Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-06-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: A Dance Through Milan – Blog Post #1200

Buongiorno from sunny Milan, darlings! It’s Emma here, your pink-tutu-clad correspondent, back with another exciting escapade in the fashion capital of the world. Today is Wednesday, 6th June, and I'm utterly smitten with this magnificent city, where the air is buzzing with a heady mix of fashion, culture, and…well, let’s just say my love for tutus is definitely being met with enthusiastic acceptance!

Now, before I get lost in the dreamy Italian streets, let me tell you all about this week's adventure. After a breathtaking performance in Verona on the weekend (the sheer excitement of dancing in a historic theatre… swoon!), I hopped on a charming train to Milan on Sunday evening. As the countryside whizzed past my window, I couldn’t help but dream about the incredible adventures waiting for me in this city.

Milan’s Magical Charm

My journey to Milan always feels a little like a fairy tale. The tram ride through the city centre is just the most picturesque thing you've ever seen. Lush greenery peeking between the buildings, the soft sunlight on the bustling streets, the locals, radiating warmth and that "je ne sais quoi" Italian charm. Honestly, you just have to see it to believe it.

As for Milan itself… Oh my goodness! This city knows how to make you feel glamorous. Just walking down Via della Spiga with my pink tutu swishing, the air buzzing with chic boutiques, beautiful window displays… well, it just makes a girl feel utterly fabulous!

Pink Tutu Fashion: My Love Affair with Milan

Let's talk about the shopping, darling! You all know I’m a hopeless romantic when it comes to finding the perfect tutu. So, of course, I had to visit all the best fashion boutiques on my itinerary. My absolute favourites? Why, La Rinascente, of course! From top to bottom, it's like a candy land for your senses – stunning clothes, designer shoes, heavenly perfumes… I must have spent at least an hour just marvelling at all the incredible styles! And guess what? They even had a lovely selection of pink tutus!

I just couldn't resist trying a few on. Let me tell you, a ballerina's life is all about feeling your most confident and feminine, and those tutus had me spinning in pure joy!

Now, let me paint a picture for you, dear readers. Picture this: you walk into this luxurious store with the warm sunlight streaming through the large windows, you slip on the most perfect pink tutu, and it simply… glows! You twirl under the breathtaking crystal chandeliers, a melody of Italian whispers swirling around you... What’s a girl to do? Buy, of course!

So yes, I might have a slight shopping addiction. It’s a tough life, I tell you, but someone’s got to do it! 😉

A Ballet Journey Through Milan

The ballet life doesn’t stop just because I’m on holiday, darling! Oh no, not Emma! You’ll find me right in the middle of a whirlwind of dance classes, shows, and exhibitions. You wouldn't believe the number of incredible ballet schools and studios here in Milan. They offer classes in all the classical styles - ballet, contemporary, and even some cool street dance that's truly invigorating!

You’ve got to trust me on this - a few hours of movement and elegance, and you feel like a queen. Just ask my trusty pink tutu, she's been with me through it all.

Of course, I had to check out Teatro alla Scala – that iconic, magnificent venue that every ballerina dreams of performing in. I may have gone to see La Bayadère while I was there – and the performances… well, they were absolutely breath-taking! You've got to see it to believe it.

The Teatro alla Scala was the heart of the ballet experience for me, but Milan is overflowing with hidden gems. I even took a ballet class at this little, intimate studio tucked away on a side street. Let's just say, it's definitely got me wanting to do a ballet performance in Milan itself! Watch this space, darling… maybe in the pink tutu? Wouldn’t that be something?

A Bite of Italian Deliciousness

Speaking of Italian delights, we’re getting hungry, aren't we? The food scene here is simply delightful. There’s no lack of authentic trattorias serving delicious Italian pasta and freshly baked pizzas, all cooked to perfection! The creamy tiramisu is to die for, and the gelato… well, I think you’ll need your own separate suitcase for it. Just be sure to save room for those amazing coffee shops, darling! My personal favourite is this charming café that's been in the same family for generations, serving their own blend of coffee, accompanied by delicious croissants, oh my goodness!

The Italian lifestyle is so laid back, slow, and focused on savouring the moment. I think I've picked up a few tips on embracing life’s little pleasures myself.

Discovering The Spirit of Milan

You know, it's the people here in Milan that truly make this city sing. They exude this confidence and sense of style that's both inspiring and charming. They appreciate the finer things in life and are always so warm and welcoming, especially to a pink-tutu-clad girl like me. I even struck up a conversation with a local tailor – the kind of person who can make even the most basic piece of fabric into something stunningly unique. She taught me how to say hello in Milanese and gifted me some incredible fabric swatches.

Every corner of this city is filled with character and history. There are old, grand buildings nestled between bustling fashion boutiques. You’ll find elegant art galleries hiding in secret alleyways. Everywhere you turn, there's another opportunity to fall in love with Milan. The city truly has a heart that's as big and open as the Italian sky.

Looking Ahead

And so, dear readers, my adventure continues! Next week, I’m planning on spending some time with the gorgeous botanical gardens, exploring more art museums, and of course, soaking in all the latest fashion trends. You've got to stay tuned to this blog, my lovely!

As always, keep those tutu dreams coming! Remember, darling, we can all spread a little bit of pink tutu magic to the world, one twirl at a time. Stay stylish, stay sassy, and above all, remember: a life filled with ballet, fashion, and pink tutus is a life well-lived! Until next week, ciao!

To find Emma's posts about fashion, ballet, travel and more - visit her website:

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-06-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia