Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-01-24 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 1181 - Wednesday, 2018-01-24

Ciao bella!

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and my little pink heart is bursting with joy because... I'm in Milan!

This vibrant Italian city is practically vibrating with life and colour - everything feels exciting here, even the pigeons strutting through Piazza Duomo. And just to make everything even more wonderful, I've managed to find a hidden little oasis right in the middle of this bustling city, a beautiful old courtyard in a small street tucked behind a grand old building. It's got cobblestones, trailing vines, and the most delicious smelling coffee shop tucked away in the corner, filled with students sipping espressos and discussing the latest artistic endeavours. It’s the perfect spot to catch my breath and jot down some of my thoughts before I go exploring again!

I'm officially on my third day in this fabulous fashion capital, and I’m absolutely soaking it all in, like a delicious sponge. Since landing on Sunday afternoon, I’ve been rushing about like a sugar-fuelled hummingbird, catching as much beauty as possible in every single corner.

I’m here as you know because I’ve managed to secure a series of fantastic gigs dancing at a variety of fabulous venues in the city, and what a way to experience Milan – all through the power of my tutu and some very gracious audiences!

This week, I'm here for a week to take on a new role - a ballerina extraordinaire in a captivating theatre show that blends classic dance with contemporary storytelling.

My little Derbyshire self can't help but grin with excitement every time I slip into my beautifully worn-in, candy-pink tutu for a rehearsal. It feels like a transformation. A little bit of magic that pulls me into a different world, one filled with music, movement, and all things lovely.

Speaking of my tutu, I've already discovered a fantastic little shop around the corner that has the most gorgeous collection of dancewear, just a short tram ride away (yes, I love taking the tram, it's such a fantastic way to see the city! Just watch out for that famous Italian style – I'm not talking about fashion just yet – I'm talking about the style of driving a tram… which involves very quick braking and speeding up!)

My favourite stop so far has to be a small vintage shop hidden on a little street just off of Via Torino. The lady that runs the shop looks about 80 years old, has a kind, warm face with eyes that twinkle with an almost mischievous spark, and I’m not even kidding you when I say she’s the owner of one of the most delicious collections of vintage ballet shoes I've ever seen! The worn-out leather is smooth and glossy, the pink ribbon laces faded to a blush pink, and I swear each one still whispers of past pirouettes and breathtaking arabesques.

The owner, Emilia, whose English was surprisingly fluent, took me for a coffee after I purchased a couple of treasures – the shop has been in her family for three generations, she tells me, with a hint of sadness in her voice, “but I am the last one… I will find someone for this place one day. Someone special who knows about dance.” She’s almost certainly talking to me – or at least, I’d like to think so! Emilia also gave me a tip, her little shop will be closing later this year, which broke my little dancer heart – and will be replaced by a modern, fancy clothing shop – with an absolutely delightful little vintage costume shop tucked away on the first floor that's brimming with treasures – imagine my excitement!!

It’s all about being a true explorer and seeking out the beauty in even the smallest corners of Milan, especially as this is a city that seems to have a knack for tucking secrets behind every dusty corner, a true treasure waiting to be found. And don’t even get me started on the food, the coffee, the atmosphere! I’m officially obsessed, just like every single other tourist who has ever visited!

Tuesday: The Heartbeat of Fashion

The next day dawned bright and sunny - a perfect excuse to wander down to the beautiful Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. It's a masterpiece, a real celebration of shopping and architecture – glass ceiling, high ceilings, gleaming marble floor… I swear I felt like I was stepping onto a set of an old Italian film… and honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if this gorgeous space is going to feature in some fabulous future film scene.

This is where I saw my first flash of real Italian chic… just gorgeous, elegant and with an air of sophistication I’ve only seen in magazines – but, they seemed to make it look so easy! This little observation, as you can tell, caused quite the storm in my little ballerina mind… and I have a plan – and it involves a pink tutu. More on that later…

Milan’s Galleria feels like an endless series of shops offering a feast for the eyes – I spent hours just drifting through it, soaking in the atmosphere. I found a vintage lace dress in a boutique hidden on the top floor, I even picked up some delicious coffee and nibbled on a chocolate macaron for lunch while soaking up the sunshine filtering through the glass ceiling – yes, it really was that idyllic! The only thing missing was a pair of shiny, dancing shoes… I couldn't resist browsing in the gorgeous shops like Sergio Rossi and Prada, their designs are exquisite… they are all like delicious sugar-coated candy… but I quickly remembered that my ballerina shoes are made of worn-out leather and sturdy canvas… and honestly, it felt more appropriate.

In the afternoon, I ventured into the area known as the Quadrilatero d'Oro. And let me tell you… if you're ever in Milan, put this destination on your "must-see" list, like yesterday. This whole district is a breathtaking experience; just elegant designer shops lining street after street. This time, I wasn’t tempted to even enter these divine spaces… it just felt too glamorous – for me! Plus, let's be honest – I haven’t exactly been swimming in riches for some time now – being a travelling ballet dancer doesn’t usually provide a lavish budget. And, on the odd chance I do have a spare euro or two, it’s usually destined to the delicious cheese, cured meats and pasta, rather than shiny clothes… or, at least it is until today! Because… after the afternoon at the Quadrilatero d'Oro, a rather ambitious plan started forming in my little ballerina head…

The Pink Tutu Takeover

But it’s a new week and I’m in Italy, the city of endless style and flair, and… my ballet wardrobe needs a revamp – it needs some fabulous new additions. This new goal has taken root in my brain and has become a full-blown project - a new mission, if you will - to incorporate my love of ballet, pink tutus and fashion into the fashion capital of Milan. It's crazy, wild, and, I know I can't promise that this whole pink tutu fashion statement will turn heads on the runway in Milan, but it certainly will cause some laughs, smiles and an inevitable feeling of glee… if you don’t want to wear a tutu after my presentation, then honestly, I can't help you!

You see, I have this sneaky suspicion that this city might just be the perfect place for a little pink tutu magic… after all, you never know until you try, do you?

So… tonight is the night. I have plans to attend a fashion show later tonight, and my tutu will be taking the centre stage, I’ve added a vintage-looking broach to my ballerina bun and a fabulous pair of sparkly vintage silver dancing shoes. And just to give it all a little bit of “that” sparkle – a sprinkling of glittering pink rhinestones will be strategically placed… I can’t reveal my secret weapon yet, you’ll have to wait and see it on my Instagram story later!

Wish me luck – but I think, for once, that pink tutus will actually have the edge in this city… maybe this whole fashion idea might even work?! Wish me luck!

See you next Monday! Ciao!

Your Pink Tutu Ballerina - Emma

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-01-24 ballet blog from Milano Italia