Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-03-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post 1188: Bonjour from Milan, Baby!

Wednesday, 2018-03-14

Well, hello my lovely Pink Tutu darlings! It’s Emma here, your very own tutu-clad travel guide, direct from the fashion capital of the world – Milan, Italy! That’s right, darlings, I’ve traded in my Derbyshire cobblestones for Milanese cobblestones, and let me tell you, it’s a dream come true! The cobblestones are still cobblestones, mind you, but the air is practically fizzing with style!

This week, as always, my trusty pink tutu and I are on the hunt for all things pink and twirly, and Milan has not disappointed! This beautiful city just knows how to make a girl feel special, and believe me, I’m embracing every minute of it!

Let me tell you, my darling friends, you've never seen trams like the ones here! Imagine, if you will, a pastel pink tram, with floral decorations and intricate carvings - like a ballet set come to life! I took one all the way to the centre of Milan just so I could admire it.

It wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu travel post without some talk of ballet, would it? So you won't believe this, but Milan’s La Scala Opera House - seriously iconic, people, we're talking legends here - is staging Swan Lake. My dear friends, imagine my delight! A Swan Lake ballet, in Italy, in the city of fashion, and right there, on stage, in that breathtakingly beautiful theatre, the tutu dream was alive!

The dancers, oh the dancers, were divine, the swans were all so elegant, and the tutus - they shimmered with every step! The story, the music, the energy - it truly was magical, I literally felt like I was part of the story. If you're ever in Milan, you absolutely HAVE to see a performance at La Scala!

But hold on to your tiaras, because the adventures weren't over! After that captivating performance, I just HAD to indulge in some delicious Milanese cuisine, so I headed to a little cafe near the theatre, surrounded by fashion houses. I sat outside on a small terrace, listening to the city hum around me, and enjoyed a bowl of spaghetti alle vongole - seafood pasta with clams - accompanied by a glass of prosecco! It was simply delicious. You know me, always a fan of those classic Italian favourites!

I am absolutely obsessed with fashion here in Milan. Oh, darling, you wouldn't believe the windows! Each shop is like a little masterpiece - it's all about that extra bit of pizzazz! I have been having the most amazing time, getting lost in the shopping streets, marvelling at the stunning windows, and even treated myself to a few little treasures – a sparkly pink clutch, some cute ballet flats with a tiny tutu charm, and, of course, a silk scarf adorned with delicate ballet-themed embroidery. Just the kind of treasures a tutu-loving girl could hope for!

This trip wouldn’t be complete without visiting the stunning Duomo. Imagine it, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, intricate carvings, and gleaming marble - a true sight to behold. I felt like a character straight out of a fairytale! And of course, I couldn't resist climbing to the top for breathtaking panoramic views of the city. From up there, you could really get a sense of Milan’s majestic size and vibrant energy. Milan - where the buildings reach for the sky!

And that, my darlings, was just Wednesday! Stay tuned, because next week I'll tell you all about exploring the beautiful Sforza Castle, a massive fortress filled with beautiful gardens and art. I can already tell, it's going to be absolutely fabulous! Don’t worry, I'll be snapping pictures every step of the way to bring you all the pink, tutu, and Milan magic!

In the meantime, keep that pink tutu spirit alive! Let's turn the world into one big, twirly, and totally fabulous pink ballet.

Lots of love,



P.S. Don't forget to check out my weekly Pink Tutu Milan blog every Monday at! And remember, the magic starts with a pink tutu.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-03-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia