Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-05-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1302: A Whirlwind Wednesday in the City of Style!

Ciao Bella! Emma here, reporting live from the vibrant streets of Milano, Italy. It's Wednesday 20th May 2020, and the air is abuzz with the promise of sunshine and shopping sprees. My pink tutu and I are ready for a day of exploring the heart of Italian fashion and elegance.

It's been a busy week, darling, but I'm always up for an adventure. Last Saturday, I shimmied my way onto the stage at the Derbyshire Performing Arts Centre, enchanting the audience with a whimsical rendition of the "Sugar Plum Fairy" from "The Nutcracker". Being on stage, you know, it's a magic feeling. That wave of energy that comes from the audience, the spotlight, and those thrilling steps…pure joy! Thankfully, a good performance means a good pay cheque which in turn funds my travels, allowing me to experience these gorgeous cities like Milan. Isn't that just splendid?

Now, back to Milan! I always enjoy a little luxury when I'm in Italy, and I found myself, by complete accident of course, at the "Four Seasons Hotel Milan". Talk about elegance! They had a beautiful afternoon tea offering which just HAD to be tried! Tiny sandwiches with crustless triangles, freshly baked scones, the most delightful cakes... and oh my, did they have a whole selection of loose-leaf teas in adorable teapots! What more could a girl ask for? It was a fabulous, proper afternoon treat. And let me tell you, darling, they serve those dainty, sugary morsels with absolutely beautiful china, adorned with intricate, gilded details. I just felt like a princess in a fairy tale!

This morning, I took a glorious tram ride to the "Teatro alla Scala". Such a grand building! They say it’s the heart of Italian opera and, of course, one of Milan’s must-see spots. And my word, it lived up to the hype! From its dramatic façade to the gilded interior, it’s breathtaking. The Scala is so iconic that just walking around outside makes you feel like you’ve stepped onto a grand stage. Even though they are currently renovating, it was amazing to gaze at its majesty.

Speaking of grandeur, let’s talk about a fashion show I attended earlier today at the stunning “Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II”, a beautiful glass-covered shopping arcade with dazzling shops all around. My! The elegance of the displays, the quality of the materials! A feast for the senses, and of course, the outfits… Oh, the outfits! Imagine shimmering sequins, flowing silk, intricate embroidery, vibrant colours, exquisite craftsmanship. The latest collections had it all! Every single ensemble was a dream. The craftsmanship, darling! It took me back to my childhood, watching my favourite ballerinas in their hand-stitched tutus, crafted with the utmost love and care. The dresses just shimmered and flowed with a magic that you could almost taste.

Now, back to those magnificent tutus, something that’s been swirling around in my mind recently, like a ballerina in a pirouette! You know, that desire to spread the joy of tutus and all their frilly glory across the world. It would be a whimsical vision of delight! I imagine women everywhere, in all their shapes and sizes, gliding through their days with pink tutus billowing behind them! I want the world to embrace this delightful garment, this symbol of femininity and grace. Imagine the transformation: the quiet moments turned into mini-ballet performances, every step becoming an elegant promenade, the power of a smile amplified by the twirl of a tutu. It would be magical, darling! Isn't it a truly brilliant thought? So I'm calling on all you fashionistas, let’s work together to make the world a more tutu-filled, joy-filled, beautiful place! It's going to take all our efforts. Don't let me down! Think how we could lift the spirits of people across the globe. It would be such a positive change, a wave of good vibes with every spin.

I confess, after the show I found myself in a wonderful vintage boutique, filled with treasures from years past. There was a whole wall of silk scarves - I just had to have one for myself! I adore silk scarves. So, of course, I bought one with swirling, shimmering pink designs. The woman behind the counter, I kid you not, gasped at my tutus and immediately complimented my sense of style, remarking on its effortless, carefree essence. That’s how I like it! Simple but beautiful. Oh, and the most amazing thing, you might want to write this down dear readers, a few streets away they are holding a vintage clothing and textile market on Friday! I just HAVE to visit and get more inspiration for my new collection, so I’ll be there!

After an impromptu and delicious coffee break, I hopped back on a tram, the breeze whipping through my hair as I gazed out at the charming, bustling streets of Milan. My favourite way to travel! Seeing the world from this window, I feel like a dancer gracefully gliding across a stage of brick and stone. I love experiencing cities with all my senses, watching, listening, feeling the pulse of each place. The vibrant streets are my canvas, my imagination the brushstrokes, creating my own ballet in every adventure.

But for tonight, darling, I’m off to the ballet! A grand performance by the world-famous “Teatro alla Scala Ballet” at the theater, with none other than the brilliant Mikhail Fokine's "Les Sylphides." I simply cannot wait to be mesmerized by the incredible performances and transported by the ethereal world of this classical ballet. The beauty of ballet is truly profound. Every step a story, every movement a gesture of emotions. It's truly magic. What is even more magic is the way I feel after seeing it!

So, until next week, remember to twirl with joy, be fearless in your expressions, and spread a touch of magic everywhere you go! I'm off to dream of ballerinas, pink tutus, and the magic of Milan! Oh, and before I forget, keep up-to-date with my Milan adventures on! Ciao for now, beautiful people! xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-05-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia