Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-05-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1197: Ballet and Bel Paese 🩰🇮🇹

Ciao bella! 👋 It’s Emma here, your pink tutu-clad, ballet-obsessed blogger, back from the glamorous streets of Milan!

This week, I’m bursting with excitement. Not just because I’m writing to you from Italy, the land of delicious food, incredible fashion, and captivating culture, but because I've finally made it to the home of the Teatro alla Scala! 🎭

For any ballerina, this place is legendary, a true pilgrimage site. And I’ve already been dancing through the cobbled streets in a whimsical pink tutu, feeling like a princess from a fairytale! 👸

You might wonder, "How does Emma fund all this glamorous travelling?" Well, it’s simple, really: ballet!

Every week, I perform in a variety of shows – ballet classes for little ones, charming community performances, and even a few exciting, high-energy street acts!

I'm so lucky to have my ballet as my bread and butter – not only does it give me financial independence, it fills my heart with joy. And that's what's so special about ballet. It’s not just about beautiful costumes and graceful moves, it’s a journey of self-discovery, expression, and sheer, unbridled joy! 🥰

Milan: A Symphony of Style and Sparkle

Right now, I’m settling into a beautiful, vintage-style hotel in the heart of the city. Imagine a cobblestone street, with sun-soaked terracotta buildings, overflowing with cascading roses and geraniums. Just steps away, is the buzzing Via Monte Napoleone, a shopping haven with every designer boutique imaginable! 👠👛

But, before I delve into the world of haute couture, let’s get back to why I’m here – ballet, of course!

This week, I've been soaking up every bit of Milanese ballet magic. From witnessing the sheer grandeur of the Teatro alla Scala to taking a ballet class in the heart of a beautifully sun-drenched courtyard, my life has been a ballet dream come true!

And wouldn't you know it, Wednesday, May 16th – my day of writing to you - turned out to be a real special day in the ballet world here in Milan. I was lucky enough to see a production of “Swan Lake” at the Teatro alla Scala! ✨

Imagine the majesty, the history, the anticipation! It’s one of those moments you hold in your memory, the sheer brilliance of the dancers, the rich music echoing through the grand auditorium. It left me feeling like a little girl again, completely awestruck by the sheer beauty of it all.

But before I delve into the breathtaking ballet performance, let me tell you a bit about the day itself...

A Milanese Wednesday with a Pink Twist:

Morning arrived with the usual warmth that's synonymous with Italy. I had breakfast on my little hotel balcony, overlooking the bustling street below, the aroma of fresh espresso wafting up to me – what a delightful start to the day! ☕️

But before indulging in the deliciousness of an Italian breakfast, I slipped on my most whimsical pink tutu – a fluffy tulle number that swirled around me with every move. Because, why just be in Milan? Why not be a dancing dream, a whirl of colour, in this beautiful city?

Ready to start the day, I hopped on a charming old-fashioned tram, its yellow facade gleaming in the sun, and zoomed through the city. Milan is a city made for tram travel. There’s something undeniably romantic about weaving through cobbled streets, the sights, sounds and smells all coming at you, a sensory feast for the soul! 🚃

My destination? A special ballet class hidden within a beautiful, hidden courtyard, just off a vibrant and busy shopping street. This is how I find most of the hidden gems of ballet studios around the world, searching through local papers and online communities, always on the lookout for something unique and magical. 🩰

Hidden Gems of Ballet: Unveiling Milan’s Secret World

Stepping into the courtyard, a rush of peace and serenity washed over me. It felt as if time slowed down. Sunlight streamed down onto the ancient, cracked stone floor, bathing the studio in golden light. The air smelled of blooming flowers and the distant aroma of baking bread. It was magical.

I soon found myself lost in a world of ballet grace, moving with the other dancers, young and old. We were all one in this dance, sharing a common language of movement and passion, despite our cultural and language differences. It felt amazing to be part of this special community!

A Tutu, a Tram and Teatro Alla Scala

The afternoon rolled in like a warm hug. Time to head to the Teatro alla Scala, a magnificent, imposing structure that had captured my imagination from the moment I first saw it.

As I hopped on another enchanting tram, I felt the buzz of excitement in the air. Milan was ready for an evening of "Swan Lake" and, honestly, I was buzzing along with the city!

I found myself caught up in the energy of the place, a delightful kaleidoscope of tourists and locals, all on their way to an evening of ballet. This theatre has witnessed history. Legendary performers from centuries past have graced this stage. It's truly a cathedral of ballet.

“Swan Lake” – A Symphony of Emotions

Inside the Teatro Alla Scala, the auditorium was breathtaking! Ornate gold décor adorned every corner. A magnificent crystal chandelier hung overhead, bathing the entire theatre in soft, ethereal light. The acoustics were incredible, the slightest footfall was audible, the smallest gesture filled with meaning. The entire audience, from the oldest patrons to the youngest children, held their breath in anticipation.

The music began, Tchaikovsky's masterpiece. Every note soared with breathtaking beauty and power. And then, the dancers took to the stage. The grace, the strength, the emotion…

I was totally absorbed by the story. It unfolded with such passion, each movement was imbued with such meaning. My favourite scene was, of course, the 'Swan Lake'. The ballerina's transformation was so powerful and emotional. I couldn't tear my eyes away!

There was a moment when the dancers stood centre stage, backlit by a spotlight, the beautiful movement so powerful it seemed they were actually floating on air. Time seemed to stand still. It was a perfect moment of ballet magic.

And of course, I couldn't leave without a memento, a little pink swan to remind me of the day, perched gracefully on a ballerina’s shoe. 💖

A Day of Dreams: Finding Ballet Inspiration Everywhere

As the curtain fell and the audience rose to their feet, I found myself feeling overwhelmed with happiness. Not only for the incredible "Swan Lake" experience but for the whole day. The tram ride, the delightful hidden ballet studio, the vibrant Milanese streets, the dazzling Teatro Alla Scala - all interwoven in a beautiful ballet tapestry.

This trip to Milan is a dream come true, one I’ll never forget. I love travelling the world with my pink tutu, sharing this beautiful dance form with you and making new connections with other ballet lovers all over the world.

For me, that's what life is about: exploring, dancing, and sharing our love for ballet wherever we go. It's something special that we can all connect through – a universal language of grace, beauty, and strength.

This is what I call my "pink tutu revolution," where everyone, regardless of age, background, or ability, can be empowered and encouraged to explore the world of ballet and discover their own inner ballerina. And you know what?

*Join me! Let’s make the world a little more sparkly, a little more graceful, one pink tutu at a time. ✨ *

Keep an eye on my website - – every Monday for my new blog post, a fresh take on ballet and life through the eyes of a pink tutu wearing ballerina!

Until next time, my lovely readers, keep on dancing! 💕

*Emma 🩰 *

P.S. Do you have a pink tutu story to share? Let me know! Drop me a line, leave a comment or share it on social media! #PinkTutuRevolution #MilanBallet #SwanLakeDreams

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-05-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia