Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-05-23 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 1198 - Wednesday 2018-05-23 - "Ballet in the City of Fashion"

Ciao Bella! 👋 It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma, back from the vibrant streets of Milan, ready to spill all the exciting happenings from the city of fashion! 💃

Milan, oh Milan! How I love thee! The atmosphere here is electric! I feel like a glamorous little pixie, swirling around this beautiful city, catching the eye of every passerby in my bright pink tutu. 💖 Even the pigeons seem a little more chic here! 🐦

This week, I'm particularly excited to share all about the fabulous dance experiences I've had in Milan! After all, what's a trip to a fashion capital without a spot of graceful movement?

My journey to Milan started in Derbyshire, the heart of England, with a whirlwind of packing my trusty travel tutu, a suitcase full of colourful dresses and of course, my most prized possessions - my ballet shoes! The journey by train was picturesque - the rolling green hills, dotted with quaint villages, gave way to the industrial bustle of the big city. I find travelling by train so inspiring - the chance to observe the world, imagine stories about the fellow passengers, and create my own little world within the rhythm of the train journey. I love watching the scenery blur past, and seeing the excitement building in anticipation of a new city.

Milan greeted me with open arms - its grandeur and architectural beauty taking my breath away! The trams trundled by, the locals buzzing with life and the iconic Duomo glistening under the Italian sun. From the moment I arrived, I knew this city would embrace my love for ballet with open arms. And I wasn't wrong!

This week's adventures began with a beautiful ballet performance at the Teatro alla Scala. Imagine my delight! The iconic building itself was a breathtaking experience. Its grand architecture, ornate interiors and sheer history oozed a sense of theatre, of art, of magic! The ballet itself, "Giselle", was a perfect blend of tragic romance and elegant storytelling. It was a feast for the senses! The dancers, with their movements as fluid as silk, and the passionate music that filled the air, simply swept me away! And the costumes - so dazzling and intricate! It really was a show of artistic mastery!

From the regal grandeur of the Teatro alla Scala, my next dance adventure took me to the street! Yes, you read that right! Ballet in the street! I stumbled upon a beautiful outdoor performance - "Ballet Street" - in one of the enchanting hidden squares of Milan. Imagine my joy at discovering this street performance tucked away amongst the cafes and the bustling life of the city! The group of young dancers performed with such vibrancy, such energy, and so much enthusiasm! They truly made their space in the urban landscape. Seeing ballet performed in such a non-traditional setting was magical! It felt so spontaneous and alive, the dancers interacting with the surrounding life of the city, captivating an impromptu audience. This truly resonated with me. My message? Ballet for everyone! It doesn't have to be on a stage, in a theatre! It can be on the street, in your living room, in a park, wherever you want to move with grace and expression!

No trip to Milan would be complete without some serious shopping! It's the capital of fashion after all, and let's face it, I love to shop for ballet-inspired outfits and pretty accessories! So I hit the boutiques and the markets - and trust me, my bank account might have been screaming, but my heart was singing! 😍

My trip wasn't just about shows and shopping though. A ballerina needs to stay in tip-top shape! So I took the opportunity to drop in on a ballet class at the prestigious Accademia Teatro alla Scala. It was an amazing experience - sharing the space with dancers from all over the world, feeling the passion for dance flowing through the studio. I may not have been able to keep up with them all, but I certainly felt the magic of the movement! I learned a few new steps, warmed up my muscles, and even found a little inspiration for new blog content!

In between all the activities, I spent some time exploring the city with its vibrant and lively charm. Milan truly knows how to keep a girl on her toes! From exploring the grandeur of the Duomo, taking a walk down Via Montenapoleone (home to some of the most glamorous fashion houses in the world) and even enjoying a delicious gelato on a sunny terrace - I immersed myself in the city's unique energy.

This week, Milan stole a piece of my heart. I felt so inspired, so uplifted, and so very much in love with all things dance and fashion!

Of course, I have so much more to tell you! But I can't reveal everything! You have to check back next Monday for more pink-tutu adventures! Until then, keep those tutus twirling and embrace the beauty of life - one step, one graceful moment, at a time! 💖

Love and pirouettes,

Emma x

Don't forget to check back next Monday for a brand new blog post on

Remember, a little bit of pink and a sprinkle of magic is all you need to add some fun to your life!

Stay beautiful! Stay pink! Stay happy! ✨💕💖

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-05-23 ballet blog from Milano Italia