Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2017-07-12 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #1153 - July 12th, 2017: Where Romance and Dance Collide

Hello, darlings!

It’s Wednesday, which means it's time for another instalment of Pink Tutu Milan! This week I’m feeling as bubbly as Prosecco after a rather dazzling time in Milan.

This city truly is a masterpiece. I don't just mean the art and architecture, but the energy, the spirit, the delicious smells - oh, and the fashion, of course! As soon as you step off the train (my favourite way to arrive - so much more dramatic than a stuffy aeroplane!) you’re enveloped in a whirlwind of romance. Every cobblestone street whispers secrets, every cafe table invites a languid afternoon with a perfect cappuccino and even the traffic jams somehow feel graceful!

Speaking of grace…Milan has absolutely blown my mind this week! Imagine: dancing on stage under glittering chandeliers, a sea of beautiful faces gazing upon me, and the scent of exquisite perfume wafting from every corner! That was just one of the things I was fortunate enough to experience here.

Backstage at the Teatro alla Scala:

I was thrilled to have a backstage tour of the glorious Teatro alla Scala - talk about a magical experience! Every step into this majestic theatre made me want to pirouette in awe! The backstage areas, buzzing with anticipation and energy, gave me a real insight into the dedication and artistry behind those spectacular performances. My new ballet friend, Sofia, who was an enchanting ballerina at the Scala, even let me borrow one of her gorgeous “lucky tutus” for a twirl in the famous theatre, just for a snap. She let me in on some of the real magic behind the show too – little tricks to make our moves look even more captivating, even using little packets of… let's just say things are never what they seem in ballet!

(Later in the evening, a performance of **“Giselle” took place, which was a real spectacle. I think I was actually more engrossed in the stage design - oh, and I managed to squeeze in a little bit of pre-show shopping for a beautiful new ballet wrap, with silk roses... but more about that in a later blog!)

The Ballet Inspiration:

But Milan’s inspiration extends far beyond the stage. You know how I adore finding ballet in the most unexpected places…and trust me, dear readers, Milan never fails to deliver! This week, I found a whole street filled with dancers! They weren’t professional ballet dancers, they were regular people, all shapes and sizes, all having a go! Imagine: salsa in the cobbled streets, ballroom dancing in the shade of the Duomo, and a tap routine that practically made the very ground beneath my pink tutu tremble! It was a total revelation. It seemed like all of Milan was filled with the passion for movement, the grace, and the rhythm that always captivates me.

Shopping, Of Course:

No visit to Milan would be complete without some seriously fantastic shopping! From the elegant boutiques in Quadrilatero della Moda to the hidden gems of vintage shops nestled in the less touristy corners, the city has truly become my own personal fashion playground. I’m already dreaming of the gorgeous outfits I’m going to wear to the Opera (and ballet class) with the enormous silk scarf I just purchased. (Spoiler alert: Pink is heavily involved!)

**(Don’t worry, I have so much to share! More details about the scarf and other incredible purchases will follow!)

Travel Adventures on Two Wheels and Rails:

Speaking of magical moments... my adventure through Milan continued on wheels and rails. I confess to having a slight obsession with trams – a touch of the classic with a dash of modern sleekness, a perfect way to weave through the streets, watching the city unfurl before me! But I’ve also become a train aficionado. These majestic metal creatures, gliding between stunning Italian cities, carry a quiet dignity – plus, it’s an excellent opportunity to watch those spectacular rolling green landscapes, dreamily imagining what awaits at the next station.

**(By the way, has anyone else noticed how absolutely delicious a Nutella and croissant breakfast is? Especially when you're watching the countryside whisk past! 🥐 😊)

My Derbyshire Roots - Embracing a New Adventure:

I find myself feeling strangely at home here. Perhaps it’s the warmth, the passion, the vibrancy that resonates with my Derbyshire soul. And who knows, perhaps it’s just a little bit of the romance that fills the air…or maybe, just maybe, it’s a bit of my ballerina's instinct drawing me in!

As I’m learning all about this magical city, one thing has become abundantly clear – Milan has its very own pink tutu story woven into its fabric. A love for dance, a thirst for beauty, a dedication to art, a vibrant zest for life that, well, I can totally get behind! It’s like Milan whispers in my ear: "Go ahead, spin a new chapter! Embrace this symphony of life!"

It's a “pink tutu” life – filled with graceful movements, shimmering possibilities and, well, just a lot of deliciousness, in all its forms.

Stay tuned for my next update from Pink Tutu Milan!

Until then, happy twirling!

Your faithful blogger, Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2017-07-12 ballet blog from Milano Italia