal swirls to delicate raspberry meringue kisses, each bite was an explosion of pure flavour and visual delight!

Prosecco on the Tram: The Perfect Milanese Treat

It wouldn't be a trip to Italy without indulging in the delights of a Prosecco spritz. Now, normally I prefer to savour my beverages with elegance in a quiet corner. However, during my travels, I've learned to embrace the spontaneous Italian lifestyle, which includes sipping a spritz while bouncing along in a tram. And let me tell you, it is the absolute best! The rhythmic clatter of the tracks, the bustling city scene flitting by, the bubbly bubbles tickling my nose – it’s the perfect balance of elegant and chaotic, just like Milan!

More Than Just Tutu and Pink: Finding the Heart of Milano

It's easy to get lost in the dazzling exterior of Milano – the luxury boutiques, the historical architecture, the captivating art – but it's also essential to uncover the soul of this vibrant city.

I took a day trip to the serene Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio, stepping back in time to experience the hushed quiet of the cloisters and feeling a sense of reverence amongst the grand stained glass windows and the soft whispers of prayer. This tranquil space felt like a perfect antidote to the frenetic energy of the city.

One afternoon, I wandered into a quiet local piazza and enjoyed a long, leisurely lunch at a quaint little cafe. It wasn't glamorous, but it was an authentic Italian experience, filled with lively conversations and shared laughter. It’s in these little moments, these quiet connections, where I feel most connected to the soul of this extraordinary city.

Bringing a Little Pink Tutu Magic to Milan

Each day, I embrace the Italian passion for life, with a healthy dose of pink tutu sparkle! It’s my aim to leave a trail of Pink Tutu magic wherever I go, spreading the joy, encouraging smiles, and reminding people to embrace their inner twinkle, be it in a perfectly paired pink hat, a dash of vibrant lip colour, or a heartfelt expression of individuality. It's a message that resonates with the stylish souls of Milano!

Now, it’s time to bid adieu for this week, but the Pink Tutu adventures will continue! Don’t forget to tune in next Monday for a brand-new blog post full of more fashion finds, cultural delights, and maybe even a spontaneous ballet performance (I’m never quite sure what adventure awaits!).

Remember to check out for all my updates! Until next week, darlings, embrace the Pink Tutu Revolution and let your inner ballerina shine!


Emma xx

P.S. Leave a comment and share your favourite pink tutu outfit ideas! I can't wait to hear from you.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-12-28 ballet blog from Milano Italia