Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-01-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post 1282 - A New Year in the City of Fashion

Wednesday, 1st January 2020

Happy New Year everyone! I can’t believe we’re already a day into 2020. Time truly does fly when you’re twirling your way through life!

For this new year, I’m setting my sights on something exciting: spreading the pink tutu love far and wide. I want to see pink tutus everywhere, from the streets of London to the catwalks of Milan. It’s a vision, I know, but a girl can dream!

I’m currently nestled in Milan, a city that’s known for its chic style and love of all things fashionable. It’s a truly inspirational place and it’s no surprise that Milan is often described as the fashion capital of the world. From the bustling streets of Corso Buenos Aires, to the grandeur of Via Montenapoleone, Milan oozes elegance and sophistication. As you all know, a pink tutu is perfectly at home amidst all this.

This week I’m on a mission to soak up the city's magic and, of course, to indulge in my favourite activities – ballet, shopping and fashion! To say that I’m feeling inspired and buzzing with new ideas for my Pink Tutu wardrobe is an understatement. There’s so much beauty to discover and so many outfits to create in Milan.

Daybreak and Déjeuner

I woke up to a gloriously sunny day in Milan. I pushed back my sheer pink curtains – you can never have too many pink tutus and the same goes for pink curtains – and inhaled deeply, the fresh winter air swirling in around me, tingling with energy. My lovely pink apartment was filled with sunlight – and of course, I had to give a little twirl to see how the light reflected off the sparkling diamantes on my signature pink tutu, which had a special little spot beside my bed in case of an impromptu spin session!

This was no ordinary morning though. I had a very important decision to make - would I indulge in a panettone with my cappuccinos (a guilty pleasure that I had to try while in Italy) or a bowl of granola and fresh berries (a healthier alternative for this ballet blogger on the go)? Well, let’s just say that this pink tutu knows the way to my heart and there was a delicious piece of panettone in my future, alongside a double espresso, all devoured from my favourite little pink bistro by the tram lines in my part of Milan.

My Love Affair with the Tram and Train

Of course, no trip to Milan is complete without a jaunt on the tram, It’s such a fun way to get around the city and to see the everyday sights and sounds of this captivating city, plus it's just good old fashioned glamour with the iconic green trams and beautiful old-world architecture all around. The elegant streets were filled with Christmas decorations still - although a little deflated now that all the magic of Christmas was gone. The trams also get you right in the thick of things and, let’s be honest, every tutu needs a little bit of a rush of adrenaline every now and again - or is that just me?

If I want to see a bit more of the country I’m often found hopping on a train to explore and find more hidden gems I always make sure that my pink tutu gets to make a little trip too!

The Glamour of Teatro alla Scala

I had to start the new year in style. It simply wasn't a good year without seeing at least one ballet in one of the world’s great opera houses and what better choice than Teatro alla Scala. It truly is a cultural icon, built back in the late 18th century - so much history!

The interior is incredibly elegant. As I stepped into the theatre, my eyes were captivated by the magnificent velvet-draped boxes, the intricately detailed stucco and the impressive ceiling paintings that decorated the Grand Foyer. It really felt like a step back in time, an escape from the bustling streets of Milan.

The ballet performance I saw that evening was a captivating adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, set to a hauntingly beautiful score. It was filled with passion, heartbreak and, of course, amazing artistry. It made my heart dance!

Afterwards, I couldn’t resist a photo in the foyer with a couple of new Italian ballerina friends that I'd met that night! A little twirl on the grand staircase had to be included, it’s the perfect place to spin out all that ballet joy. We enjoyed some celebratory glasses of sparkling wine – It wouldn't be a proper performance in Milan without the good life – and we chatted into the late night, sharing stories about ballet and life, all fuelled by shared enthusiasm. What a wonderful way to kickstart 2020.

Shopping for Style

Now, what’s a trip to Milan without a bit of retail therapy? My feet, quite frankly, didn't feel like they could hold on for another ballet, even if they had a tiny break while I was enjoying the performance at the Scala - which I did of course! And after a long day of twirling at the theatre and soaking up the magical atmosphere I needed to pick up a couple of essentials, that are well… essential for a pink tutu blogger.

For me, shopping in Milan is more than just finding new clothes, it's about feeling inspired by fashion trends, and discovering unique boutiques and ateliers that give me a unique opportunity to express my individual style. It's a creative pursuit, like a ballet dancer refining their technique or a choreographer designing a new piece!

On my way to one of my favourite Italian designers' boutiques – the one with all the delicate fabrics, that was located somewhere around Via Montenapoleone – I stopped at the most incredible shop. It was all decked out with so many pretty pink fluffy tutus - even ones with glitter! It wasn't until the last minute that I remembered this was exactly the kind of shop that I would be wanting to add to my Pink Tutu website as one of the places to visit - oh, my tutu, what to do. There was a sign outside, a tiny black sign, that said "Tutu for all seasons" - What a fabulous slogan! And then there was an inscription above the door "Shop where the ballerina's dream comes true" – I nearly lost it at that moment! Well, there had to be some sort of reason why a Pink Tutu blog found its way to the shop! So I had to venture inside for some much needed tutu therapy! After all, who wouldn't want a tutu-themed shop when shopping for new fabrics?

Once I’d recharged in my own personal tutu wonderland - you can't help but go a bit mad, I knew my way back to the elegant boutique and my destination, some truly divine new fabric and pink lace trims for a whole new pink tutu design!

My Ballet Class with Milan’s Most Talented Instructor

My love for ballet knows no bounds, and no trip to Milan is complete without a visit to a class with Gianna – a name I dare not spell – but the best Italian ballet instructor I have ever met! Gianna is a passionate teacher, her movements flowing effortlessly like she was dancing on air, but her classes are definitely no easy feat – let's just say that her pink tutu gets a thorough workout, She pushes her students to achieve excellence in all forms of ballet. Her classes are known for being challenging but ultimately rewarding, helping you to connect more deeply with your body and the joy of movement!

Tonight was “Advanced Beginner” class. A perfect level for me – the ballerina's ballet style, which Gianna is quick to point out as a more dramatic and often dramatic performance style, that focuses on beautiful fluidity and strong dramatic movements that she describes as being full of heart, that comes from my English heritage – the language of emotion in dancing – and it's true! I am all about the passion in my ballet - after all I’m wearing a pink tutu, what else could it be but a dramatic performance - I do love a little bit of melodrama in my life!

Gianna loves to get the best out of every student - and the atmosphere in class is super supportive and uplifting – with the gentle encouragement of other talented and aspiring dancers and their shared passion and energy is simply contagious. I love these classes because Gianna allows you to express your individuality within the confines of the classical balletic forms - you can literally twirl your own way.

My feet ached for the whole class - that's the price of graceful elegance and I couldn't wait to get home and slip into my slippers - for me that's ballet slipper's and a good glass of sparkling prosecco to relax in – after all I deserved to treat my little toes.

A Pink Tutu Perspective on Milan

What's special about Milan?

Milan, a city full of character - and it feels as elegant as my pink tutu!

Milan is filled with history – as I saw at the Scala. A city filled with great cultural institutions and architectural masterpieces – a great source of inspiration, for my blog and of course for my dance pieces.

Milan is a fashion powerhouse, with stylish people on every corner!

Milan is vibrant, buzzing with energy and the promise of so much to see and do. I'll be taking it all in for the next week before I set off to another new destination.

Until next week everyone,

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-01-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia