Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-11-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #1222 - A Whirlwind of Pink and Glitter in Milan!

Ciao bella! Emma here, your pink tutu-wearing correspondent, ready to transport you straight to the heart of Milan, a city that's bursting with Italian glamour, stunning architecture, and, of course, a whole lotta pink! This week, my #PinkTutuMilan journey took me on a dazzling ride through cobblestone streets, a whirlwind of fashion and ballet, all wrapped up in a vibrant, pink bow.

As I disembarked from the train (those Milan trams are such a charming way to navigate the city), a sense of pure joy washed over me. There's something truly magical about stepping out of a train station into a vibrant metropolis that embraces creativity and style in every nook and cranny. My senses were overwhelmed - the scent of fresh coffee and pastries, the chatter of locals in lilting Italian, the clanging of the tram bells as it rumbled past. I just had to put on my trusty pink tutu, twirl around, and take it all in!

A Parisian Ballet Dream

Milan is renowned for its world-class ballet companies, and this week I had the pleasure of seeing "La Sylphide" at Teatro alla Scala. The theatre itself was breathtaking, with its ornate chandeliers, plush velvet seating, and magnificent acoustics. Every detail exuded grandeur and tradition. But the ballet, oh, the ballet! It was pure magic.

The choreography, so delicate and intricate, was brought to life by the graceful dancers who truly embodied the ethereal Sylphide. I was enthralled by their light movements, the elegant flutters of their tutus, and the raw emotion that poured through their performances. You know how much I love a good ballet, and this performance truly topped the charts for me. It reminded me of the pure joy and freedom that ballet brings to my life.

Pink-tastic Fashion Find:

After the ballet, my little heart couldn't resist a bit of retail therapy. Milan is a shopaholic's paradise, and I had to hunt down some more pink delights for my wardrobe. I stumbled upon this tiny, independent boutique tucked away in a side street, and it was overflowing with vibrant colours and unique designs. I couldn't resist grabbing a stunning pink silk scarf - perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any outfit! And guess what? They even had a pink tutu for the shop window! Talk about kindred spirits.

A Little Bite of Italy

No trip to Milan is complete without indulging in the delicious Italian cuisine! This week, I treated myself to a traditional pasta dish with rich tomato sauce and parmesan cheese. It was so flavourful and comforting. I also enjoyed a cup of strong Italian espresso and a slice of tiramisu - heavenly!

Sharing the Pink Tutu Love

Speaking of sharing, I have some exciting news! This Saturday, I'll be giving a ballet class in the heart of Milan. It's open to all levels and ages, and I'm thrilled to spread my love for ballet and tutus with the local community. I can't wait to see a whole gaggle of pink tutus twirling in the sunshine. Imagine the pure joy and happiness in that scene! It fills me with excitement just thinking about it.

Reflections on a Week of Whimsy

As I sit here in my hotel room, watching the lights of Milan twinkle outside, I feel a profound sense of gratitude for all the beauty and inspiration I've encountered this week. The pink tutus, the graceful ballerinas, the vibrant city streets - it all seems to be swirling around me, reminding me to live my life with joy, creativity, and a sprinkle of pink, of course.

I'm eager to share more stories from my Pink Tutu adventures. If you want to join me on this pink journey, make sure to subscribe to my weekly blog on Until next Monday, darling, stay pink!

**Lots of love,


P.S. I'm adding a bonus Pink Tutu tip for you today. Don't forget your sunscreen, ladies! Milan is a beautiful city to explore, but those sun rays can be sneaky! And remember, a touch of blush on your cheeks never hurts. Embrace the pink and go out and twirl the world!

Pink Tutu Milan: The Story of Emma

For those of you who are new to the Pink Tutu world, let me introduce myself! I'm Emma, a passionate ballet dancer from Derbyshire, England, who traded in my traditional English life for the fast-paced world of ballet and travel. My love affair with pink tutus began when I was a little girl, watching ballerinas twirling effortlessly across the stage in a cloud of pink tulle. From that moment, my life revolved around ballet, tutus, and the colour pink.

I’ve always dreamed of making a life out of my passions, and what better way than to share it with the world through my blog, “Pink Tutu Milan!”

The Spark of Inspiration:

I launched my blog as a way to connect with other ballet lovers, fashion enthusiasts, and fellow pink-tutu-wearing dreamers around the world. I wanted to create a platform where we could share our love for all things beautiful and vibrant. And what better city to start this journey than Milan, the fashion capital of the world!

The Pink Tutu Vision

I believe everyone deserves a chance to twirl, to express themselves through movement, and to feel the joy of wearing a pink tutu! It's more than just an item of clothing – it’s a symbol of femininity, empowerment, and self-expression. And I am on a mission to inspire everyone, from little girls to grandmothers, to embrace the pink tutu, embrace their inner ballerina, and dance through life with grace, confidence, and a whole lot of sparkle.

Balancing the Pink with Performance:

My travels are funded by my ballet performances. I am blessed with a talent for dancing and I strive to excel in every role, be it classical ballet, ballet theatre, or ballet street performance. Every dance serves as a reminder to follow my dreams, and to bring the magic of ballet to every corner of the world.

A Touch of Derbyshire in Milan

While I've embraced my new life in Italy, a piece of my heart will always be in Derbyshire. I remember my first ballet classes in a small village hall, surrounded by rolling green hills. Those were the days of finding discarded fabric and lace and fashioning my own pink tutus!

Even in Milan, the rolling hills are replaced by stylish boutiques and iconic architecture, but my passion for dance and fashion remains as strong as ever. I hope to inspire my Derbyshire roots with a touch of Milanese flair, proving that anything is possible with a sprinkle of pink tutu magic.

The Future of Pink Tutus:

My goal is to travel to every corner of the world, sharing the joy of ballet and tutus. I want to see pink tutus twirling through the streets of Paris, swaying in the moonlight in New York, and gliding across the beaches of Rio! I want to empower women of all shapes and sizes, and help them rediscover their inner ballerina.

My story is only just beginning. This journey will be filled with countless adventures, new friends, breathtaking performances, and maybe, just maybe, a world full of pink tutus!

So, grab your favourite pink tutu, let's twirl together, and create a world filled with sparkle and joy!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-11-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia