Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-03-28 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #1190 - Wednesday 2018-03-28 - La Dolce Vita in a Tutu

Buongiorno, darlings!

It’s your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina blogger, Emma, reporting live from the dazzling, romantic city of Milan. It’s a Wednesday, the sun is shining, the gelato is calling, and I'm floating on cloud nine. Milan, you know, you really do have a way of making every day feel like a dream.

This week's adventures began, as they often do, with a train journey. Now, I love train journeys. There's something so magical about watching the world whizz past, feeling that familiar rumble and rhythm that’s always part of my ballet life. This time, I even had the chance to take a tram through the bustling city, just like a true Milanese! The vibrant streets were a symphony of colours, buzzing with laughter and life.

And of course, Milan is a mecca for any self-respecting ballerina. My trusty tutu, which, as always, has travelled with me all the way from Derbyshire, was itching to take centre stage. First stop was a visit to the majestic Teatro alla Scala. This grand opera house, built in the 18th century, is not just a building; it's a testament to the enduring power of art. I can still feel the echoes of all the great artists who have graced its stage.

It was truly awe-inspiring to be there, and I swear, I even heard whispers of the legendary La Scala Ballet dancing amongst the dusty drapes and antique lamps.

I then decided to indulge my inner shopaholic, and what better way to do that than by navigating the stylish boutiques of Milan's fashion district? I spent a happy few hours browsing, swooning over beautiful silk scarves, lace tops, and, yes, the most gloriously pink shoes.

Milan, I discovered, has a particular knack for taking classic silhouettes and adding that certain je ne sais quoi, a sprinkle of flair and a dash of glamour, all wrapped in a package of irresistible Italian chic.

One of the highlights of my trip was undoubtedly attending a captivating ballet performance at Teatro degli Arcimboldi. It was a production of the acclaimed Aterballetto company, known for its innovative blend of contemporary and classical dance. I was mesmerized by the intricate choreography and the raw emotion of the dancers. There was an intensity and vulnerability to their performance that left me breathless.

Even the most basic steps were brought to life with a palpable sense of purpose and passion. It reminded me, once again, of the sheer power of ballet to move, inspire, and touch hearts.

Of course, no trip to Milan is complete without indulging in the exquisite culinary scene. One afternoon, I found myself tucked away in a cozy trattoria, enjoying a leisurely lunch of fresh pasta, crusty bread, and, of course, a glass of local wine. As I savoured the flavour of the local delicacies, I thought about the dedication and passion of the people who create this incredible cuisine. It felt as if every dish was infused with the heart and soul of the Italian culture.

My day in Milan culminated in the most magical of settings - Piazza Duomo. The Duomo, Milan's magnificent cathedral, stood resplendent under the dusky twilight. I danced in front of the impressive cathedral in my trusty pink tutu. What can I say? Sometimes you just gotta follow your heart and live life to the full!

I felt like Cinderella, except instead of glass slippers, I had my cherished ballet shoes. And as the first stars of the evening began to appear in the darkening sky, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude.

Gratitude for the joy of travelling, the magic of ballet, the kindness of strangers, and the incredible power of this city to stir my soul and awaken my dreams.

I know you're wondering: "Emma, is everyone wearing pink tutus yet?"

I can honestly say, Milan is a good start. My travels through this stylish metropolis have reminded me that ballet is about so much more than just the technical aspects. It's about self-expression, creativity, and a kind of unspoken language that can connect people from all walks of life. And I believe that, at its heart, it's a celebration of life's infinite beauty, both within and without.

So, while my mission to get everyone wearing pink tutus may not be entirely accomplished just yet (I still have so much more to do!) every pink-tutu-clad moment is a step closer. And that's a victory I can truly embrace.

But more than anything, this trip has reminded me why I'm a ballet blogger: because it's not just about dancing. It's about the magic of exploration, the adventure of discovery, the connection that we feel through shared passions. And if I can share those passions with you, my wonderful, vibrant readers, well, that's the biggest "bravo" of all.

Don't forget to check back next Monday for another thrilling episode of Pink Tutu Milan. And, as always, please feel free to share your own pink tutu adventures with me on Instagram! I'd love to hear about your inspiring journeys!

With twirling love and a whole lot of sparkle,

Emma xx

P.S. Oh, and let’s not forget what else was happening on this glorious Wednesday the 28th of March in Milan? It was the beginning of “La Primavera”, or “Spring”, in Italy, so I even saw many happy Italians in cheerful, sunny coloured clothes to celebrate the arrival of the beautiful new season!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-03-28 ballet blog from Milano Italia