Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-01-08 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post #1283: Wednesday 2020-01-08 - A Dance of Delight!

Hello, darling! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Milan, where the cobblestones shimmer and the tutus twirl. I'm Emma, your very own ballet-loving blogger, direct from the fashion capital of the world – Milan, Italy. This week, my lovelies, I'm absolutely bursting with stories to share, starting with a whirlwind adventure right from the moment I hopped off the train.

It all started on Tuesday, as I bid farewell to my lovely Derbyshire home. There’s a certain magic about travelling by train. You see, there's something about the gentle rocking of the carriage, the rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels against the track, and the changing landscape out the window that puts me in the most wonderfully creative mood. You might find me scribbling notes in my journal, crafting the outline for my next ballet performance, or just gazing out the window at the fleeting beauty of the countryside. I swear, inspiration hits me harder when I’m on a train. Maybe it's because I'm cut off from the distractions of everyday life – and you know how easily I can be distracted by a shop window full of fabulous frocks.

This time, my train journey had an extra special touch of enchantment – I'd tucked a new pink tutu into my suitcase, just for the occasion. It's a dreamboat of a tutu – all swathes of softest pink tulle with a hint of silver thread woven throughout, ready to shimmer under the Milanese spotlights. It’s like a fairytale. Oh, how I love the anticipation before a new performance – it's just a a tiny piece of magic.

As soon as I stepped into Milan, I felt a surge of familiar excitement, like a dancer ready to take centre stage. Milan is my playground – every corner an opportunity to discover something fabulous. This time, the stars were aligned and the moment was perfect. I had landed right in the heart of a glittering fashion exhibition! The streets buzzed with energy, overflowing with people buzzing from show to show, dressed to the nines, the perfect blend of elegant sophistication and avant-garde boldness. It was the perfect start to my week in the City of Style.

Naturally, it was a non-negotiable that my first order of business was a pilgrimage to the ultimate shoe heaven, "Sergio Rossi". It's practically a law - you can't go to Milan without experiencing the heavenly pleasure of trying on Sergio Rossi shoes. Let's just say I left with more than a few happy sighs and the biggest grin I've ever had. You know what they say - Happy feet, happy soul!

After the high of shoe heaven, I was feeling hungry (because what’s a fashion extravaganza without a little indulging?). Milan is an absolute haven for the discerning foodie – just what my stomach was begging for! Imagine cobbled streets and buzzing markets with vendors hawking tempting aromas of perfectly baked pizzas, the juiciest melt-in-your-mouth pasta dishes, and a little glass of local wine, perfect for setting the mood. A few scoops of decadent gelato for good measure and I'm in heaven! The flavours were like dancing on my tongue - pistachio, strawberry, hazelnut...a symphony for the senses!

Then came Wednesday morning and the biggest excitement of all: a trip to the Teatro alla Scala, the most prestigious opera house in the world. Now, this is where things start to get REALLY magical! My dress for the occasion, you ask? A whimsical little frock in shades of blush pink – just enough of a hint of romance without being overly girly, a gorgeous pink silk scarf to match, a sparkling pink ballerina flat – you guessed it! My pink tutu is my go-to look for pretty much any occasion, but there's always room for an extra bit of sparkle when you're visiting a place like the Teatro alla Scala!

Just walking into that building – the sheer grandeur and opulence were overwhelming. We're talking towering columns, intricate details, golden mosaics – it's like stepping straight out of a fairytale. As I glided into the grand auditorium, my heart beat a little faster – just imagine that, dear readers, a heart full of ballet joy in one of the most magnificent theaters on earth! It was like stepping into a magical dream world!

And what better to experience a magical setting than the story of Cinderella! This performance wasn't a typical interpretation though, it had been reimagined through the lens of a contemporary choreographer's unique vision. This ballet version kept true to the magic of the story and the charm of the characters, but it had such fresh movement, so graceful and powerful and captivating, and that special sparkle only real magic can possess.

The costumes were beyond words – shimmering gowns, exquisitely crafted with intricate beading, feathers, and intricate lace, capturing the fairytale charm in the most stunningly theatrical way. I felt as though I had wandered onto the stage, I was so enchanted. And the dancers, my goodness! They moved like they were flying, a graceful mix of artistry and technical perfection – pure magic.

And I'm not going to lie, I shed a tear. There is something so powerful about seeing a tale like Cinderella unfold in a venue as magnificent as La Scala, especially after witnessing so much artistry in Milan, that you can't help but get lost in the emotions it evokes! It’s just something special to experience, even if just once.

I'm in love, darling! It is such a whirlwind of emotion to find myself back in Milan! Of course, this is just the beginning of my week, I have much more to tell you about! Expect updates on more magnificent fashion adventures, new ballet moves to try, and all the beautiful sights of this city, all presented with the joy of dancing in a pink tutu, all coming to you on next week.

And be sure to wear a pink tutu to my next performance in Derbyshire – details on that coming soon. I've got plans for an enchanting performance, one you don't want to miss!

Until next time, remember - a pink tutu is a magical outfit, a dance with grace, and a promise of joy and elegance – so why not twirl your way through life, just like me?

Love, Emma xxx

My Milan Diary: A Daily Journal

While I’m still on the magic train from La Scala, it seems only right to share my little Milan diary with you!

Monday 2020-01-06

Dear Diary,

Milan is calling, and I'm answering. I just bid farewell to my cozy home in Derbyshire and am snuggled into my train seat, surrounded by a stack of fashion magazines and my favourite pink travel journal (I’m sure I will find lots of inspiration). The carriage is quite empty, the perfect time to indulge in my secret love – reading my horoscope! I'm a Taurus and today’s predictions are a symphony of good news. Perhaps the stars really are aligned for an exciting and delightful adventure in Milan this week. The mood is so serene on the train; it's actually easy to believe I'm being whisked away on a little adventure with a whimsical carriage-filled with fairy tale creatures.

Speaking of a bit of whimsical enchantment, a peek into my suitcase tells me my brand new pink tutu, designed to twinkle under the Milanese lights, is tucked away nicely. It’s been meticulously prepped for my first night at the teatro in Milan (the show starts Wednesday) – let’s just say that no ballerina leaves Derbyshire without her special magic touch!

My dear Derbyshire, you are home. Yet Milan is where I will always find magic, that little extra oomph to boost the imagination and help me keep dancing on.

P.S. – The first thing on my agenda in Milan? A visit to “Sergio Rossi” – the legendary shoe store, of course! This is not to be missed, my dearest Diary – every stylish woman must experience the absolute joy of trying on at least one pair of Sergio Rossi heels in their life.

Tuesday 2020-01-07

Dear Diary,

My day began with a trip to the grand, glass-ceilinged Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, and what can I say, it's practically a piece of living art! The soaring architecture, the beautiful marble and mosaic details, the glittering chandeliers - this place has its own magical air about it! After taking it all in, I wandered around admiring the designers and boutique brands. And it was definitely all very inspiring! It's incredible how Milan's history and beauty merge seamlessly with modern-day style and trends – that special brand of Italian charm is simply enchanting!

Then I finally found myself inside “Sergio Rossi” - what a heaven for happy feet! The moment I stepped in, I felt like a fairytale princess being whisked away to a glittering ball – a dream, I tell you! You'd be amazed to discover the number of pink shoe pairs a person could find in a shop like that (I practically made a home in the fitting room!). Suffice to say, I was truly captivated by the dazzling craftsmanship and design – these were not just shoes, they were pure pieces of art.

Later, as my stomach reminded me that it hadn't forgotten me, I indulged in a true treat. My diary needs to know: a gourmet pizza made with the freshest mozzarella and tomatoes. It tasted like an Italian fairytale and I had to go back for seconds. As if it couldn’t be better, my little evening walk took me to a delightful local market filled with the freshest local ingredients – it truly feels like Italy knows the magic of slow food and a simple, wonderful way of living! All in all, I'm absolutely smitten with the vibrant energy and culture here – a little dance to my heart's content at the Galleria was my way of celebrating!

Wednesday 2020-01-08

Dear Diary,

Today was truly a day that will stay in my heart forever. La Scala… oh my!

It's a beautiful, stunning historical landmark with grand staircases and a beautifully gilded and painted auditorium that transports you back to an era of elegance. It’s just so exquisite, everything from the paintings to the architecture – there are not enough words to describe its beauty! And as I twirled through the elegant lobby, my heart already starting to tap to the rhythm of the enchanting night that awaited me, I knew I was in the heart of the ballet dream world I’d been dreaming of my entire life!

Cinderella in its contemporary form – oh my goodness, what an incredible ballet interpretation. Each step and turn of the ballerinas made me smile – it’s almost like dancing poetry with the dancers’ moves, their costumes, and the beautiful backdrop… pure perfection.

After the last curtain fell and I was filled with emotions, I took a long walk, with Milan's charm lingering like the scent of roses. It is an inspiring place with the right kind of charm, the kind that makes you dream of pink tutus, magical moments and happily ever after. I have the strong feeling, dear Diary, that this week will be full of those magic moments.

Thursday 2020-01-09

Dear Diary,

Every single step through this glorious city takes me on a visual feast of colours, designs, and the most wonderful Italian chic I could imagine! The sheer volume of beautiful buildings in every imaginable style and architectonic style was almost too much for one little blogger to absorb – each one seemed to offer another magical detail to discover.

Today's focus was definitely on the fashion – I wandered through the stylish and chic boutiques around the streets – so many designers, so much exquisite clothing. You’ll never find so many amazing designer shoes and handbags in one place! I even found a store completely dedicated to gloves (seriously – what fashion haven wouldn’t need a store for gloves). It's not just about shopping though, my sweet diary – every corner seems to have its own little magic. You could just stumble upon street art installations with so much life, energy, and captivating messages on the side of buildings - this is the artistic, colourful spirit of Milan at its finest.

Later, I discovered the charm of a quiet local cafe for a simple lunch. A warm sandwich and a creamy cappuccino – just enough fuel to give my creative juices a boost. Today, as the sun was setting, I found a magical outdoor park space tucked in the heart of this buzzing metropolis - the little moments of peace made my little dancing heart sigh! There is so much magic hidden amongst the rush, the busyness of this city.

I spent the evening at the wonderful opera house - La Scala, of course. Another amazing performance and such a different production to Wednesday night’s ballet performance, yet still, it resonated the same level of artistic excellence. I could tell that each performer had poured their heart into every note and move, every dramatic moment! I simply had to capture the magical essence with a pencil sketch for my next ballet.

Tonight, it's about remembering how much joy I have experienced, how wonderful my time here is already, and feeling my dreams growing bigger, brighter as each day goes by.

Friday 2020-01-10

Dear Diary,

This is the life – fashion and art and amazing shoes all at the same time! This morning started with the absolute delight of discovering the latest collection by Giorgio Armani. A masterpiece of sophisticated style and grace - and I loved the colour palette – subtle, dramatic, and completely inspiring! You know I love to have my tutu colour inspiration flowing in! I’m still trying to figure out what Armani colours could match my pink tutu! It will definitely take a while.

After that, I enjoyed an afternoon that started with the ultimate Milanese experience – the local cafe that serves delicious, authentic gelato – a scoop of creamy hazelnut, a generous scoop of rich chocolate. This city knows how to make life a real dream. After I took my sweet treat to the enchanting little hidden garden courtyard near a nearby historical building – the sound of classical music coming from a nearby building helped create a serene space of pure, romantic charm.

And what a Friday night – it was time to join the crowds for an event - a fashion exhibition - full of cutting edge styles and the coolest of trends! I must admit – the models’ catwalk was like watching art in motion. The most dazzling display of bold styles, vibrant textures, and a creative energy that truly inspired me.

I'm back in the heart of the city now – ready for the last day of my whirlwind visit here, so I can head back home to Derbyshire and get ready for the ballet studio – oh how I’ve missed it!

Saturday 2020-01-11

Dear Diary,

I awoke to the sunshine dancing through my hotel window, and a quiet sigh that said "It's going to be a great day!”

The last day in Milan. I felt like my little creative heart needed to get one final taste of this place, before my next journey back to my beloved Derbyshire – but for now, this magnificent city still held my attention with so many hidden delights – a final day to wander around the hidden, quirky, artistic side streets! I always seem to find beautiful boutiques and local shops full of unique delights – the charm of little stores that you might miss, that you just wouldn’t find anywhere else!

And, of course, it’s not Milan without finding an enchanting bookstore – it's all part of that magic, that perfect touch to find another enchanting read, an elegant little journal for sketching, a delightful ballet book! I know it’s an addiction.

As if on cue – one shop I found had a magnificent copy of “The Nutcracker”. This is no ordinary ballet book, dear Diary! It is packed with images and beautiful, unique illustrations – this is the one that will stay with me and my ballerina’s soul forever.

By late afternoon, I felt a pull of home. I decided it was time to hop onto the train. Derbyshire is waiting. The thought of sharing the experience and dancing my stories of Milan is now my biggest dream. This week, has been absolutely magnificent – and my dear pink tutu danced every single step of the way!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-01-08 ballet blog from Milano Italia