Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2017-02-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #1130 - Ciao Bella! A Week in the City of Fashion

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, back from another whirl-wind week in Milan, the city that never sleeps… or, at least, never stops creating fabulous new fashion! This week has been pure pink-tutu bliss, filled with beautiful ballet, heavenly shopping and of course, a generous serving of La Dolce Vita.

This week’s post is extra special - it marks my 1130th blog post, and I'm honestly overwhelmed by all the love and support I've received over the years. It's amazing how much sharing my love for ballet, tutus and pink with all of you has shaped my life, opening up incredible doors to travel, friendships and truly inspiring experiences. It all started with that simple desire to inspire people to embrace the beauty of tutus, and look how far we've come!

Anyway, let's not get carried away (although I wouldn't mind a good pirouette right now!), I'm bursting with things to tell you! Grab a cuppa, your favourite biscuit and let's dive right into the pinkness of it all!

Wednesday 1st February

Waking up in the sunshine of Milan felt utterly decadent! This is what I live for - city life, European flair, a good breakfast of cappuccino and cornetti (the Italians do pastry so beautifully, it's criminal!), then heading out to meet my friends, Federica and Chiara, for a spot of retail therapy!

You all know how much I love Milan, and one of the biggest draws is the glorious shopping. Forget Oxford Street, this is a fashion capital on a completely different level. I love the high-end boutiques, the little artisan shops selling gorgeous silk scarves, and of course, all those gorgeous Italian shoes!

Our shopping spree started at La Rinascente, a majestic department store that feels more like a palace than a shop. The lighting, the incredible window displays, and those luxurious interiors just take you on a dream-like journey!

Chiara, she's a real trendsetter and knows all the hottest designers, insisted we take a peek at the newest Gucci collection. Honestly, the clothes are like pieces of art! The intricate detail, the bold colours, I could have spent hours in there just staring!

Federica, she's the most practical one of the bunch, steered us towards the shoes! I scored a pair of adorable blush-pink heels that would be perfect for a night out on the town. Federica had a good laugh about my insistence that they were 'ballet-inspired,' but you can’t deny that even ballet shoes have heels, right? 😉

After our whirlwind through La Rinascente, we walked to the heart of Milan – Piazza Duomo, and that stunning cathedral! It felt magical, just a perfect Parisian scene – the sunshine, the buildings, the cafes.

The air was filled with laughter and music from the street performers. It was incredible seeing the sheer talent and the pure joy they had performing for anyone who passed by. We watched a group of singers belting out opera classics, while a little boy in a tiny sailor suit danced a charming jig. This is why I love Italy, it feels like a never-ending show!

And you know me, I can't resist a good photo-op, especially when I’m dressed in my signature pink tutu! (That, and I knew the Duomo’s grandeur would be the perfect backdrop for the ‘gram!).

In the afternoon, I couldn't resist visiting the Teatro alla Scala! I’m pretty sure I’ve been in this beautiful theatre five times already, and it never gets old. Even just looking at the intricate gold designs of the façade makes me want to leap through the air like a prima ballerina. It felt almost reverent standing in that doorway, gazing up at the ornate columns and gilded decorations.

Walking inside, the feeling was magical! I could feel the ghosts of ballerinas past, and I couldn't wait to see the beauty that would unfold on the stage this week!

Thursday 2nd February

Thursday dawned bright and breezy, a perfect day to explore Milan by tram! The trams are such a charming way to travel, it's so relaxing and allows you to see the city unfold before you. It’s all those charming old buildings, the cafe-lined streets, the colourful local shops… it’s pure Milanese charm!

I found myself on the number 27 tram, heading for my favourite little coffee shop tucked away on a side street, nestled between a bookshop and a florist. They serve the best tiramisu I’ve ever tasted, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee is divine. They’ve also got the comfiest chairs! (I think they are secretly inspired by ballerina flats!).

Later, I took another tram out to Brera. Brera, I feel like, is the artist's quarter. With those incredible art galleries and quaint studios, it's a feast for the eyes and mind! I meandered through the galleries, enjoying a peek at a variety of art, but mainly focused on the beautiful paintings of ballerinas in their various forms and positions. The colours, the movements, the emotions... the painters really capture the beauty and grace of a ballet dancer!

After Brera, I joined a ballet class! I simply couldn't come to Milan and not embrace the dance! This class was a mix of traditional technique and modern styles, perfect for loosening those limbs and having a little fun.

After a day of dancing, I met up with some other ballerina bloggers for dinner at a place called Il Salumaio. They recommended a great risotto, but I had to have the pasta! (Okay, I know, I probably should be watching my weight with all that delicious Italian food!). It was all so good, but the true highlight was chatting with fellow dancers about all things ballet, performance, and of course, tutus!

Friday 3rd February

Friday is all about a night out, so you know where I am going to be… Teatro alla Scala! Today's performance was 'Giselle' - such a powerful story with gorgeous choreography, perfect for showing off some incredibly skilled dancing. And oh my, the costumes are just dreamy. There’s something incredibly moving about watching dancers in these classic tutu’s - I get emotional thinking about the passion that these dancers pour into their performances.

After the ballet, I took a late-night stroll to my favourite gelato shop in the heart of Brera. That smooth creamy texture of gelato, with those fresh and beautiful flavours - I have to admit I may have overindulged (I promise to make up for it at tomorrow's morning ballet class!),

Saturday 4th February

Weekends are all about exploring. I made a trip out to the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio. It’s an ancient building and honestly, breathtakingly beautiful! From the gorgeous architecture to those intricate mosaics, there’s a real historical beauty to this basilica, and something quite mystical too.

Later, I wandered around the pretty park gardens behind Castello Sforzesco – it felt like I'd been transported back to Victorian times with the old carriages and elegant ladies, I could easily imagine being a guest at a grand ball there! The flowers in the gardens were glorious, they seemed to bloom in a perfect symphony of pink and purple hues – how fitting, I know, considering the love I have for all things pink.

It felt like the whole day was an endless dance of beauty and history, a perfect way to experience the rich cultural history of Milan.

Sunday 5th February

Sunday morning felt magical – it's always those relaxed Sunday mornings, filled with lazy sunshine, steaming cappuccinos, and good company that feels perfect in Milan! After a slow start, it was time for a special ballet performance in the heart of the city!

I joined a ballet workshop, an opportunity to celebrate a local dance studio’s anniversary. It felt so inspiring being part of something special. We learned a gorgeous piece and then got to share our moves on a public stage! I had the most amazing time getting my toes tapping and sharing that joy with the other dancers, a sense of community you don’t often find outside the world of ballet.

The afternoon was dedicated to rest and reflection – I went for a walk in the gardens, admiring the beautifully maintained flowers and sculptures. I got caught up in the quiet beauty of this serene spot, tucked away in the bustling heart of the city. It's moments like these that remind me why I love travel – for that pause to appreciate and absorb all that life offers,

Monday 6th February

Monday, it’s back to routine – a leisurely train ride from Milan back to my cosy home in Derbyshire. Milan's been a whirlwind, a city I’d happily get lost in – but there’s something comforting about the rolling hills of home and that sense of quiet solitude that I cherish, It feels good to be home, but there's a part of me that can't wait to be back in Milan soon!

And finally, the big question – have I found anyone in a pink tutu? Sadly, no, but that’s the fun of it! You never know where a tutu-inspired friend might pop up! I’ll continue spreading the love and reminding everyone just how fantastic and freeing pink tutus are.

I promise you this, dear reader, the next time I’m back in Milan, I'll be ready with more stories about fashion, fun, and of course, all the exciting adventures a ballerina in a pink tutu can experience in this glorious Italian city!

See you next week, Emma xx

P.S. I love reading all your comments! Don’t be shy, leave me a message at and tell me about your favourite tutus, or your most memorable experience at a ballet show. And be sure to follow me on social media! My instagram handle is @pinktutublogger - Let's spread the tutu love!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2017-02-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia