Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2017-01-11 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 1127 - Ciao, Bella Milano!

Wednesday, 2017-01-11

Oh my darling tutu-lovers! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger, Emma, back from the bustling streets of Milan! I know it’s only Wednesday but you just couldn’t wait for my Milan update, could you? I’ve been feeling that electric Milanese energy right from the moment I stepped off the train, and honestly, you lot are in for a treat this week. I’ve been busy bee-ing around town, filling my boots with inspiration, from the fabulous Teatro alla Scala to the oh-so-stylish boutique streets of the city centre.

You know what I always say: travel makes the tutu go round! This week, I’ve got a blooming load of exciting things to tell you all about, starting with…

The Magnificent Teatro alla Scala

Okay, I’ll confess – I’m a bit obsessed with this magnificent opera house! Stepping inside feels like stepping into a world of pure, gilded glamour. Imagine… high vaulted ceilings, beautiful frescoes, plush velvet seats, and that iconic stage bathed in golden light. Every single detail oozes a sense of history and artistry. And when those velvet curtains rise and the orchestra plays, you know you’re experiencing something special, something unforgettable.

I’m so lucky, darling, to be performing on this very stage tonight!

Yes, you read that right! The beautiful folks at the Scala gave me a little guest spot for tonight’s show. My part isn’t big, just a brief dance with some of their fantastic ballerinas. Still, I'm dancing on the very stage that has seen Pavarotti, Callas, and countless legends of ballet! It's truly a dream come true, and my heart is soaring with excitement just thinking about it.

Dancing Dreams, Shopping Delights

After the magic of the Scala, I decided to treat myself to some much-needed retail therapy! Milan, darling, is an absolute heaven for a girl who loves fashion! Think stylish boutiques with every shade of pink you can imagine, chic accessories that shimmer and gleam, and exquisite shoes to die for. You guys already know that I’ve got a thing for sequins, right? This week’s shopping haul is making me oh-so-happy, let me tell you!

A Tram Ride and A Spot of Lunch

Evenings here in Milan have been a joy. I've found myself drawn to the twinkling lights of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II – you know, that stunning glass-roofed shopping arcade! Walking beneath it with its stunning mosaics and the bustle of Milan life makes me feel utterly inspired! I also love hopping on the tram, watching the city roll by from the window seat, the streetscape always buzzing with excitement. And hey, where there’s a tram, there’s a tasty sandwich to be had.

And speaking of tasty… a little bird (and it’s name rhymes with ‘banana’) told me there’s a cafe down the street with the most delectable pistachio pastries… so, naturally, I’ll be venturing down there to get a little bite of pure bliss! You just know I’m sharing a picture of that pastry goodness with you lovely lot. You deserve it!

Ballet at the Piccolo Teatro

I’ve been a total ballerina junkie since I was little, and you just know that I can't pass up a ballet performance, even on holiday! I'm going to watch "Giselle" at the Piccolo Teatro tonight - oh, the excitement! This little gem is an intimate space for watching dance. There's something magic about watching dance unfold right in front of you. It's so up close and personal, and I always feel so much more connected to the dancers and their stories. I've got my pink tutu prepped and ready for this ballet beauty, and you can bet your bottom dollar I’m snapping some fabulous shots!

Finding the Heart of Milano

One of my favourite things about traveling, besides the tutu factor of course, is exploring those hidden gems and charming corners that only locals know. I’ve found some beautiful parks, perfect for a relaxed lunch with a side of ballet practice. It’s just as I used to do back home in Derbyshire. Except with better Italian sunshine!

The Duomo, now, is something else… those grand spires, the exquisite carvings, the beautiful interior. I always feel a sense of peace and wonder when I wander around this architectural masterpiece.

You guys know I like to embrace a little local culture. This week, I've also been trying out the local pastries and trying out my basic Italian at every opportunity! I’ve discovered so many charming cafes, bakeries, and piazzas – little spots to relax and people-watch. You can see it all reflected in the warm, sun-drenched streets, hear it in the chatter of Milanese voices.

I love Milan’s energy. It’s so dynamic and artistic, just like me. This week's been filled with inspiration, from the enchanting dance of the Teatro alla Scala to the chic and playful boutiques of Milan. I can already see those fabulous Milan vibes trickling into my blog posts and tutu designs. Just you wait… you're going to love the new stuff!

Sharing the Tutu Love with My Darling Subscribers

Okay, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Milan post without a little pep-talk for you lovelies! I know I’m a little biased (not!), but I really believe that tutus make life more magical, more colourful, and a whole lot more fun! There’s no shame in expressing your inner ballerina! Go ahead, channel your inner-tutu queen.

And hey, if you're a little nervous about rocking your first pink tutu in public… remember, every fashion statement starts with a little leap of faith. Embrace the sparkle, embrace the joy of moving, embrace the magic of tutus, and watch the world embrace your amazing, fun, pink tutu self right back!

Next Week’s Pink Tutu Blog: More Milan Magic

But that's not all folks! Next week, I've got so much more to share, including the after-show shenanigans and the fabulous shops I've found! It’s gonna be a week of dazzling fashion finds, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, and plenty of pink-tutu fun. I know you're gonna love it, so make sure you come back next week!

And don't forget to keep checking for even more pink-tutu inspiration and fun, fashion, and dance!

Keep it bubbly and remember to embrace your pink tutu joy! Ciao Bella, see you next week!

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2017-01-11 ballet blog from Milano Italia