Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2017-10-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #1168 - October 25th, 2017: A Ballet Bonanza in the City of Fashion!

Ciao, darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, back from the fashion capital of the world, Milano! It’s a crisp autumn morning, and the air is filled with the sounds of honking trams and excited chatter – that’s Milano for you, a symphony of life played out in the streets. I'm already halfway through my cappuccino (double cream, of course!) as I sit here writing, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the distinct smell of leather from the nearby designer stores. It’s Wednesday, which means another week, another blog post!

This week has been a ballet bonanza, with so much going on that I barely had time to breathe (and definitely not enough time to squeeze in all the shopping I wanted!). I landed in Milano on Sunday evening, fresh from a performance in Derbyshire – yep, I’m a busy bee! As soon as I’d dropped my luggage at my adorable little apartment near the Duomo (yes, it had a balcony, you know, for impromptu balcony dancing!) I rushed out to catch the ballet performance I’d been anticipating for weeks.

Ballet Dreams and the Theatre's Magic

It was a magnificent performance by the Teatro alla Scala, a historical jewel set amongst the dazzling architecture of the city. The sheer elegance of the venue took my breath away, its grand staircase fit for a princess in a fairy tale. I love the history of these iconic theaters – every nook and cranny speaks of legendary performances, hushed whispers, and roaring applause. It’s almost as if the spirit of past ballerinas and actors dances in the air, urging us to dream big.

The show itself, a modern rendition of "The Nutcracker," was absolutely spellbinding! The choreography was beautifully executed, with the dancers' movements like strokes of magic paint on the stage. I couldn’t help but be completely swept away by the sheer artistry of it all – from the soaring leaps to the delicate, flowing pirouettes, it was a visual and emotional feast! Even the music was pure magic, playing a vital role in telling the story through its ebb and flow. It really makes me realize why we call it “dance theatre” – the synergy between the choreography and music is simply remarkable.

But enough about the ballet, let’s talk fashion, shall we? After all, what’s Milano without a little indulgence in the world of exquisite fabrics and elegant lines?

Shopping Splendour and Chic Finds

On Monday, armed with my trusty Pink Tutu purse (you just never know when you might need an emergency tutu change!), I plunged headfirst into the world of Milano's luxury shopping streets. The Duomo was my starting point, its stunning architecture serving as the perfect backdrop to my fashion exploration.

Every shop window was an explosion of color and texture – think exquisite silk scarves, decadent shoes that practically begged to be danced in, and designer dresses with a thousand tiny shimmering beads. It’s impossible to resist, you know? I found myself falling for a gorgeous blush pink skirt from an Italian designer. It flowed so effortlessly, as light as a ballerina's twirl! I also discovered a fabulous vintage shop tucked away in a side street. I found a pair of the most stunning ruby red opera gloves, the kind you'd expect to see on the red carpet or a glamorous ballet opening night. The shop owner even said he had a small collection of antique tutus – it was like a treasure chest of ballet memories!

The Tram's Rhythmic Journey

Milan is a city you truly discover by exploring it on foot. But sometimes, when the urge to dance comes over you, a hop on the tram is a must! And there is no other city in the world, in my humble opinion, that has such chic trams – sleek and modern with little vintage details here and there. You see all sorts of characters – stylish ladies with their shopping bags, students hunched over books, businessmen with important briefcases… it's a colourful microcosm of life in the city.

I rode the tram to the enchanting "Brera" district, a labyrinth of narrow cobblestone streets, art galleries, and chic cafés. As I wandered through the cobbled streets, I spotted a group of young dancers rehearsing on a street corner. It was a perfect impromptu performance. They moved gracefully to the rhythm of a street musician's guitar, creating their own beautiful tableau in the heart of the city. It reminded me, once again, of the universality of dance – a language we all understand, regardless of culture or background.

The City's Vibrant Street Life

Of course, Milan is more than just luxury shopping and glamorous ballet performances. I love the city's vibrant street life, its lively energy, the buzz of friendly chatter, and the infectious laughter echoing through the streets. The piazzas, with their historic buildings, lively cafes, and families enjoying an evening stroll, are my favourite place to soak up the Milanese atmosphere. It’s a constant reminder that life, just like a dance, is about the beauty of movement, connection, and the joy of sharing moments with others.

And now, with the last rays of sunlight painting the city in shades of gold, I’m ending this week’s blog post. I’ll leave you with this: Embrace the world around you. Be open to new experiences. And always remember to wear a smile – it’s the most flattering accessory of all! Don’t forget, you can check out my new adventures each week right here on my blog! Until next week, keep twirling, keep dreaming, and don’t be afraid to embrace the power of pink tutus!

Yours in pink, Emma xx

Behind the Scenes of a Ballerina's Travels

Okay, I’m going to be a little bit honest with you… There's a side to traveling as a pink tutu ballerina that isn't quite as glamorous as my blog posts make it seem! But hey, every life has its little challenges, right? And honestly, I wouldn’t trade them for anything!

The Logistics of Pink Tutues on the Go

Let's talk tutus. You think you’re being brave by travelling in a pink tutu, let me tell you – there’s more to it than meets the eye! First, getting it through security at the airport – that’s an adventure of its own! You can’t be just any normal traveler with a regular suitcase – you’re a ballet performer, which means extra checks and double takes, you know, just to make sure it’s not, well, bomb in a tutu.

Second, storing it, or should I say, not storing it. Let me just tell you, in a hotel room, tutues are bulky, and your ballerina legs do look like twigs when they aren’t in a tutu. This is no easy feat, especially when it comes to the infamous, delicate “pink” tutus that you all know and love, you’d be amazed at how quickly they get all rumpled! Let's just say I've mastered the art of origami-ing my tutus into surprisingly compact shapes – but it still doesn’t look that great.

Third, that pink tutu luggage problem! You see, tutus don’t fold. They definitely don't do what you want, what you need them to. My ballet bag gets a bit overloaded on these journeys and it never matches my shoes, unless they’re pink (obvs.) It looks like I am on the way to a birthday party for the princess, the princess being me. But honestly, a little bit of “chaos-chic” is part of my pink tutu style!

The Financial Balancing Act

Now let's be realistic, not everything in a ballerina’s life is sparkly and pink. Travel costs money, especially when you're obsessed with finding the perfect pink tutu. But I’ve found a way to fund my travels!

You see, the thing about performing ballet is that it allows you to experience so many amazing places. And guess what? Each performance, however small, gets me closer to my next dream destination.

Each month, I spend my days taking ballet classes, rehearsing, and performing. And then, I treat myself to the joys of travelling – whether it's exploring the fashion scene in Milan or discovering the hidden gem of a quaint Italian town. My travel budget is mostly funded through these ballet gigs, and let me tell you, I wouldn't have it any other way. Every journey, every experience, fuels my creativity and inspires my love for dance. So yeah, it’s about balancing passion with practicality, something every ballerina in training knows about.

The Power of a Pink Tutu

And why is all of this worth it? You know what makes all the extra effort, the long journeys and the luggage struggles worthwhile? It’s the power of the pink tutu! The impact it has on people's faces, the smiles, the sheer joy of a ballerina in a pink tutu.

For many people, seeing a pink tutu is like watching a dream come true. It's a reminder of the beauty and magic of dance, a testament to the dedication and hard work required to create that magic, a symbol of inner strength and resilience.

My ultimate goal, my personal mission, if you will, is to bring that power to everyone. And yes, to make everyone wear a pink tutu at some point in their lives. Don’t laugh! I believe that everyone has the ability to twirl, to embrace the world with joy, to celebrate life's simple moments. And yes, a pink tutu might just be the catalyst to help you do so.

You never know how the smallest gesture can spark joy, and the pink tutu is a reminder that life is a beautiful, dynamic dance – and it’s up to you to make your move. Until next week, remember to wear your tutu with pride, and dance to the rhythm of your own heart!

Yours in pink, Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2017-10-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia