Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-01-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #1179 - Wednesday 2018-01-10 - Ciao Bella!

Oh, darling! I am just bursting with excitement to tell you all about my incredible trip to Milano, or Milan as they like to call it here. You see, darling, there is just something about this Italian city that just calls to my inner ballerina! I am certain my dear friend Olivia will say I am completely bonkers, but I am just smitten with the entire vibe. It feels like you could stumble upon a beautiful old ballet theatre just round the corner, or find an ancient building bursting with hidden art, or stumble upon a glorious park full of Italian charm. Oh, the wonder of Milan, just think!

Just imagine you, darling, you and your little girl or even your dashing teenage daughter, skipping off the tram with me, right into the centre of it all. We could get matching pink tutus, be so fancy. The tutus, of course, are just my humble opinion and completely optional but, just think, all of that fancy and a whole lot of fabulous. My personal choice would have to be the one I picked up today in this boutique, nestled just off Piazza Duomo - we’re going to talk about this divine creation later. Just you wait!

Before I reveal this hidden gem, which was really hard to find, we must back up and begin our adventure at the start!

The Journey From Derbyshire to Milan!

Okay, so it wasn’t quite a fairytale train ride like in one of my favourite films - but it was pretty fab! Let me set the scene: the aroma of delicious roast dinner in the air. There are these wonderful independent businesses along the high street in Matlock Bath; we have a new shop with the best little local coffee place, which is right near the post office, all perfectly tucked into a stone's throw from a fantastic local baker. This amazing baker does all kinds of decadent cakes, it's a real haven for a sweet tooth, especially as they’re fresh and homemade every day, divine. They have these delicate biscuits for a snack but also they’re good with a lovely cuppa. It’s also not unusual for them to be decorated with pink icing; I don’t know why, but they often come to me, right? It’s funny how fate works! My treat for the day before travelling was one of their wonderful strawberry tarts, Oh darling, it was just divine!

You see darling, this particular journey started right there in Matlock Bath! All the way to Milan and it felt amazing to have my mum waving me off with a final good-bye, before I hopped onto the train, my train, not a chariot. No, darling, it was my trusty Derbyshire local service. Not that posh, swish and new Virgin one though. It was, I’m so sorry, a slightly battered, not quite as clean and sleek one as some of the others; this had a lovely hint of old, slightly sticky flooring, and what was that sound? Is it a cat asleep somewhere, I think, possibly in the next carriage. We love our British local service though; you never quite know what is going to happen and all the time we are off for adventure, right?! Oh, the little things that just make me giggle in this country; it’s so darn beautiful!

Anyway, before I lose the story, right back to the station, where the man came around with a tray of these fantastic hot sausages with a beautiful caramelised onion topping! What's a train ride without one, right, darling? Just a thought! Well, as my carriage is now bustling with the new journey; it’s not a train but my taxi to Euston; that really was lovely as the rain stopped at the right time for my train to catch in time to say bye to my amazing family!

After the station, I had a few hours to pass until the evening, but I decided to have lunch - and as luck would have it, it just so happened that it was a fab spot that I had earmarked for months! It’s quite out of the way but oh so fab! They make some wonderful homemade food - it is not too fussy. Just fab Italian flavours with some local ingredients mixed into the usual, for an incredibly fresh, vibrant mix of taste sensations, just like those paintings we saw later. You see darling, this lunch spot is nestled away - on that corner near that famous park near the old museum, close by a little theatre. What luck, this area, what is it about it that feels so grand and a bit quirky at the same time?! I mean, the food was incredible, all I need is some great dancers for it to be the ultimate experience; a real treat to remember. The setting made it feel so intimate, the owner gave me the best tips and directions for this trip; that guy knows a lot!

Oh darling, I also treated myself to a little indulgence before the station. A beautiful bouquet of red, ruby red roses to brighten the station; such vibrant reds to add a splash of joy to my station wait. What can I say, darling? I can't resist; all the colour in life; sometimes, just what you need in London - you’ll need a splash of red roses - and red is my next colour to explore, although it's quite an easy one to pull off, don't you think? There are so many ways you can combine it, it can go with everything; think about a dark red velvet bodice to mix up a tutu or even just the roses. I'm not sure about the red on the hair though, just a personal thing! But anyway, onto the next part of this adventure.

Finally, I found myself on my own at Euston, the hustle and bustle. All those weary travelers like myself, the weary soul who has walked many miles already but, oh, darling, it feels like such a short walk for all that distance covered. As the moment of embarking arrived, my train appeared - sleek and ready, for that long and arduous journey! There were just the two carriages but, hey! that just means more room, and we can move around with less crowd trouble! You know how it is in these circumstances. You need more space for those special people who need a place to perch and unwind from all the activity. Plus, with it being a slower one you have time for all the sights, that’s where the special bit begins.

Let me set the scene: the setting sun glowing red through the rain-drenched fields - you’ve got to admire our countryside in England; oh, the hues are just beautiful. What I love are the shades and contrasts from those grey days to when the sun peeks through, a bit like a magical surprise! This train journey brought me past little villages; some with little red brick cottages, others with thatched roofs, and so many in those lovely stone shades. My favourite ones though are those lovely golden ones! The sun seemed to follow my journey from East to West! They look like little pieces of chocolate - you can feel a sweet tooth just creeping in, can’t you? I can; the magic of this English landscape!

A stop here, and a stop there with a stop over in Paris, then onto Milan for a short stay!

Milan: Day 1.

This city is truly magnificent, with so many stunning buildings! Everywhere you look there is an incredible mix of classical architectural style buildings - my favourite has to be The Duomo (also called Milano Cathedral, such grand architecture) - this cathedral, just with all its intricately carved and gilded details. You can imagine it, it was like that incredible theatre in Paris! Think back; all those details! The intricate carvings are unbelievable; and just next door is this little square with all these gorgeous fashion shops and restaurants and, oh, those wonderful ice cream places! Let me just tell you darling; my waistline did not appreciate these fabulous finds! Oh, and they have the most wonderful little chocolate stores around every corner!

The whole experience was fabulous, just what a tired dancer needed: good coffee, fresh air and some great little moments to escape into. I think this is a trend I have noticed on many travels - they have some incredible art, with street performance, they just all seem to be at a slower pace than our daily grind; we all rush about! So you just take it all in and all this just seemed so natural to me in this city, maybe I needed the slowness!

I decided to walk as much as I could because it really allows you to take it all in, although I did enjoy my tram rides through this maze of a beautiful city! You do really need to know what you’re looking for - if not, there is an opportunity for an adventurous walk. Luckily, darling, I’m not afraid of the occasional wrong turn as I am confident in my ability to navigate and also know I have time to spare to stop for that coffee, right? Let me remind you about this fab, hidden treasure - we're going to talk about that next week, but the tram has so many stories to tell; those little tales of the daily routines that remind you how much these locals love this town. That feeling of joy just pours through them. It’s a contagious thing to feel; all that life!

Anyway, where was I? The day just flew by; this town just captures your attention. In a nutshell, Milan is simply magnificent! This is not all the magic this place has; so many places I discovered during my little wander - places you just fall in love with. They seem to be little escapes hidden in a maze of this city. What can I say; there are too many wonders! That feeling of that wonderful place in Paris; I found another great spot that had this lovely cafe overlooking the town and the Duomo! All you had to do was sit down and be immersed; with my little journal, my sketches and my pen; and, oh, I'm also wearing my beautiful new tutus for that extra inspiration and excitement to find something new in my mind. That beautiful, soft pink really allows the little creativity to just flow out! I may or may not have shared a few moments to try and get this beautiful new fabric; it's so soft, I just wanted to dive into it! What else did I love? I took a ride on the cable car. It gave me this incredible panoramic view of the whole city. I will be sharing those views next week! Just wait until you see them! I managed to have an aperitivo, oh darling, the food was fantastic. But it was the atmosphere that was so wonderful, this amazing feeling of laughter, talking and chatter; It’s just so wonderfully, vibrant! It just seemed to be everywhere, even on the street! People everywhere just wanting to stop and chat to anyone about anything - very friendly! All so wonderful to experience, what an amazing mix. But I still feel the call of the ballet; this was all a lovely escape! Now I must admit to a moment or two spent in an amazing antique shop. A chance encounter of my day with that owner, as if by destiny, we were both in love with those beautiful ballerinas - she must have felt the joy, and the passion of a true artist! How she helped me to find these rare figurines of dancers, my ballet memories were ignited by their intricate poses! So lovely to find something that speaks to the soul, to feel that warmth, as I felt that day. Then onto a theatre in the heart of the town, to meet with a wonderful friend who works here as a costumer, she is the most talented one. Just this wonderful connection of hearts. How my imagination danced that day! You know that wonderful feeling of just connecting? Oh, and a new tutu, you can just feel the spark - such wonderful moments shared! My dear friend was so surprised to see me and told me all about her recent project working on a fabulous production! What a talented lady! You can just imagine - she told me a lot about her process - all the intricate work. My head was spinning.

Of course, we spent the evening laughing over some wine in one of the amazing Italian restaurants that was recommended. Oh, the fabulous food; let me remind you, my love for food just continues!

Milan: Day 2.

It was all about ballet and finding more treasures - just divine - I cannot get enough of these ballet finds! What a joy; what amazing details and so much art!

After my beautiful coffee break - with views over that glorious Piazza, we walked towards the centre, darling. Where to find this one amazing art studio? What an art scene! I can only imagine the inspiration for the fashion on these streets. All those vibrant, bold colours - such talent in this city. You just have to wander around! All this energy - and it's all on the street; some fantastic installations and then, you just stumbled across an open studio full of bright beautiful canvases. An unexpected moment that caught the imagination and so beautiful! That moment of discovery; such talent; so beautiful.

As the day wore on - we continued our walk with the help of my trusty pink tutu (such joy). In these last few days, it was a total wardrobe must-have. Oh darling, with this incredible pink fabric I have never felt more feminine! The fabric I found in that special shop had this soft, shimmering sheen - an amazing feel! As you know my life has to have a little magic sprinkled in it and, darling, I don't mind sharing that, and so you do find magic here in the art and food; all so vibrant; just be sure to follow your inner spark! You will be in this fantastic pink tutu; imagine a wonderful vision with that beautiful pink! All this and a beautiful afternoon at a wonderful ballet studio - and a chance encounter with a fantastic teacher and, just by chance, this very small private performance! Just those moments of grace and so much inspiration. I really took time to relax with the music and the flow. It’s just such a grounding force for my spirit - such pure passion; I do feel a part of this dance community all over the world. I mean how could you not be enchanted, it's such a beautiful expression of emotions and passion - that is such a unique thing about this special art.

What are your thoughts, my sweet darling? Would you come with me?

Now darling, remember I told you about that hidden treasure that I found while here. What a day; what wonderful finds in the world of the latest designs - just imagine that pink dress! Oh, darling, it was simply fabulous. But, don’t you worry; you can find one just as fabulous and this is your exclusive preview! You have to imagine this one; it's a soft, heavenly pink tulle. It moves, shimmers, just divine. So I think this may have been the one; the highlight of my entire Milan trip! You know how much I love the colour pink and I know many of you feel this too! That feminine pink that speaks of magic. It just calls for a good adventure and I am here to encourage all of you, darling, you too can make a little dream happen.

Don't be afraid of that pink, the sparkle or anything you may be afraid to try, just jump in. You can even get yourself one just like mine - I'll give you the address at the end of this post. So now my darling, you are all on board; have a good night and keep dancing! Until next week.

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#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-01-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia