Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-07-08 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Ciao Bella! #1309

Buongiorno, darling! Emma here, your resident pink tutu ambassador, back from the City of Fashion with another week’s worth of Milan magic. As I’ve said before, I’m truly blessed to live this life, gallivanting across the globe, my tulle twirling with the very essence of artistry and fashion. And Milan, darling, it just understands pink tutus. Oh, they get it, they get it so well!

This week, I’ve been buzzing around like a bee in a bloom of pink roses – that’s me in a nutshell, really! I think I must be channeling Audrey Hepburn on her Italian adventures, but with more sequins, naturally. So grab your espresso and a croissant, and let’s dive into a week filled with pink, sparkle, and the sheer joy of the art form that fills my heart: ballet!

Monday Morning Milan: Train Travel & A Twirling Tea Time

This Monday, I began with a truly magical journey. The early morning sun glinted off the Duomo as I hopped aboard a train in my signature pink tulle and a matching oversized blush cashmere sweater (a bit more wintery than my usual, but oh so chic!), headed to Lake Como. I’d heard tales of its picturesque beauty and thought it the perfect setting to soak in the inspiration for my next post. My secret? I always carry a compact mirror for perfecting that perfectly-pink, 'I’m a ballerina on the go' look – you’ve got to be prepared for any flash photograph, even on public transport!

Upon arrival at Lake Como, I decided a leisurely stroll through the cobblestone streets, interspersed with a couple of 'twinning' photos with the gorgeous buildings, would be the perfect start to my day. Oh, and a mandatory cappuccino break at a quaint little cafe – no ballet class without some fuel, darlings!

Tuesday: Fashionistas & Flying Feathers

After a satisfyingly indulgent breakfast of fluffy pancakes and a stack of brightly coloured macarons (a girl's got to keep up with all the swirling around!), it was off to meet up with an old friend, Valentina. She's a fabulous fashion blogger in Milan and one of the coolest ladies I know! She understands that pink tutus are not just for ballet studios – they are an art form, a way of life! We spent the day browsing through some of Milan's most iconic boutiques, hunting down the perfect vintage tutu for her next post (you see, we all need our fix of sparkly magic!), and it was such a fun day just chatting, shopping, and feeling like true fashionistas.

Later that night, I felt a touch of drama in my soul, so I treated myself to the most incredible ballet performance. Teatro alla Scala is something truly magical, especially when it features the breathtaking grace and passion of the étoile dancers, their costumes simply exquisite! Their elegance was simply intoxicating. It truly put me in a pink tutu mindset, my feet itching for the stage!

Wednesday: A Walk on the Wild Side with "PinkTutu"

I am not one for clichés, but a good Wednesday means only one thing: ballet class, darling! The local studio I've found is delightful, a small but incredibly friendly space that resonates with the passionate energy of so many talented dancers. Today was a real treat as the studio offered a workshop on ballet street. You can call me “PinkTutu” – because on that stage I let loose my inner diva with street-inspired moves. I may be wearing pink, but we're definitely going to inject some edgy style into those elegant steps!

Thursday: An Aperitivo Adventure & a Street Side Serendipity

I’ve become rather fond of the Milanese aperitivo, don’t you think? Every Thursday, a charming little trattoria, a mere stone's throw from my hotel, serves the most scrumptious nibbles alongside your favourite cocktail (this week, I opted for a refreshing raspberry spritzer, naturally pink). You really get to experience the warmth of the Milanese culture in these charming little havens. It’s amazing how the locals manage to keep their elegance and composure as they casually chat away. The trick is to have a good chat while perfecting your posture with just a hint of elegant poise!

But this day was special, darlings! While savouring the delicious bites and chatting with the locals, my eye was caught by the most magnificent vintage jewellery stall just across the cobblestone road. This is my weakness, and I simply couldn't resist! One glorious ruby ring later (it just screamed ‘Pink Tutu!’), my mood was utterly elevated – I believe I even threw in a celebratory twirl right there on the street. It was as if the Universe wanted me to know just how much it was enjoying my adventures!

Friday: From Fashion To Food & Finding My Inner Foodie

If there's one thing better than pink tutus, darling, it's the delicious, oh-so-delicious Italian food scene. Today, I set off on a quest to try the best traditional Milanese pasta. I stumbled upon a tiny, unassuming cafe with checkered tablecloths and a warm, inviting atmosphere, the kind of place that makes you want to relax and soak up the local ambiance. And, darling, let me tell you, that was one divine plate of tortelli! You wouldn’t believe how perfectly seasoned those tiny parcels of goodness were. It felt like I’d stepped right into a classic Italian movie, complete with a warm smile and a heartfelt "buon appetito!"

Saturday: Ballet Beneath the Tuscan Sun

It’s all very well being in the City of Fashion, but sometimes I need to immerse myself in the heart of the Tuscan countryside, feel the sun warm my face, the smell of earth on my nose, and the silence of nature calming my soul. A lovely little ballet festival was in town, the sort of place where ballet enthusiasts gather under the Italian sky. The ballet troupe had just a handful of performers, yet their artistry, passion, and heartfelt performance, touched me deeply. There’s something about a shared passion under an open sky that simply resonates. My feet tingled with the urge to join in – oh, to perform under that vibrant sky, wearing my signature pink tutu, in that incredible natural light!

Sunday: Reflecting On The Week & Finding the Perfect Gift

Every journey, darlings, even those filled with tutus and gelato, must come to an end. I have so many memories and stories to share, my notebook filled with scribbles of my experiences – a treasure trove of inspiration for future posts!

Before packing up my pink tutu suitcase (a must-have for every travelling ballerina), I decided to visit one last shop – a little artisan boutique tucked away in a back street. My mission? To find the perfect souvenir. I wanted to find a piece that captured the essence of Milan, something beautiful, elegant, and timeless, a piece to cherish, just as I treasure my pink tutu. After much deliberation, I fell in love with a dainty porcelain ballerina doll wearing a graceful, powder-pink gown.

As I sat with my final cup of espresso (the first step in a girl's preparation for a train journey back home!), I held the ballerina close. It feels symbolic, somehow – just as she was crafted with love and care, so too is my own journey, every step I take in my pink tutu. Every encounter, every twirl, every moment filled with grace, laughter, and passion, is a treasure to be cherished and shared.

So, darling, as I sign off from Milan this week, I leave you with this: Embrace your inner ballerina, let your creativity twirl freely, and never forget that a pink tutu is an expression of confidence and joy. Because life, dear readers, is too short to wear anything less than beautiful!

Stay twirling!

Love, Emma

P.S. Keep an eye on the blog, my lovelies. This week I’ll be sharing some of the top fashion boutiques in Milan, those hidden gems that make the city truly fabulous. Until next time, happy dancing!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-07-08 ballet blog from Milano Italia