Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-07-15 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post #1310 - Wednesday 15th July 2020

Ciao, darlings! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind tour of the glorious city of Milan. Oh, the sights, the sounds, the sunshine, the shopping... I think my little pink tutu heart almost burst with excitement!

This week's Pink Tutu Milan adventure is a special one - because let's face it, a trip to Milan isn't complete without a bit of ballet! And quelle surprise there's a fantastic double bill happening at the Teatro alla Scala tonight. Imagine: me, in my most fabulous pink tutu, sipping prosecco (it is Milan after all!) and witnessing some of the most exquisite ballet performances on the planet.

Oh, and before I even start talking about the show, I must tell you about my glorious journey getting here! Now, you all know I'm a sucker for a good tram ride. But my oh my, the trams in Milan are next level! I swear, they glide like graceful swans along the cobblestone streets, weaving through the throngs of chic Milanese locals like a choreographed dance! And the colours, oh the colours!

My heart absolutely skipped a beat when I saw the iconic red tram pulling up to the station, with its glittering silver trim and the warm Italian sunshine bathing its polished facade in a golden hue. You'd think it was straight out of a fairytale!

And then there was the journey itself. This magical little carriage whisked me away from the heart of the city, past grand cafes spilling onto cobblestone squares and shops bursting with gorgeous fashion finds, leaving me giddy with excitement.

See, the thing is, I think there's a reason why so many designers find inspiration in Milan. The streets themselves are an artful collage of vibrant textures, bold shapes, and luxurious colours. It's a fashion frenzy around every corner, a kaleidoscope of inspiration that bursts from every boutique, café, and even the trams!

But enough about the journey! I want to tell you about the reason for my Milanese adventures: the Ballet. The reason why I'm in this gorgeous, swirling pink tutu, my hair piled high in a perfect ballerina bun, a tiny silver ballet bag nestled under my arm... Well, it all boils down to my one true love - Dance. And Milan, my darling, you don't disappoint!

As I sashayed towards the Scala theatre, my little tutu twirling like a beacon of joy, I felt that familiar frisson of excitement running through me. This iconic theatre, steeped in history and beauty, was my destination. A haven for ballet lovers, and, let me tell you, it definitely lived up to its legendary status.

The grand facade, crafted with intricate sculptures and gleaming marble, gave me chills of awe, as if the theatre itself was silently whispering stories of past ballets and famous ballerinas.

As I stepped inside the theatre, the magic only intensified. The air vibrated with a tangible energy, a quiet anticipation from the excited crowd, buzzing with a collective passion for ballet. And the interior... a breathtaking combination of velvet and gold, with swirling ornate balconies reaching upwards like the majestic wings of a theatrical phoenix! My head spun as I marvelled at the exquisite detail of this architectural masterpiece.

And the performance itself? Ah, a dream come true! The opening act was "Romeo and Juliet," a tragic love story woven with exquisite movement and breathtaking technical artistry. The dancers were mesmerising, each gesture speaking volumes without uttering a single word. The costumes? Like shimmering dreams, perfectly flowing and elegant.

The music was sublime, a symphony of emotion playing out like a tangible representation of love, loss, and despair. At one point, as Romeo and Juliet danced their duet, I could have sworn the entire theatre held its breath, captivated by their graceful movements and the raw intensity of their story.

Then came the second act, "Giselle," a haunting tale of betrayal, love, and forgiveness, told through a series of enchanting scenes. The delicate choreography, the breathtaking costumes, the vibrant colours, all came together to paint a story of beauty and melancholy that resonated deeply with me.

I am simply glowing after witnessing this breathtaking display of ballet artistry. Every fiber of my being, from my heart to the very tip of my tiny pink ballet shoes, was singing in a chorus of praise and admiration!

Oh, and don't get me started on the sheer spectacle of it all! As I walked back through the bustling streets of Milan, my pink tutu still shimmering in the golden evening light, my heart brimmed with an undeniable sense of bliss. The magic of the evening felt like a whisper still dancing on the air, the perfect ending to a glorious day spent amongst beauty and grace.

But what would a day in Milan be without indulging in a bit of delightful shopping, right? After my theatrical feast, it was time to indulge in my other true love – the fabulous world of fashion! And I must say, Milan did not disappoint.

First stop was a charming little vintage shop nestled in the heart of a bustling market. The place was a treasure trove of beautiful, pre-loved finds, and I fell in love instantly! Amongst the piles of brightly-coloured scarves, sparkly hats, and velvet jackets, I spotted a shimmering silver belt that whispered to me in a sultry, vintage voice. I had to have it! It felt like it was meant to be paired with a pink tutu for the most charmingly elegant ballet street look!

My next shopping spree was a trip to the most incredible designer boutique, just a short walk from the theatre. You can imagine how delighted I was when I spotted the most fabulous, shimmery silver shoes – perfect for a ballerina looking to add a touch of glitz to her life! And, of course, I couldn't resist purchasing a stunning, silky lavender shawl that reminded me of the elegant ballet costumes I'd just witnessed.

Milan, my love, you are truly a symphony of sights and sounds, of fashion and culture, of beauty and grace.

This has been such an exciting and unforgettable Pink Tutu Milan adventure. But as the week unfolds, there's so much more to discover in this vibrant city, more stories to share and adventures to be had. So be sure to come back next Monday, for a new instalment of my Pink Tutu Milan adventures, featuring, oh, I don't know, maybe some scrumptious pasta? Or perhaps a trip to the legendary Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II? Who knows what awaits in the heart of Milan! Until then, my darling ballet bunnies, remember to twirl with joy, embrace the vibrant colours of life, and dare to wear a pink tutu - no matter where you are in the world!

A presto, Emma. xx

P.S. If you want to know what else is going on in Milan this week, here are a few highlights from my Milan itinerary:

  • Wednesday, July 15th: Teatro alla Scala Ballet Performance. I highly recommend you check out the schedule if you find yourself in Milan! You might find a breathtaking ballet performance waiting for you.

  • Thursday, July 16th: I'm planning on having lunch at Trattoria del Teatro. It's said to be a little gem hidden away near the Teatro alla Scala. I'm dying to try their traditional Milanese cuisine.

  • Friday, July 17th: I'll be heading to the Pinacoteca di Brera, a stunning art gallery filled with iconic works from Italian Masters. If you love art and want to see works by Caravaggio, Raphael, and Mantegna, then this is the place to be.

  • Saturday, July 18th: This Saturday, I'm planning a leisurely stroll through the breathtaking Sempione Park - a sprawling green haven in the heart of the city. It’s a great place to unwind and just soak up the Italian atmosphere.

  • Sunday, July 19th: The highlight of my Sunday is visiting the stunning Duomo, the iconic cathedral of Milan. Its majestic spires reach towards the sky, its intricate sculptures a testament to Italian craftsmanship, its soaring arches, a reminder of faith and beauty. I'm planning on enjoying a relaxing picnic in the shadow of this awe-inspiring masterpiece.

I hope my little itinerary helps you discover the charm and allure of this captivating city. If you have any suggestions for where to eat, see, or visit, I’m all ears! Let's make this week the most delightful, pink-tutu-filled Milan adventure yet!

A presto, Emma. xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-07-15 ballet blog from Milano Italia