Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-07-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Wednesday 2018-07-18 - Post 1206

Ciao from Milan, darlings! I'm back for my weekly rendezvous with all things pink and twirling, straight from the heart of this fashion capital! It's hard to believe that this is actually blog post number 1206 – can you believe it's been going on that long?! But with every post, I get closer to my life goal - to get every single one of you to rock a pink tutu! 😉

The weather here in Milan is glorious – sunshine and a light breeze – perfect for pirouettes in the park and catching some rays while I'm browsing for the latest fashion finds.

This week's Milan adventure is filled with beautiful architecture, the buzzing excitement of a grand opera performance and… did I mention shopping? Oh yes, I've been on a sartorial safari through the boutiques, seeking out that perfect piece to compliment my newest tutu obsession – a blush-pink, feather-trimmed dream! (Pictures coming soon on the blog, stay tuned!)

But first, let me tell you about my little trip to the La Scala theatre yesterday.

An Evening at La Scala

As you know, dear readers, I'm a big fan of ballet and opera - anything that involves movement, music, and passion! La Scala is one of the most famous opera houses in the world and it was an absolute dream come true to finally step inside! The theatre itself is stunning, with ornate gilded detailing and plush velvet seating that would make any princess swoon!

I arrived a little early for my evening performance, allowing me time to soak up the atmosphere and marvel at the sheer grandeur of the space. The lobby was abuzz with excited whispers, the clatter of champagne glasses, and the anticipation of a beautiful evening.

As I slipped into my seat, the stage was bathed in a warm golden glow. I could hardly believe I was actually there, surrounded by the ghosts of opera greats who had graced this very stage. The orchestra tuned up and a hush fell over the audience – the magic was about to begin!

And begin it did, with a captivating rendition of Verdi's "La Traviata." The singers' voices were truly ethereal, their emotions resonating through the entire theatre. And, of course, I couldn't help but tap my toes along with the soaring melody, even though I was pretending to be a serious opera-goer, all refined and elegant!

But shhh, it’s a secret, you heard it here first, my dears! Sometimes you just have to let your inner child loose and enjoy the sheer joy of dancing.

As the final notes faded into silence, I left La Scala with my heart brimming with joy. Not only did I experience the magnificence of one of the world's great opera houses, I also fell in love with "La Traviata" all over again!

But that wasn't all!

The Fashion Game Is On

It's impossible to resist a little retail therapy after such an inspiring evening. Milan, with its labyrinth of fashion boutiques and street vendors, was calling to me! I hopped onto the number 9 tram (always my favourite) and zipped through the city streets, mesmerized by the stunning architecture and the effortlessly chic Italian ladies I saw strolling along the cobbled pavements. They knew how to rock a scarf and look effortlessly elegant – it's the way they wear it that just elevates the entire outfit to new heights!

After exploring a few hidden boutiques off the beaten path (and scooping up some vintage finds!), I finally reached the heart of Milan's fashion district. I'm telling you, dears, this is a shopping paradise! Glittering shopfronts displaying the latest designer collections beckoned me to browse – there's Gucci, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana… my eyes are practically popping out of my head with excitement!

Now, while I’m absolutely mad for all things glamorous and sparkly, I have to admit, I wasn’t sure I could find anything that would truly "wow" me. But that was before I stumbled upon a tiny, little vintage store. The sign read: “Casa della Bellezza,” which means "House of Beauty" in Italian. Perfect!

There was a little chime on the door that chimed as I opened it, and instantly, I was transported into another era. Think “Gone with the Wind” meets "The Great Gatsby" and add a sprinkle of "Breakfast at Tiffany's"!

The owner, a lady who looked about eighty with a heart of gold, was sitting in a plush armchair reading a book on Parisian fashion.

"Oh my goodness!" she said as I walked in, "You've come at a wonderful time! I'm just getting a delivery from a local atelier, and I have just the thing you've been searching for."

I knew right away this was meant to be. The owner seemed to see something special in me, just because I had come into her little shop looking for that “special something” in my own personal wardrobe! I let her talk, letting her describe all the details of this fabulous outfit in her broken English… and I knew I had to buy it!

I found this amazing sequined gown with long sleeves and a sweeping floor-length skirt. It was a stunning vintage piece that would make any ballerina feel like a princess, and even better, it went perfectly with my blush-pink feather tutu – how was it possible, you might ask? Well, as I said, I knew it was meant to be! I even managed to snag a few delicate pearl necklaces to top it all off - the vintage kind, of course!

It was a truly memorable afternoon in Milan, full of fashion magic and an unexpected discovery. I think I'll need to come back soon for more treasure-hunting, that vintage store was just pure fashion magic.

A Little Something for You

I hope you've enjoyed this peek into my Milan adventures. Speaking of enjoying, I thought I would share one of my favorite ways to treat myself when I'm away from home – my signature "Pink Tutu Cocktail"

You can whip it up yourself – all you need is:

  • A tall glass (think martini glass, or a fancy, fluted one, like a flute glass!)
  • 2oz Raspberry Vodka (My favorite!)
  • ½oz Raspberry Liqueur (Crème de Cassis is divine)
  • 3oz Lemonade (it has to be lemon! Or if you’re really wild, lemon and lime)
  • Ice cubes
  • Fresh raspberries (to make it truly divine – or use strawberries! Or blueberries! Get creative)

Just put all your ingredients into the glass, stir, and sip! I prefer to serve this chilled, of course. The Raspberry Vodka gives it a beautiful pink colour, it's delicious, it's fizzy, it's delightful, and it’s the perfect end to a busy day of shopping, shows, and sightseeing!

Well, dear readers, I'm off to another whirlwind of activities – more dancing, more exploring, more fashion, more pink. Keep an eye out for next week's post for more Milan shenanigans.

Stay fabulous!



#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-07-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia