Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2017-01-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1128: A Ballerina’s Whirlwind Wednesday in the City of Fashion!

Buongiorno, my darling dears! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind Wednesday in Milan, where even the cobbled streets seem to sway in a graceful, ballet-esque rhythm. Let's take a twirl through the highlights, shall we?

I touched down in Milan just after midday, the air already abuzz with the city’s electric energy. I’d taken a train down from Venice after a stunning weekend, the scenery whipping past as fast as a pirouette, leaving behind the canals and cobblestones for a new adventure. Of course, I chose the fastest route and, luckily, a train journey that involved some underground stops, and the underground stations, though always busy and crammed with people in a rush, never fail to fascinate me with their own quirky charm. They offer me the perfect time to sneakily peek into my phone for emails and social media updates without anyone realising – I think that makes me quite a ninja. I like to take some time out to admire the fashion sense of my fellow travellers on these long train journeys – everyone looks so stylish, and, in my opinion, that stylish sense seems to emanate outwards to the stations themselves. There’s always so much going on and everyone just seems to go with the flow. This was no exception, and the station, bathed in that typical Italian sunshine that has everyone just so full of joie de vivre, was abuzz with locals and tourists. There was also this wonderful sense of being somewhere truly alive and vibrant, as though it had just woken up, stretched and was ready to begin the day – everyone just so enthusiastic and brimming with plans, with only one goal in mind – to enjoy this day to the fullest. The first rays of the afternoon sun streamed through the station windows, warming my face and sending shivers of anticipation down my spine. After all, Milan, Italy – what could be better?! I knew instantly this would be one of my best blog posts yet! I love this city – everything here moves so fast, just like the spins and leaps I make in a ballet performance!

But, first, let’s rewind for a moment…

On Tuesday night, I gave a private ballet performance in a little Italian village that sat atop a mountain. I'd arrived via an intricate winding road – it reminded me of those intricate cobweb pathways our little mice friends love to scuttle along in the ballet "Nutcracker". We drove, or rather zoomed, down this road after having stopped off for an afternoon of delicious pizza, pasta and local wine – I definitely indulged and took full advantage of that afternoon treat - who could resist? I mean, who can really resist an Italian restaurant – the whole ambiance, the smells, the sights and the people... and of course, those delicious plates of food. Oh my goodness! - It's like the restaurant owners just know they are about to provide a truly enjoyable experience for each and every one of their guests - and we certainly embraced that delicious experience and then some. But after this rather large pizza-eating feast I, naturally, thought to myself "I had better prepare my tummy for the performance!"

My little village nestled on a hill, as beautiful as a storybook town. It was all quaint cobbled streets and cobbled courtyards, each house uniquely designed and each a story in itself. I stood there, right outside my tiny but perfectly formed bedroom window, watching as the sun set. I took a moment to fully embrace the magical energy of this village as the light danced across its roofs. All the houses in this small village were made out of ochre, red and brown brick, some were a little cream in colour - I like to imagine the walls whisper tales of ancient times, of love and laughter, of dreams and aspirations and I am so glad I was lucky enough to witness a little glimpse of its beauty.

Anyway, it seemed as if my host had planned the perfect evening for me to spend. As a treat, before we began to get ready for the performance, we had a magical tour of the medieval castle nestled high up on a hillside. I absolutely fell in love with its grand scale, and its architecture seemed to weave the same tales of old as did the cobblestone streets of the village.

And so, after this magical village and castle experience, my ballet performance was ready to go. My music playlist – beautifully selected by the hostess – began playing and the dance space was open and free – oh my! – this is a place that I absolutely adored – it was beautiful – I felt truly empowered as I danced in a simple, elegant pink tutu. A single spotlight highlighted the tiny wooden floor and the dark walls seemed to be infused with every emotion that the audience were feeling – a blend of pure emotion, and complete admiration.

You see, you'd think this village would be a small and quiet, maybe even a little boring and unexciting place, but I had to laugh, because I hadn’t been prepared for what would unfold, because once that playlist started to play and I began to dance, everything else melted away – it was a completely immersive, intense and beautiful experience. Even with no applause – well, apart from the soft applause of some tiny mouse children, I knew that the village had witnessed the power of my ballet performance - something which we all know has a powerful effect and makes the audience sit up, focus on their inner selves, ponder and understand - something special about how dancing with a big smile makes people reflect on all the good things life has to offer.

Well, now, you've probably guessed - this private ballet performance had everything to do with why I was so enthusiastic to explore Milan! You see, Milan was my big reward, and oh, how I needed a little reward! After my big Italian experience, it was now time for Milan! The big, bright, and beautifully flamboyant Milan! It is this Italian capital, with its beautiful, almost gothic, architecture and fabulous food, that brings a tear to my eye with its sheer wonder – Milan always makes me feel like I am stepping onto a stage, so I know this place has everything in store for me and will undoubtedly turn this visit into a little adventure. And so, in a flash, we find ourselves here! - Milan! The place where fashion thrives! Where people are stylish, and life, it seems, takes a more modern pace.

Anyway, so let's go back to the station - where am I? Right. I am, yes I am, sitting here at the Milano Centrale railway station. What’s the date, I hear you ask?! Well, as luck would have it – I mean, lucky for me, the date is Wednesday the 18th of January 2017 and Milan is certainly bustling today with activity - all this wonderful Italian charm swirling all around. This is exactly where I had to be on this day. Why? Well, just you wait! You will not believe the wonderful event which brought me to the magnificent and opulent Milan! - you've already guessed this haven't you? - you see, on this very special day, there’s a fabulous dance performance by the Accademia Teatro alla Scala! - the one and only! I simply can’t miss out, so I, naturally, arrived early, as you can imagine, and even though there is this sense of a whirlwind pace on these beautiful Milan streets – as fast as a pirouette as they say, I am sure that there’s going to be plenty of time for me to wander the elegant arcades of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, for the fashion – a treat for the eyes, don’t you think, and of course, I must get my obligatory “Italian coffee” at the wonderful Gran Caffè Galleria.

It is the little, beautiful and wonderfully intimate cafes in Italy that always steal my heart – those gorgeous vintage interior designs – I often feel like I am transported back to another era, and I am just taken in by this amazing sense of history and tradition that permeates this country, in all its beautiful shapes and sizes.

This is definitely where you get the chance to indulge yourself! But then you might need a little extra sugar rush if you go there, after all, the most delicious cafes do offer a delightful dose of delicious sugary delights in the form of scrumptious sweet pastries! - so naturally, I am tempted, but for me, I think I am going to resist as my ballet shoes will do a terrible amount of hopping around the city this week!

Before you even ask – YES – I have, of course, my beautiful pink tutu with me – the one I wear when I explore these fabulous cities. In fact, let me tell you – today’s ensemble was inspired by the grand and majestic opera house. The gorgeous grand foyer, as though made to be a grand ballet stage, I was inspired to match this elegance with a pink tutu that sparkles as though all the twinkling stars have fallen into the very fabric! - it simply shimmered, shone, and took on its own life! I knew that this would be a perfect pairing with the elegant backdrop of the Teatro alla Scala – you know it makes me just a little bit giddy.

Okay, so, back to the station… it’s this perfect location where, oh, so often, there are always the loveliest little displays of dancing from ballet dancers, opera singers, acrobats – all types of performers who bring to life the vibrant pulse of this fabulous Italian city! You just don’t need a grand theater, a big dance studio or a flashy performance area - these performances just flow from every crevice of this grand, busy and ever-vibrant Italian city!

So, of course, today, there is a display going on that perfectly embodies that magic that we have come to expect and love from Milan, There is, of course, that element of grand scale and exquisite beauty in this, a spectacular sight of flamboyant colours and dazzling outfits, I have my camera ready - just for that extra shot to remember it all! I have never met a better photographic opportunity, and for sure this one will end up in the next magazine. I even hear there’s going to be an unexpected finale with a breathtaking flying ballet performance. Can you believe that? - this is definitely an epic event for the day. There are two shows back to back tonight – oh the thrill! It makes me want to dance in a fabulous, sparkling pink tutu all through the cobbled streets – don’t you think?

Then the moment I’ve been waiting for… a little ballet show for all of us! I mean, come on, who needs an expensive ticket?! - We can watch it, it seems, all for free! That’s what’s great about Milan, darling dears, everything, it seems, is so easy-going and everything’s on offer, like those lovely little pasta and pizza stands where you grab an impromptu, late night bite, just as if the night were waiting for you – with a smile! It’s certainly true that when I need an afternoon pick-me-up, or even a good night's entertainment – I think Milan provides. - Oh, and it’s all free, as though you were granted a secret gift from Milan itself! This performance at the station really does provide that secret, magic, free experience. And as luck would have it, my very own little pink tutu is perfect! I don’t think there is anywhere better to embrace a vibrant energy that makes everyone want to hop around - the whole world just takes on a magical energy! What’s more, I get the feeling I am experiencing a little snippet of that real, unfiltered, Italian flair! - the Italian essence, if you will – a slice of real Italian passion, excitement, and charm in every note! And in that perfect, magic moment, it’s not the audience, but Milan itself that embraces the performance, taking it all in and being completely taken aback! – and then we have this magical, impromptu moment… an absolute ballet miracle! It doesn’t matter where you go - it seems every single building becomes a dance studio or a theatre, in its own unique, stylish and creative way. This fabulous impromptu ballet show was a great treat. A little moment of beauty, in its raw, genuine form. I love these unplanned spectacles – you simply have to trust your heart and then – BAM - a great moment! A wonderful unexpected gift! - that is what I really love about Milan!

Anyway, darling dears! The Teatro alla Scala performance at 7pm tonight, will simply make a magical experience and will certainly be an elegant, delightful end to this fantastic, chaotic and busy Wednesday, I mean – Milan does move at a hectic pace - a delightful ballet pace, of course – oh darling dears - that, I believe is why my heart beats that bit faster when I'm in Milan. Everything’s simply too beautiful and magical!

It feels like I am living the ultimate fairy tale and if my blog is going to make sense then I should definitely finish now. - It feels like the day just has gone too quickly, like a whirlwind, and with so many magical moments to savour – this has been an excellent day and I will remember these days – like all my days in this incredible city! Oh, and let's be honest, as if to seal this extraordinary day - this night has some serious magic going down – you wait! – we’ll see about that – the night has not only a fabulous theatre performance - it’s set to be my personal finale… just wait for those beautiful fireworks, my dears - a spectacular ending, if I say so myself.

So, as my tutu twirls in excitement… I wish you a magical, inspiring and pink week! See you soon, darling dears. And, remember, never forget your pink tutu! It will make your life a fabulous journey… you’ll see.

Ciao for now! xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2017-01-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia