Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-03-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1294: Ciao Bella from a City of Splendour!

Buongiorno, my darlings! Emma here, back from the whirlwind that is Milan! This glorious city of fashion, art, and delicious food just pulled me in with its captivating charm. It's been an absolute dream week of twirling, shopping, and exploring – a pure pink paradise!

I've missed writing my weekly blog – the Pink Tutu Milan post for that I've been doing for years now - every Monday without fail. I've just been so busy living the dream, soaking it all in!

Today, I want to share every sparkling detail. Get ready to travel to Milan, pink tutu and all!

From Derbyshire to the Dolce Vita:

Now, you may wonder how a girl from the green hills of Derbyshire ended up waltzing through Milan? Well, you see, life with a pink tutu can take you on some grand adventures. After performing at the beautiful Derwent Hall, my next challenge was Milan. How? The Derbyshire Dancer theatre group asked me to perform at the fabulous Milano in Movimento Festival. The perfect opportunity! My bags were packed, my pink tutu twirling in anticipation. I was off!

My Journey of Joy

From Derbyshire to Milan, the train was like stepping onto a stage! Such beautiful countryside flew past, a backdrop of green fields and charming towns. And me, of course, in my favourite pink tutu! I had the cutest little chat with an elderly lady from Derbyshire on the way, and she absolutely loved my outfit. She said she hadn’t seen a pink tutu since her youth, so I brought some of that whimsical magic to her journey too! I’m never out of place, even on public transport. Just me and my pink tutu!

Arriving in Milan was a sight to behold – grand, historical architecture with vibrant, life-filled streets. This city, my darlings, has soul. The air buzzes with excitement. It feels like every street corner is hiding a hidden treasure just waiting to be discovered!

Italian Fashion & Pink Tutu Fusion

Shopping in Milan is a serious business. My little Derbyshire heart simply can't handle it. Everything is just so stunning! So much pink! Oh my.

I found myself wandering through streets of iconic designers. But even within these designer shops, I was always on the lookout for that perfect piece of fashion magic – you know, to really bring out the best in my pink tutu. It’s my mission in life, darling!

I'm not just talking about (do check it out - I think you’ll love it!). I’m on a global campaign to get people dancing with me. Wearing pink tutus in public, on trains, at airports, in cafés…anywhere! There’s just something so whimsical and lovely about wearing a tutu that makes the world a bit brighter, wouldn’t you say?

From Milan Streets to The Theatre Stage:

Being in Milan means experiencing the magic of Italian ballet! I’m not just a fashion blogger you know, darling! My pink tutu also leads me on to the stage.

There was this one evening. The opera house was ablaze with anticipation – a true feast for the senses. As the orchestra began playing, it was as if the whole theatre was transformed into a fairytale. And I was in the middle of it all! There’s just something about a live ballet performance that captures your imagination. It truly makes you believe in the impossible.

Then there was the ballet class at the studio by the Duomo – all white and light and airy with such a wonderful ambiance. Even if my Italian is a little wobbly, it was clear, these are some incredibly talented dancers. I’m just starting out. It was really encouraging.

This week, however, I’ve also enjoyed a little street performance outside a bakery (I think it was called Panificio), with all its colourful tables and people enjoying pastries. I did my favourite ballet routine for some very appreciative onlookers. I’m working on my new ‘street routine’ with my Derbyshire ballet group. You will hear about it on my next Pink Tutu post. Promise.

Milan’s Hidden Gems:

Milan isn't just about glamorous catwalks and opera houses. I explored the back streets, wandered through hidden courtyards, and felt a connection to this beautiful city. Every nook and cranny had a story to tell, just like my little pink tutu does!

My favourite discovery? This tiny little bookshop near the Duomo! I spent hours browsing the shelves, just relishing the magic of paper and ink, stories and imagination. The bookstore’s owner gave me some Italian book recommendations, and I can’t wait to try to read them when I get back to Derbyshire. My pink tutu has never travelled through so many adventures, darling.

Pink Tutu Milan – My Farewell:

Milan, my darlings, has stolen a piece of my heart! This city of dreams, glamour, and grace – a place that never ceases to amaze. But all good things, as they say, must come to an end. But not before I go for one final gelato. My last night was at La Pasticceria, overlooking the illuminated city – I could hear the music and laughter of Milan come to life.

The trams whirring through the streets are also such a characterful sight - it felt like something out of an old-fashioned movie, a mix of elegance and charm. Just perfect for my pink tutu, wouldn't you say?

With a twirl and a wink, I’m heading back to the rolling hills of Derbyshire. The pink tutu will be at the Derwent Hall once more, back in familiar surroundings. But you can bet, darling, I’m already dreaming of my next pink tutu escapade!

Until next week’s post! Remember, it's not just a tutu – it’s a state of mind.

Emma xx

PS: Do let me know what you've been up to, in your own little corners of the world, on my Pink Tutu Milan blog, I’d love to hear from you.

PSS: Remember to be yourself, wear that pink tutu, and spread some whimsy wherever you go. Ciao for now!

(Remember this blog is fictional, but Emma's journey can inspire you to dance and sparkle!)

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-03-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia