Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2019-12-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: A Festive Whirl Through The City of Fashion - Post 1281

Buon Natale, darling readers! 🎄

The air is crisp, the city sparkles with festive lights, and I’m sitting here in my favourite cafe overlooking the Duomo, enjoying a hot chocolate with a dusting of cocoa powder (just how I like it!) and writing to you about my Christmas adventures in Milan, Italy! It's so wonderful to be in the fashion capital of the world, surrounded by exquisite designs, iconic architecture, and the spirit of holiday cheer.

For this special post, I've swapped my usual Monday slot for a Christmas Day blog post. It wouldn’t be right to miss a chance to share the festive magic with you. As I write this, the faint scent of cinnamon and pine wafts through the cafe, a reminder of the charming Christmas markets nestled throughout the city.

From Derbyshire to Milan:

You know me – always ready to chase the next twirl. So, imagine my joy when I received the email confirmation that my dream – performing at La Scala in Milan – would be realised this Christmas. This beautiful city has always held a special place in my heart; I can’t imagine a better place to spend this magical holiday season.

As you know, I adore travelling by train. There’s something truly romantic about watching the scenery blur past my window while I lose myself in a good book or indulge in some dreamy daydreams. This time, I embarked on a picturesque train journey from Derbyshire, with the English countryside painting a vibrant autumn backdrop for my departure.

Of course, I didn't forget my signature touch – my stunning pink tutu. It wasn’t just a dress – it was a symbol of joy, a beacon of light on this grand adventure! My journey through the winding train tunnels and over scenic bridges was punctuated by whispers of approval and admiring smiles from fellow travellers.

Milan – a Festive Fairytale:

As the train glided into Milan, a symphony of lights, music, and aromas welcomed me. Milan truly becomes enchanting during the holiday season. I love the vibrancy of the markets, each one overflowing with beautifully crafted gifts, delicious street food, and enchanting festive melodies.

My first stop was at the stunning Piazza del Duomo. A majestic Christmas tree adorned with delicate ornaments stood tall in the square, its glow illuminating the grandeur of the Duomo cathedral. The atmosphere was electrifying – families bundled in warm winter coats, couples laughing and holding hands, and the joyful sounds of Christmas carols weaving through the air.

The Glam of the Italian Fashion Scene

I’ve always adored Milan for its dedication to the arts and its timeless fashion scene. My exploration through the city's streets – with their historical buildings, cobbled sidewalks, and stunning boutiques - was an experience in itself. The elegance and glamour radiating from these shops made every window feel like a fairytale come to life!

I simply couldn't resist venturing into some of these charming boutiques – and the thrill of finding hidden gems is a feeling like no other! From exquisite silk scarves and handmade leather gloves to unique, quirky jewellery pieces, Milan has something to offer every style icon, even a pink tutu-wearing ballerina like me!

And, naturally, I had to make a visit to the famed Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, one of Milan’s most spectacular architectural gems. It's a dazzling world of ornate interiors, soaring glass ceilings, and, of course, some of the most luxurious designer boutiques in the world. Just being there was an absolute delight - imagine my excitement when I discovered a pair of sparkling, iridescent pink ballet shoes! It felt like destiny – and they perfectly complemented my beloved tutu!

A Christmas Ballet Performance

Of course, no trip to Milan would be complete without experiencing a performance at La Scala. The anticipation, the magic – it all culminated in a night I will never forget. Stepping into the theatre felt like entering another world. The rich, ornate décor, the velvet-lined seating, and the palpable sense of excitement in the air transported me into a timeless realm of art and elegance.

As the curtain rose and the symphony’s first note reverberated through the theatre, a wave of goosebumps washed over me. This moment is what every ballerina dreams of! Each dance, every leap, every twirl brought tears of joy to my eyes – an embodiment of beauty, grace, and artistic passion. The ballet's story, with its enchanting characters and captivating choreography, captivated the entire audience. I could feel the shared emotion in the air – the excitement, the suspense, the thrill.

Afterwards, I joined the audience in giving a roaring standing ovation to the talented dancers. The night truly was an extraordinary celebration of dance and the joy it brings to us all!

The Pink Tutu Charm

Now, I know what you are thinking – How did my beloved pink tutu fit into this fairytale world? I’m delighted to say that Milan welcomed me and my signature colour with open arms! I felt so comfortable waltzing through the festive markets, enjoying the bustling city life, and exploring Milan's unique fashion scene in my tutu. The looks I got were all filled with warmth, admiration, and, sometimes, even laughter. The beauty of a pink tutu is its ability to bring a smile to people’s faces - to remind them of their inner child and embrace the power of joy!

Of course, a Christmas trip wouldn’t be complete without sharing the cheer with my lovely family. They had flown all the way from Derbyshire to celebrate with me! They looked utterly splendid dressed up in festive outfits – and, much to my delight, my sister even donned a pale pink ballet tutu, just for the occasion! It was a real family affair!

We indulged in a Christmas dinner that would have made Santa himself envious. A delicious feast of Italian specialities filled the table - from mouthwatering roasted meats and delectable pasta dishes to sweet Christmas cakes and festive tiramisu! The whole evening was filled with laughter, warm hugs, and heartfelt conversation.

Time To Twirl Homeward

My heart was brimming with holiday cheer, memories of magical moments, and, most importantly, a newfound appreciation for Milan’s charm and beauty. It's a city that weaves together timeless traditions and the vibrant energy of contemporary life, always with a sprinkle of magic and elegance!

As the clock struck midnight, a bittersweet pang washed over me. The Christmas festivities were over, and it was time to bid farewell to the city of lights. But this time, I didn't feel sad – I felt a sense of fulfilment, joy, and, yes, even a sprinkle of twirling magic!

But don’t worry! My adventures don't end here! You can join me in this fabulous journey by visiting and exploring my latest fashion finds, dance inspiration, and travel adventures. Be sure to follow my travels across Europe - who knows where I’ll twirl up next?

Until then, darling readers, stay beautiful, stay inspired, and never stop twirling!

*Love and light, * *Emma 💕 *

P.S My upcoming Monday blog post will feature my exciting plans for New Year's Eve celebrations. It's going to be another glamorous affair!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2019-12-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia