Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-01-31 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1182: A Whirlwind of Pink in the City of Fashion!

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the heart of Milan, where the air is thick with style and the streets are practically made for twirling! It's Wednesday, 31st January 2018, and I'm feeling so much pink energy swirling around me, I just had to share it with you all.

Milan, as you know, is a haven for fashionistas, a haven that just begs for a touch of pink tulle. I've been busy exploring the city's fashion scene, soaking up the incredible displays of artistry and creativity. The colours, the cuts, the textures - it's enough to make a ballerina's head spin (in a good way, of course!). I'm like a giddy little girl in a candy store, except this store is filled with exquisitely crafted shoes, bags, clothes, and the occasional perfectly pink tutu (wink, wink!).

This week, however, my adventures took me beyond the bustling boutiques and glamorous fashion shows. It's a tale of tram rides, train journeys, and ballet magic, all spiced with a generous sprinkle of pink. Let's dive right in!

Tram Travels & Theatrical Delights

My morning began with a jaunt on Milan's iconic trams, those yellow beauties that weave their way through the city's veins, taking us from one adventure to the next. As usual, my bright pink tutu (which, by the way, was a custom design from a small boutique in my beloved Derbyshire – more on that later!) attracted a few curious glances. But hey, let's be honest, who wouldn't be a bit intrigued by a tutu-wearing ballerina flitting about on the tram?

The tram ride took me to a charming little theatre, the kind that has the scent of history clinging to its velvet seats and creaky floorboards. They were hosting a ballet performance tonight, "Swan Lake," and I couldn't wait to see how this timeless classic would unfold in this beautiful, intimate space.

The Beauty of "Swan Lake"

I settled into my seat, took a deep breath, and let the music wash over me. As the lights dimmed, and the orchestra struck the first chords, I felt a familiar warmth blossom in my chest. Ballet, for me, is more than just graceful movements and elegant costumes; it's a journey into emotion, a whirlwind of storytelling. "Swan Lake" always does a magnificent job of capturing that essence. The dancer who played Odette was phenomenal; she danced with such passion and heart, truly embodying the vulnerability of the Swan Queen. It was captivating!

Of course, I couldn't resist capturing some snaps of the performance on my phone (sorry, no flash!). But it wasn't about just getting the perfect Instagram shot for my dear Pink Tutu followers. It was about appreciating the artistry, the dedication, the pure talent that every single dancer on that stage possessed. It's an honour to be part of the ballet community, even if it's just in my own small way, and watching this kind of performance always leaves me inspired.

Shopping Splendour and the Hunt for Pink Perfection

After the enchanting ballet performance, I indulged in my favourite Milanese ritual – a spot of retail therapy! But not just any kind of shopping spree, mind you. I was on a quest for the ultimate pink accessory, the one that would elevate my Milanese look from good to magnifique.

Now, I know you all love to hear about my fashion adventures, so I won't leave you hanging. The search led me to a hidden gem, a little shop brimming with vintage finds, where I stumbled upon the most exquisite, hand-crafted pink beret! Imagine the most delicate shade of baby pink, with a touch of fluffy, feather trim. It was love at first sight, my darlings! It matched my tutu perfectly, a match made in pink heaven, I say.

I even managed to snag a few other trinkets to bring back to Derbyshire: a pearl-studded scarf (pink, naturally!), a dainty hand mirror adorned with a pink rose, and a tiny book of French poetry. It's amazing how even the smallest things can spark a burst of joy, isn't it?

Evening of Enchantment & Pink-Fueled Reflection

My day in Milan wasn't over yet! After a lovely Italian meal (accompanied by a glass of Prosecco, of course – you can never have too much bubbly!), I headed back to my little pink haven, my hotel room with its frilly cushions and strategically placed ballet posters.

I spent the rest of the evening lost in reflection. Milan, with its vibrant energy and dazzling lights, always leaves me feeling inspired. It's a city that reminds me of the endless possibilities life holds. As I settled in for the night, wrapped in my new pink beret (and still feeling the magical whispers of "Swan Lake"), I realised something…

We all have a bit of the ballerina within us, you know? We all have that yearning to twirl, to embrace our individuality, to dance to our own beat. It might not be on a grand stage or in a bustling theatre, but it's there nonetheless.

So, as I doze off to sleep, my heart brimming with a mixture of pink hues and Milanese magic, I want to leave you with a simple message: Don't be afraid to embrace the pink, the whimsical, the sparkly! Be the pink tutu in your own world, and twirl with all the joy your heart can muster.

Until next Monday, when I’ll be sharing another exciting chapter in my Pink Tutu Milan journey!


Emma xx

P.S. Have any of you lovely readers been to Milan? What are your favourite places to shop or see? Let's make this a chatty and fabulous thread! And remember, the Pink Tutu world is waiting for you – don't be afraid to share your stories and pictures on social media using #PinkTutuMilan!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-01-31 ballet blog from Milano Italia