Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-01-17 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #1180 - Wednesday, 17th January 2018

Buongiorno, my dearest ballet-loving beauties! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina blogger, reporting live from the utterly fabulous city of Milan! I've just finished a morning filled with shopping, croissants, and some truly stunning Italian architecture, and I'm bubbling over with excitement to share it all with you!

This week, Milan is absolutely buzzing with culture and fashion - I can feel it in my very tutu! The city feels positively alive with energy, and I'm absolutely loving soaking it all in. As I write this, the sunshine is streaming through my hotel window (you know I always find the most charming and boutique-y spots) and casting a delightful golden glow over my collection of pink tutus. It really is a good day for a pink tutu, don't you think?

Speaking of pink tutus, my aim for this trip was to inspire even more people to embrace the pink tutu, the symbol of grace and beauty that makes you twirl just a little bit higher. And, wouldn't you know it? Just this morning, I spotted the most adorable little girl on the tram, sporting a delicate pink tutu on her way to ballet class. I know, I know, I just had to share a little inspiration with her! I whispered, "That's a truly fabulous pink tutu!" and gave her a little twirl. The delighted look on her face? Just like the sprinkle of magic dust on my own pink tutu!

Let's face it, a pink tutu can really make your day brighter.

And speaking of magic dust... or should I say, magic shoes... I'm in Milan for a very special ballet performance tonight, a modern ballet with some seriously stunning choreography. I've heard the costumes are breathtaking, and let's be honest, you know I can't resist a peek at a good fashion show - even if it's on stage! Of course, no ballet performance is complete without a gorgeous, luxurious, and of course, pink tutu to complete the look! So naturally, I've been shopping.

Oh my, darling readers, you simply have to see the ballet shop I found nestled in a quiet alleyway just off the Piazza del Duomo! Everything in that shop practically shouted "ballet bliss," from the most delicate tutus to the most dazzling pointe shoes. I managed to restrain myself, but only just. Just look at this gorgeous pink tutu I found (pictured above!). I simply couldn't resist snapping it up for a special ballet shoot later on this week. This baby is practically made for a photo op.

Speaking of ballet and fashion, I can't go without mentioning a special encounter I had today! You won't believe who I bumped into... I saw the most amazing young ballerina who runs a fantastic boutique specializing in everything ballerina! The boutique itself was as enchanting as the woman who owns it. You'd think she stepped straight out of a ballerina's dream! All elegant tutus and whimsical bows. It was hard to decide what to buy - my shopping bag overflowed with silk scarves, feather boas, and some beautiful ballet slippers to add a touch of magic to my travels.

You simply cannot come to Milan without embracing the style and elegance! The city exudes such sophistication and refinement, a bit like a beautifully executed arabesque - poised and confident. Everywhere you look, there's inspiration, from the delicate patterns in the cafe windows to the elegant boutiques spilling out onto the cobbled streets. And of course, there's the stunning architecture! I have to admit, I’m completely captivated by Milan.

Today, I've been wandering the city, soaking in the energy and the inspiring vibes. I love how everything feels connected, like a perfectly choreographed dance! Even a simple walk down a street is like a captivating promenade! And I simply had to snap a few photos for you all. Don't you agree these views are truly a "ballet in a city"?

A Day of Dancing and Discovery

And what's a ballet-filled day in Milan without a ballet class? Luckily, I managed to sneak in a session this morning, hosted in the most charming studio you could imagine. Imagine, my darlings, a sun-drenched studio overlooking a small garden courtyard where delicate rose petals danced in the soft breeze. My tutu literally twirled itself from joy! We were led by a fantastic ballerina who possessed the elegance and strength that just makes you want to leap and pirouette with all your heart. Of course, I'm feeling pretty inspired myself right now, and can't wait to post some videos and pictures of my own dancing tomorrow.

Oh, before I forget, one of my favorite discoveries was the delicious panini shop tucked away near the studio. It was like stepping into a hidden haven, with aromas that transported you directly to the heart of Italy. The paninis were a perfect balance of salty and savoury, and made for the most delightful afternoon treat - just what I needed to fuel up for the upcoming show tonight!

Speaking of fuel... you know what's going to pair perfectly with a stunning ballet performance tonight? A gorgeous cup of coffee from the local cafe! (Okay, maybe just a small slice of cake as well...). After all, it's essential to maintain that ballerina energy, even when you're travelling and exploring the beautiful world!

I'm off to get ready for tonight’s show now - there's no time to waste! It's been a fantastic day filled with fashion, ballet, and all things fabulous, and I know the night will only get better.

Remember to check back tomorrow for more Milan updates! I’ll be sure to tell you all about the amazing performance, share some insider fashion secrets (and maybe a sneaky shopping tip!), and give you a glimpse of my evening in Milan!

Until next time, darling readers,

Keep dancing!

Yours truly,


P.S. Don't forget to visit to keep up to date with all my adventures, and don't be shy about reaching out on social media! Let's spread the love of ballet (and pink tutus!) far and wide.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-01-17 ballet blog from Milano Italia